Texts in English

31.01.2009 Mission Statement
31.01.2009 Editorial guidelines
23.02.2009 VIDEO Israelis shoot palestinian farmer
25.02.2009 NATO summit 2009: A democracy free zone
25.02.2009 Thousands of Germans to join 52-km chain of light against nuclear power
26.02.2009 Informational evening for the antimilitarist Convergence Center in Freiburg
26.02.2009 15,000 demonstrated against nuclear power in Germany with 52 kilometres of light
28.02.2009 More Indonesian rainforest to be razed for EU palm oil
03.03.2009 Sign for an independent commission into Bush’s War on Terror
05.03.2009 International Womens Day - M8 09
07.03.2009 linksunten.indymedia.org on Drupal 6.9
09.03.2009 Nigerian villagers to starve, fall ill, for French tires
09.03.2009 Brine also seeping into Gorleben salt
11.03.2009 Videoclip: Block NATO 2009 - public action training
13.03.2009 Rejected proposal to create more jobs
14.03.2009 Publish Content
15.03.2009 Right to Stay Now! A Documentary
15.03.2009 Squat in Graz, Grabenstraße
22.03.2009 Support your local IMC
25.03.2009 LEGAL TEAM during the NATO-summit
26.03.2009 This is what democracy looks like
26.03.2009 Make NATO History!
26.03.2009 Call for Summer of Resistance 2009
26.03.2009 Infosheet with Useful Info for the NATO Protest
27.03.2009 Verfassungschutz (Intelligence service) attempts to recruit activists prior to Strasbourg protests
27.03.2009 Karlsbad: Protest against speech of Schäuble, minister of interior
27.03.2009 Press Release of the Freiburg Anti-NATO Plenum
27.03.2009 NATO-Summit: A faillure while recruiting 3 new members of the Federal Office of Homeland and Constitution Security
27.03.2009 G20 Summit Hits London ...
27.03.2009 indy deux rives 2009//02 - english
27.03.2009 NATO: After 60 Years, Out of Area - or Out of Business?
28.03.2009 Day Three of the Convergence Centre
28.03.2009 Sabotage the NATO Summit
30.03.2009 European neofascist march on Milan
30.03.2009 NATO-ZU (Ziviler Ungehorsam) - updates und newsletter 3
30.03.2009 Make Militarism History!
01.04.2009 Further Conflicts at the Border
01.04.2009 Repression began with the kitchen - Freedom ended up in the garbage
01.04.2009 Antimilitarist Demonstration in Freiburg
01.04.2009 Police harassment at the Anti-NATO Camp
01.04.2009 Nato Game Over 2009: Peace Activists close NATO Headquarter in Brussels
01.04.2009 Video: Make Militarism History - Anti-NATO Auftaktdemo in Freiburg
01.04.2009 Video: Make Militarism History - Anti-NATO Auftaktdemo in Freiburg
02.04.2009 Statement Indy UK: Protester dies during protest against G20
02.04.2009 Funding appeal for film to show Chinese there's shark in shark fin soup
02.04.2009 Camp Press Release Regarding the Border Restrictions and Provocation
02.04.2009 Border Ban for Anti-NATO protesters
02.04.2009 Police are simulating departure bans
02.04.2009 Veterans of the War on Terror to protest in Strasbourg with support from American expatriates
03.04.2009 strasbourg - anti-repression demo on 2.4.
03.04.2009 Block Baden-Baden with liveupdates
03.04.2009 (A) Book & Video Fair of Caracas
03.04.2009 Police gives restraining orders (Platzverweise) for entire Baden-Baden
03.04.2009 Paint Attack on DHL Offices in Mannheim
03.04.2009 Pictures from Strasbourg vom 03.04.2009
04.04.2009 Escalation at the camp in the afternoon
04.04.2009 Refusal of media access for journalists from Berlin
04.04.2009 indy deux rives 2009//08 - english
04.04.2009 Mobile D.I.Y.-Kitchen 'Le Sabot' denied entry at border - witeness statement of a cook
04.04.2009 Police in Strasbourg: “You want to break us? We will break you.”
05.04.2009 Police 'assaulted' bystander who died during G20 protests
05.04.2009 Witnesses Statement: Death at G20
07.04.2009 G20 police assault on Ian Tomlinson: Video reveals G20 police assault on man who died
08.04.2009 Police partout, Justice nulle part! [Police everywhere, justice nowhere]
08.04.2009 Solidarity with the Defendants of Strasbourg!
08.04.2009 Venezuela: The People’s Struggle is the Best Response to the Crisis!
09.04.2009 (Photo)Report from the other side: Ostermarsch in Kehl
09.04.2009 No peace with NATO!
10.04.2009 Zurich: Sans-Papiers protest for Identity Papers
10.04.2009 Strasbourg - north blockade
12.04.2009 German-style feed-in system to promote clean energies coming to Western Australia
12.04.2009 Fascism and racism in Denmark and Sweden
14.04.2009 Mass Arrest of 114 Climate Activists in Raid (UK)
16.04.2009 "I Couldn't Deny It Anymore"
16.04.2009 “How sorry I am for the violence that my Army has done…”
16.04.2009 Several nuclear waste transports through Germany likely next year
17.04.2009 Ingredients for a disaster: NATO, Strasbourg and the Black Block
18.04.2009 No Border Camp Calais
19.04.2009 Ian Tomlinson starb an inneren Blutungen und nicht an einem Herzinfarkt
20.04.2009 Communiqué of the Convergence-Centre Freiburg from the 14. of April 2009
21.04.2009 No Nazis on 1 May!
24.04.2009 After Strasbourg: Regarding the handling of violence within your own ranks
24.04.2009 Matthis Chiroux about hearing April 21st, his apology re: sexism in the military and war crimes
24.04.2009 Video of John Demjanjuk shows him walking without assistance
24.04.2009 How Europe and Canada Could Help Us!
24.04.2009 Rowdy protesters target nuclear meeting in Sydney
25.04.2009 Call out for a No Border Camp in Calais (France) 23-29 june 2009
26.04.2009 Tell the world in English about the Nazis
26.04.2009 1,000 at anti-nuclear demo in Münster
29.04.2009 1,250 tonnes of depleted uranium railed through densely populated Germany - to France?
29.04.2009 Venezuela: El Libertario warns of possible sentence to the 14 SIDOR workers
30.04.2009 Active solidarity with Amadeu Casellas
05.05.2009 Social Festival of Antifascist Culture
08.05.2009 Beat the Fascists wherever you meet them!
10.05.2009 Do Indy Yourself
12.05.2009 Police attacks Immigrants in El Ejido, Spain
12.05.2009 The ticker on linksunten
16.05.2009 NATO summit in Almería/Spain cancelled
16.05.2009 Africans report hideous working conditions in uranium mines
21.05.2009 Lebanon: Growing discontent in Nahr al-Bared
28.05.2009 British social workers for Australian Aboriginal communities?
28.05.2009 Nickos Koundardas on Hunger and Thirst Strike demanding his freedom
30.05.2009 Protesters raid illegal nuclear waste dump at Gorleben
01.06.2009 Dead person in Biel, Switzerland
10.06.2009 Anti-nuclear bus to tour Germany, neighbours
11.06.2009 Lebanon: Short film from the destroyed Nahr al-Bared Camp
12.06.2009 Lebanon: No Work in Nahr al-Bared
14.06.2009 Déclaration du Parti Communiste-ouvrier d'Iran
20.06.2009 Australian Aborigines publish a long list of complaints and demands
20.06.2009 "No more new nukes" says German minister - as clapped-out reactor goes back online
20.06.2009 Nuclear renaissance hits trouble
21.06.2009 German environment minister: “A pack of lies from the nuclear industry”
24.06.2009 France: Gay Iranian risks deportation
24.06.2009 Sign petition calling on ALL governments to condemn the crackdown in Iran
24.06.2009 Interview with El Libertario (Venezuela – June 2009)
24.06.2009 Lebanon: Short film on the siege of Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp
25.06.2009 Lebanon: Nahr al-Bared's forgotten 'Prime Areas'
26.06.2009 And yes: we "have had the heart" to protest against the leaders of the earth!
26.06.2009 Pictures from Calais, 26.06.2009
26.06.2009 Police provocations at the No Border camp
26.06.2009 We are students, we want the impossible! See you in l'Aquila
27.06.2009 Bewegung im Iran - progressiv oder imperialistische Verschwörung?
27.06.2009 WHO official admits farm biosafety rules are dominated by the industrial meat lobby
28.06.2009 fbi/cia illegal funding of their global crime spree
29.06.2009 After Calais Noborder Camp - What's Next?
30.06.2009 Iran - help break the blackout
02.07.2009 Zhibin Gu: is China a socialist nation? (5 parts)
06.07.2009 Site of a planned coal power plant in Mainz squatted
07.07.2009 Defeat Capitalism - Callout for an anticapitalist anti-G8 demonstration in Freiburg
08.07.2009 Update: Support and Stay Tuned: Struggle Continues Against Armed Border Guards in Akwesasne
09.07.2009 Video: Free all prisoners! graswurzel.tv aus Italien
11.07.2009 Polish wind energy conference calls for papers
11.07.2009 Summer school on energy and climate for young people in Netherlands
15.07.2009 Message to the women of Iran
17.07.2009 Burn the War Machines
19.07.2009 Iran: Khamenei must be prosecuted for crimes against humanity!
24.07.2009 Destruction of Calais migrant camps planned next week
25.07.2009 Venezuela: El Libertario warns of possible sentence to the 14 Sidor workers
29.07.2009 Support our troops in Afghanistan: buy more heroin!
31.07.2009 A Vestas worker speaks about the struggle
03.08.2009 New Media-Lights for the North of England
03.08.2009 Repression has no place in our boat…
06.08.2009 Merkel has known for 13 years that nuclear dump is dangerous
07.08.2009 Australian Aboriginal man cooked to death in a prison van
08.08.2009 Revenge decision to make Gorleben the permanent German nuclear dump
09.08.2009 Antipsychiatrie in den USA
10.08.2009 Reclaim the Fields
11.08.2009 After we have burnt everything...
16.08.2009 Australian water companies' link to Israeli company stealing West Bank water
16.08.2009 Every Deportation a Scandal!
17.08.2009 Australia gets bad rap to UN rapporteur over Aborigines
19.08.2009 Corroboree revival in Moree
29.08.2009 Barcelone: forced repatriation of 120 Algerian boat people
30.08.2009 UN rapporteur trenchantly criticises Australia over Aborigines
31.08.2009 Nuclear waste dump in central Hamburg?
31.08.2009 Lesvos: Action at Pagani continues - URGENT SUPPORT NEEDED
31.08.2009 Camp in Ranua Set Up to Monitor Areva's Mining Activities
01.09.2009 Up to 200 vehicles in nuclear protest trek to Berlin
06.09.2009 50,000 demonstrated in Berlin against nuclear power
08.09.2009 100 good reasons against nuclear power
10.09.2009 German Nuclear Scandal is 'Hair-Raising and Unforgivable'
12.09.2009 BP's sugar cane climate vandalism in Brazil - your signature wanted!
21.09.2009 Graphic Gallery
22.09.2009 Carlos, 1 year without you, 1 year with you
23.09.2009 Wetteraukreis: NPD posters confiscated
24.09.2009 Lebanon: Nahr al-Bared's reconstruction in limbo
25.09.2009 2,632 events in 134 countries in climate wake-up call
28.09.2009 Greens vow to oppose U-turn on German nuclear phaseout
30.09.2009 Austrian firm involved in Tasmanian forest vandalism
02.10.2009 Melbourne Anarchist Resource Centre attacked by neo-Nazis
07.10.2009 Is the German renewable energy industry in jeopardy?
11.10.2009 Anti-fascist demonstration in Sydney, Australia
13.10.2009 Costa Rica: Popular March, For Dignity in the South
13.10.2009 Renewable energy could power the world
15.10.2009 Racial Discrimination Act to be restored for Australian Aborigines
16.10.2009 Venezuela: Demarcation without land, criminalization and death for indigenous struggle
21.10.2009 Join more than 4,000 extraordinary climate actions across nearly every country
26.10.2009 Muslims Targeted in the Name of Minarets
03.11.2009 Venezuela: The error of being Lusbi Portillo
15.11.2009 "Caol kills" protest disrupts party conference in Australia
21.11.2009 “Third world scenes” among Australian Aborigines
25.11.2009 Refugees Remain Sceptical of Nahr al-Bared Reconstruction
28.11.2009 Venezuela: Anti-police impunity activist assassinated
29.11.2009 Cop15 Climate Conference: System Change, Not Climate Change
29.11.2009 COP15: Call for translations
30.11.2009 Aboriginal living conditions 'fifth world'
04.12.2009 First Stop of the "Climate-Justice Caravan (east) to the COP 15 summit
09.12.2009 Another Police Raid on Climate Campaigners
10.12.2009 Gr: Financial aid for the arrested of RESALTO social center.
11.12.2009 If you need help… in Copenhagen!
13.12.2009 Voices from the streets of Copenhagen
14.12.2009 Set them free! Hamburg comrade in jail in Copenhagen
18.12.2009 [Freiburg] Soli-Demo "Against the Copenhagen Detention Climate"
18.12.2009 Hope fades on Copenhagen - Climate justice movement grows!
27.12.2009 Violent clashes and riots in Teheran
30.12.2009 Lebanon: Rebellious rhymes from a destroyed refugee camp
03.01.2010 Aboriginal struggle like those in China and Iran
04.01.2010 Detained Protesters Threatened with Execution
08.01.2010 “Australians no longer need to hide their racism”
09.01.2010 Switzerland: Police Smash School for Undocumented Migrants
12.01.2010 New information on the case of Tobias
13.01.2010 “The Cuban Five” on America’s Rooftop
14.01.2010 Australia: “Overwhelming interest in Aboriginal summit”
17.01.2010 UN report paints grim picture of conditions of world’s indigenous peoples
17.01.2010 The Curse of Gorleben - Germany's Endless Search for a Nuclear Waste Dump
18.01.2010 Lebanon: New Lebanese security approach rejected by Palestinians
18.01.2010 Lebanon: Nahr al-Bared's economic recovery hampered by military siege
23.01.2010 Greek revolt (update 23/01/10)
24.01.2010 Jerusalem is starting to resemble Tehran
25.01.2010 Germany's nuclear waste removal decision
29.01.2010 Three obituaries for US-historion Howard Zinn
30.01.2010 Greek Revolt (Update 28-29-30 January 2010)
31.01.2010 Greek Revolt (Update 31st January 2010)
01.02.2010 Israel: "Yes, we used white phosphorus bombs."
02.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Updates of 1st & 2nd February 2010)
03.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Update of 3rd February 2010)
04.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Update 4th February 2010)
05.02.2010 Greek Revolt (5th February 2010)
06.02.2010 News from occupied Palestine (6th February 2010)
06.02.2010 Australian Aborigines held a rebellious summit
07.02.2010 Greek Revolt (6th and 7th February 2010)
08.02.2010 Greek revolt (8th February 2010)
10.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Update 9th & 10th February 2010)
10.02.2010 News from occupied Palestine (10th February 2010)
11.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Update 11th February 2010)
13.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Update 12th & 13th February 2010)
16.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Updates of 14th - 15th - 16th February 2010)
18.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Update 17th & 18th February 2010)
20.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Update 19th & 20th February 2010)
21.02.2010 Solidarity demonstration for FAU-Berlin
22.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Update 21st & 22nd February 2010)
23.02.2010 Heckler & Koch Nottingham shut down for a day
23.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Update 23rd February 2010)
23.02.2010 The Freiburg Programme
24.02.2010 Greek Revolt (Wednesday 24th February 2010)
24.02.2010 Bonn to host extra U.N. climate talks, treaty unsure
27.02.2010 Greek Revolt (25th, 26th, 27th February 2010)
01.03.2010 Greek Revolt (28th February, 1st March 2010)
02.03.2010 Greek Revolt (2nd March 2010)
04.03.2010 Greek Revolt (3rd & 4th March 2010)
06.03.2010 Greek Revolt (5th & 6th March 2010)
08.03.2010 Greek Revolt (7th & 8th March 2010) en, de
10.03.2010 Greek Revolt (9th & 10th March 2010) en, de
10.03.2010 Long battles erupt in Athens protest march
11.03.2010 Greek Revolt (11th March 2010) General Strike - en, de
12.03.2010 Lebanon: Nahr al-Bared camp still far from being rebuilt
12.03.2010 Manifestation for access to land and food autonomy
15.03.2010 Lebanon: Checkpoints and more (Film)
15.03.2010 Greek Revolt (12th, 13th, 14th & 15th March 2010)
17.03.2010 150 German towns want nuclear power ended
19.03.2010 Greek Revolt (16th, 17th, 18th & 19th March 2010)
21.03.2010 Greek Revolt: (20th and 21st of March 2010) en / de
21.03.2010 Spontaneous Demo in Freiburg: Out with the Winter, Bring on the Spring!
22.03.2010 Nazi Group Plans National Concert in Enzkreis
24.03.2010 Why is there popular protest in Venezuela?
24.03.2010 Preventing the State’s infiltration of social movements
27.03.2010 Greek Revolt, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th of March 2010
31.03.2010 Greek Revolt, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st March 2010
01.04.2010 Helsinki: Action against Stora Enso
03.04.2010 Switzerland: Calls to End Forced Deportations Follow Custodial Death
03.04.2010 The order has already been executed
04.04.2010 The CPT plans new torture-concealment visits
04.04.2010 Australia: Look different and risk being assaulted
04.04.2010 Fat rats skew research results
08.04.2010 Bulgaria puts nuclear plant project on ice
08.04.2010 Censorship doesn’t happen, but it works
10.04.2010 Relocation to Iceland
10.04.2010 »We found a provider in Iceland«
14.04.2010 a kind invitation for holidays from the "greek" revolution
15.04.2010 Declaration of solidarity with Indymedia Costa Rica
26.04.2010 Anti-nuclear protests – "We will be wherever they don't want us to be"
30.04.2010 Berlin-Freehain: Social Center "Zielona Gora" got caged by police inside the area for the traditional street-fest on Boxhagener Square
04.05.2010 Vienna: Stop Deportation on the 4th and 5th of May 2010!
04.05.2010 Athens: Teachers break inside state’s TV-station
05.05.2010 "Greek Revolt", 5th of May 2010: An employee of the burnt bank speaks out on tonight's tragic deaths in Athens - please spread
07.05.2010 Finland: Olkiluoto Blockade
09.05.2010 State terror in Exarcheia
09.05.2010 Anarchy is struggle for life, not death
17.05.2010 Australian coal mine defeated by thoroughbred industry
19.05.2010 New research questions spending restrictions on Australian Aborigines
20.05.2010 Frankfurt Athens: One crisis, one struggle
20.05.2010 Switzerland: Short film on Zurich's Autonomous School
03.06.2010 Latest news about the israelian murderous attack
05.06.2010 More than just a massacre
08.06.2010 US Food and Drugs administration finds lead in lipsticks
14.06.2010 international squatters-gathering in barcelona
15.06.2010 Protest targets Italian government over Ethiopian dam disaster
16.06.2010 Will Afghanistan’s mineral wealth bring the nation's rebirth?
18.06.2010 Anarchist super-market action in Thessaloniki
18.06.2010 Its a Shame!
20.06.2010 Stop Nuclear Power! Baltic Sea Infotour
21.06.2010 Anti-Nuclear Bike Tour from Turku to Mariehamn
25.06.2010 North Korea seeks $75 trillion in compensation
25.06.2010 Nuclear Shadow on Aland
26.06.2010 G20 Proteste: "Justice for Our Communities"
30.06.2010 Switzerland: Video on Undocumented Occupation
01.07.2010 No Border Camp Brüssel, Intersquat-Festival Berlin
01.07.2010 Thessaloniki, Greece: the first self-organised restaurant has arrived
04.07.2010 Analysts see progress on Palestinian rights issue
20.07.2010 MAD PRIDE in Toronto newspaper
25.07.2010 Atomic Death in Riga
28.07.2010 Australia 'a crime scene' since white invasion
30.07.2010 Anti-nuclear Stop in Lithuania
30.07.2010 Anti-nuclear Stop in St. Petersburg
10.08.2010 Tonino Libero! - you'll never walk alone.
15.08.2010 Nuclear debate heats up in Germany over new tax and plant lifespans
23.08.2010 The latest state in (the restaurant) Banquet
27.08.2010 Protest against the informal EU Defence Summit 2010
29.08.2010 Clashes at UK far-right demo
02.09.2010 No Border Camp in Brüssel 25.09.- 03.10. 2010
02.09.2010 The people create thousands of solutions to confront climate change!
02.09.2010 25 of September: Dam-Sleep-Out-Action in A'dam - Kraakverbod from 1st of October!
09.09.2010 My name is Australia and I'm an alcoholic
15.09.2010 Bxl: Last Info for the "No Border Camp"
18.09.2010 program for no border camp brussels
19.09.2010 Angst over absence of action in Aboriginal affairs
19.09.2010 Huge protest gathers in Berlin against government's nuclear power policy
29.09.2010 Call out for demonstration against squatting ban The Netherlands
30.09.2010 The Netherlands: Squatting prohibition
05.10.2010 Moskauer AnarchistInnen blockieren die Autobahn nach Minsk
07.10.2010 Report of actions during the No Border Brussels
08.10.2010 Documenting Workshop: Grassroots Media in a European Context
16.10.2010 Clean energy hero dies
16.10.2010 German anti-nuclear activists to cripple railway line
19.10.2010 Maxim Solopnov unter Auflagen aus der Haft entlassen
22.10.2010 European Climate Justice Assembly: Brussels, 26th – 29th November 2010
23.10.2010 10 to 20 thousand demonstrated across Germany against nuclear waste transportation
25.10.2010 Russia turns into international nuclear waste dump. Does it want to destroy itself?
26.10.2010 Brussels keen for EU states to bury nuclear waste
04.11.2010 Against any repressions.
04.11.2010 castorticker.de 2010 [en]
07.11.2010 Video: Successful CASTOR blockade at Franco-German border, waste train had to detour
07.11.2010 Police raid: shoot a thousand to hit none!
08.11.2010 CASTOR railbed hollowed in places
08.11.2010 You’re needed in Wendland NOW!
08.11.2010 Video: cold sit-in-night on the castorrailway
10.11.2010 My first CASTOR – "Everything I hate about this country and this system"
10.11.2010 Gr: Call for Solidarity to imprisoned anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis
11.11.2010 50,000 opposed German nuke waste transportation
15.11.2010 "Australians have an irrational fear of enforceable human rights"
15.11.2010 1,000 German spent fuel rods to add to Russian contamination pain - your signature requested
16.11.2010 "Space For Movement? Reflections from Bolivia on climate justice, social movements and the state"
21.11.2010 Film: In Oaxaca nothing happens?
21.11.2010 Berlin breaks German law to dump nuclear waste in Russia
22.11.2010 How the CIA Steals Money From Taxpayers
22.11.2010 Thousands expected to protest against nuclear waste delivery to Baltic Coast resort
23.11.2010 updates to the squatting ban in the netherlands
24.11.2010 A/I’s Norwegian crackdown in a nutshell
25.11.2010 COP15: Climate spokespersons sentenced guilty: This is a giant defeat for democracy
28.11.2010 Announcement No4 of "Sect of Revolutionaries"
29.11.2010 The Power of an Induced Sense of Betrayal
04.12.2010 Romantisches Auschwitz? Die nationalistische Haute-Volée der Ukraine übt durchzugreifen
04.12.2010 Enough protest puff for two simultaneous nuclear waste transports?
05.12.2010 Weapons from the hiding places are clean
05.12.2010 Swoop on terrorist hideouts reveals arms caches, nine arrested
05.12.2010 Iceland to elect citizens' panel to rewrite constitution
07.12.2010 Don't shoot messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths
08.12.2010 [NL] Anti-Pelz-Demo Maastricht
09.12.2010 Actiondays against the french-german summit in Freiburg on december 10th
09.12.2010 A Letter from Anonymous
10.12.2010 Avanti Indy linksunten
14.12.2010 Activists Denied Entry to France
14.12.2010 Prisoners' struggle in Greece
16.12.2010 Authorities breach basic rights to enforce German nuclear transport
17.12.2010 A community fights on against the invasion of the bulldozer empire....
17.12.2010 A Message from Anonymous.
18.12.2010 The Case "Simon Brenner"
27.12.2010 Bank of America steht vor DDoS Angriff
27.12.2010 Escalation of informer recruitment tactics by the Verfassungsschutz (German intelligence service)
28.12.2010 Communique of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire - 14 incendiary devices and 2 arrested members
28.12.2010 Gr: Announcement from the 3 imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle organisation about the attacks at Rome.
31.12.2010 Coolers
02.01.2011 “If someone today wants to open a profitable business, they should make guillotines”.
03.01.2011 Mexico – Communiqué for prisoners in Greece
05.01.2011 Gr: A pig from DIAS team killed a 6 year old Rom girl
06.01.2011 In solidarity and support for the EZLN, the zapatista communities, and the other campaign (La Otra Campana)
06.01.2011 2010 was the year of the anti-nuclear movement in Germany
06.01.2011 Top Ten China Mass Protests of 2010 革命
06.01.2011 Hands-on action needed more than ever to stop nuclear power in Germany
06.01.2011 Algerian Revolt 6th January 2011
07.01.2011 Dioxin scare closes 4,709 German farms
07.01.2011 Gr: Banks' Squatting Symbolic Action (Wednesday 5th of January 2011)
08.01.2011 Victory for the Revolt of Hungry People in Algeria.
09.01.2011 Gr: Letters from Τortured Prisoners, Letter from G. Tsakalos, Two last Communiques of CCF, Cops kidnap a Syndicalist.
10.01.2011 Solidarity with the Struggling People in West Papua
11.01.2011 Tunisian Revolt: The Barbarity of the Tunisian Police - Video
12.01.2011 Gr: Solidarity to the Political Prisoners (text from Action for Liberty)
13.01.2011 2nd Undercover Cop Exposed in the UK: "Lyn Watson"
14.01.2011 The Case Simon Bromma
14.01.2011 Greece: International call for solidarity by three political prisoners
14.01.2011 Gr: Heavy Accusations for three Felony Actions to the five Arrested People.
15.01.2011 Tunisian Revolt - URGENT!
15.01.2011 Song for Bradley Manning
15.01.2011 Actioninfopoint: Information around the clock
15.01.2011 News about Mark „Stone“ Kennedy
15.01.2011 Gr: Open letter by Philip and Pepe Mayer
16.01.2011 Out of Afghanistan
16.01.2011 Il: Antifascist Demonstration in Tel Aviv.
16.01.2011 Undercover police officer says he fears for his life
16.01.2011 Gr: Pan-Hellenic Hunger Strike of Refugees.
16.01.2011 I am in fear for my life: Undercover policeman tells the amazing story of his eight years with eco-warriors... and his life on the run
16.01.2011 Gr: 2nd Letter of Giannis Skouloudis from Avlona prisons, Letters from Prisoners about Nadir Case.
17.01.2011 2,200 demonstrated against plutonium shipments
17.01.2011 German/Swedish agents or hunters (?) arrested Tunisian revolt 2011 - Video
18.01.2011 Support Jonathan Pollak, imprisoned Israeli anarchist
19.01.2011 100 leftist accounts hacked
22.01.2011 German consumers scared, farmers battered by dioxin in animal feed
22.01.2011 Air plane forced to return to Paris to stop deportation
22.01.2011 Gr: 1st Day of Trial about CCF Case, Letter from Fee Marie Meyer, Communique of Guerilla Formation - Lambros Fountas.
22.01.2011 Open letter by Fee Marie Meyer on her recent arrest by the anti-terrorist unit
22.01.2011 Anti-terrorist arrest in France
24.01.2011 More Time, More Money and More Resources
25.01.2011 Same shit, different year – Crash the WKR-Ball!
25.01.2011 Gr: Letters from Political Prisoners, etc
25.01.2011 Apello Genova 2001 – Genova 2011
26.01.2011 New anti-terrorism arrests in Paris
27.01.2011 !!! Breaking News: New Revolt in Suez - Aegypt (following the last days' Revolt against dictator Mubarak)
27.01.2011 Gr: CCF Case Trial, Text from the Defendants
27.01.2011 Mark Kennedy infiltrated German anti-fascists, Bundestag told
29.01.2011 No health risks from dioxin in foods, says German government agency
29.01.2011 Norwegian super stars
30.01.2011 Statement on Refugee Self Organization in Lagers by Rex Osa “Refugees have a Voice”
30.01.2011 New short film: "Deterred, but still around"
30.01.2011 “You're in charge but don't touch the controls.”
31.01.2011 NATO backing up the Kossovarian Mafia - pdf
31.01.2011 Egypt: Protesters give army deadline to choose sides
02.02.2011 New protest mobilising against more nuclear waste to Lubmin
03.02.2011 Interview with an Activist at Tahrir Square in Cairo
04.02.2011 Interview with an Egyptian Protester
06.02.2011 300 in warm-up for anti-nuclear waste delivery protest
06.02.2011 Gr: Announcement of the Defendants in the Case of the R.O. Conspiracy Cells of Fire 3/2/2011
06.02.2011 Protest succeeds: Sumatran farmers free, palm oil giant in trouble
07.02.2011 Chomsky zu Mubarak, Nahost, usw. (Feb. 2011)
08.02.2011 Russian Anti-fascist prisoner Rinat Sultanov needs your support!
10.02.2011 Chronicles of a revolution: A protester's first-hand account
11.02.2011 Social media shaping political events
15.02.2011 Update from the Streets of Cairo
15.02.2011 Revealed: how energy firms spy on environmental activists
17.02.2011 Egypt: Free at last, the inside look
18.02.2011 1st of March Transnational Migrant Strike Day - Viennese Call
18.02.2011 Activists injured in nuclear waste train blockades overnight
18.02.2011 Statement von David Rovics über Antideutsche
18.02.2011 Nuclear waste train ran 934 km through Germany
18.02.2011 Letter from prison by the anarchist Fee Marie Meyer, 18.2.2011
22.02.2011 International solidarity week with the arabic insurrection and all the prisoners
23.02.2011 Solidaritätsaufruf für russische Anarchisten!
24.02.2011 Dresden: 20,000 anti-fascists against Nazis
24.02.2011 Attacks against Rabobank in Utrecht, by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Dutch Cell
24.02.2011 Radiation killing more female than male embryos
25.02.2011 Women towards March the 1st and beyond: For the blinding visibility of women, with migrant women
25.02.2011 Gr: Letters from Political Prisoners, Statement from Chile by Hungerstrikers Political Prisoners
01.03.2011 Help write to the UN Human Rights Council about internet freedom
03.03.2011 Nuclear waste wasting billions of German taxpayers' euros
03.03.2011 Tata Noah: A Peruvian Family Tale
03.03.2011 Peru admits timber certificates faked in secret cable
05.03.2011 Suicide of a refugee
09.03.2011 URGENT: Government is trying to break the hunger strike!
10.03.2011 Gulf spill sickness wrecking lives
12.03.2011 Racially discriminative behaviour and ideas are still very prevalent in Australian society
13.03.2011 German protest in empathy with Japanese nuclear disasters
14.03.2011 [Cairo] The Eviction of Tahrir Square
14.03.2011 Germany to Reconsider Nuclear Policy - Merkel Sets Three-Month 'Moratorium' on Extension of Lifespans
16.03.2011 Germany temporarily switching off seven nukes, may rescind longer running times
16.03.2011 Stop Qaddafi
20.03.2011 The Animal Liberation Archive: AL-Archive.lnxnt.org
24.03.2011 Attention Bombay - Your City may be Sitting on a Volcano
25.03.2011 Neuer Castortransport nach Gorleben - BI Umweltschutz: "Volksabstimmung über Atomkraft im Herbst"
26.03.2011 Japan's wind industry hails earthquake-resilient turbines
26.03.2011 Australia is not doing enough to eliminate racial discrimination in Australia
26.03.2011 21-Year-Old Libyan American Medical Student Killed in near Brega; Hear His Interview with Democracy Now!
28.03.2011 Britain shows it can still stage a decent demo – pity about the mob
29.03.2011 Trying to stop Australians' gambling addiction
29.03.2011 Australia as “last bastion for the Aryan race”
30.03.2011 Civilmedia 11: Community Media For Social Change: Low Threshold - High Impact
30.03.2011 Germany considering export insurance for new quake-vulnerable Brazilian nuke
31.03.2011 South American Indians to receive royalties from potato sales
31.03.2011 Libya: dragged away for reporting rape
01.04.2011 Nuclear suspension faces court challenge by power company RWE
03.04.2011 Palm oil crimes in Honduras and Colombia
03.04.2011 Wave of anti-nuclear protest after reactor accidents in Japan
06.04.2011 How Our Money Goes to Support the Slave Trade (pt. 2)
07.04.2011 Russischer Antifaschist zu 2 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt
08.04.2011 international preparation meeting against G8-G20 France 2011
09.04.2011 Thousands dying for E10 in toxic cane fields, millions threatened by Mekong dams
11.04.2011 Demo-Occupation - For the access to land! Against the airport and the world it represents!
16.04.2011 Why are deaths in custody rising in Australia?
20.04.2011 Avaaz hits 8.2 million! Exploding in India, huge wins on corruption, breaking blackouts in Middle East..
21.04.2011 Pfc. Manning to be transferred to Army prison
23.04.2011 Bristol riot over new Tesco store leaves eight police officers injured
24.04.2011 Horrific treatment of refugees in remote Australian concentration camp
27.04.2011 Big changes are coming to Indymedia UK
01.05.2011 “Share our pain, taste our spirituality”
02.05.2011 Update on situation of Rote Flora in Hamburg and squatting actions, april 2011
06.05.2011 Brutal attack on endangered tribe in India
10.05.2011 Nuclear Adviser Resigns over Japanese Government's Increase in Allowable Level of Radiation Exposure for Children
11.05.2011 Japan, U.S. negotiating construction of nuclear waste facility in Mongolia
13.05.2011 Server Maintenance on Sunday
13.05.2011 Oil giant ConocoPhillips ‘pulls out’ of controversial Amazon project
13.05.2011 How the Murdoch press keeps Australia’s dirty secret
20.05.2011 How Our Money Goes to Support the Slave Trade (pt. 3)
25.05.2011 Western media fraud in the Middle East
25.05.2011 Solidarity with detained anarchists in Belarus!
26.05.2011 Some thoughts by an anarchist who was at Syntagma square in Athens last night
30.05.2011 The wonderful nights of Syntagma square
02.06.2011 Acampa moves to university
02.06.2011 [Aachen] Solidarity Actions: Liège & Satama
02.06.2011 Server maintenance on Sunday and summary of technical issues
08.06.2011 Israel kills protesters on Nakba Day/Israeli murder machine goes on and on
08.06.2011 Juggle and Struggle for Kommando Rhino!
11.06.2011 U.S. Companies?
13.06.2011 The Destination of Breitenworbis Refugees' Isolation Camp in Thueringen
19.06.2011 Kazakhstan: Mass strikes and protest action by oil workers in Mangystau Province
23.06.2011 Doku DebtOcracy in Griechenland
24.06.2011 Anarchism in Russia - video
24.06.2011 Squatting action days // 2-5 July Amsterdam
29.06.2011 Camp gegen G8/20 in der Bretagne
30.06.2011 Some notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism
10.07.2011 HADI KURNIAWAN - one of 100 children in Australian adult prisons
10.07.2011 Have you ever squatted the heart of the beast?
09.08.2011 EDL Switch To Anti-Black Racism
11.08.2011 Is Rioting Revolutionary
12.08.2011 Free Brendan Lillis!
12.08.2011 Eyes wide open in London
13.08.2011 Die Mauer muss weg!
14.08.2011 But It Doesn't Have To Be That Way
15.08.2011 [Bilbao] Kukutza - squatted cultural center in immediate danger of eviction
19.08.2011 Norway attacks/Result of extreme right populism in Europe
28.08.2011 Australian Aboriginal health: Not bleeding hearts, just the bleeding obvious
31.08.2011 Cables Reveal 2006 Summary Execution of Civilian Family in Iraq
01.09.2011 Anti-extinction campaign launched to protect 35 Colombian tribes
03.09.2011 Farmer protests in Sulawesi: “Mining is destroying our life”
04.09.2011 Howto: Adding a Navigation
06.09.2011 Brazilian Indians demand Shell leave their land
08.09.2011 Germany's only uranium enrichment factory might close
09.09.2011 Riots in England / 2011 Uprising of the unheard
10.09.2011 Arab revolutions: “natural allies in a common struggle”
12.09.2011 Close the Isolation Camp in Breitenworbis
13.09.2011 Anti-racist perspective MH/Ruhr invites you to/presents
14.09.2011 ‘Trucks of men’ brutally attack indigenous Brazilians
16.09.2011 Aboriginal anti-nuclear film to kick off Berlin festival TODAY
16.09.2011 Devastating failures of Australian policy on Aborigines
20.09.2011 Australian Labor government repudiates international law on refugees
21.09.2011 [Chile] ALF burns down rodeo arena
22.09.2011 Australian Aboriginal family sets custody precedent
24.09.2011 Rain & Fire
24.09.2011 International Reclaim the Fields camp joins Rosia Montana against the new Romanian expropriation law
25.09.2011 'Walk with us' appeal by Australian Aboriginal elders in new book
27.09.2011 Revealed: Sydney squatters become visible
27.09.2011 Sydney squatters' rooftop protest over cost of housing
28.09.2011 60 international activists occupy Gold Corporation headquarters in Rosia Montana
29.09.2011 The first American Indian TV channel in the United States went on the air September 25
30.09.2011 Brazil, Cameroon, Bolivia: Three big rain forest successes, but the killing continues
01.10.2011 Ghosts in the mosques
03.10.2011 Shut-down protest at high-output German nuclear plant
05.10.2011 Police Device Used To Steal Your Cell Phone Data During Traffic Stop
06.10.2011 Death of an Aboriginal boy in Australian custody – “We’ll get you, you black cunt”
07.10.2011 Was That The Kind Of Change We Were To Expect
08.10.2011 Call to scientists to join anti-“biofuel” appeal
11.10.2011 World's biggest mine could become a tourist attraction, says BHP compant
11.10.2011 Uranium export to increase fivefold after approval for world's largest open pit mine in Australia
11.10.2011 Operation Atomic Phaseout: Neither Satisfied Nor Pacified
12.10.2011 KA: 15.10. Demonstration call_ "It’s not a crisis! It is the system!" - Trainmeetingpoints
15.10.2011 Occupy Oakland (report)
17.10.2011 United Nations hears that Australia fails its Aboriginal and refugee children
19.10.2011 Sunday's Euro decisions will impact worldwide - join a protest to Angela Merkel
26.10.2011 Occupy Bewegung wird geräumt in mehreren Städten
27.10.2011 Call for occupation in La Salamane, Montpellier, France
27.10.2011 Could the Koch brothers' fortune put the radical right into the White House?
30.10.2011 Racism gives Australia one of the world's worst deaths in custody records
01.11.2011 Egyptian blogger off the plane from Silicon Valley straight into Egyptian military prison
01.11.2011 No G20 – The crisis is capitalism
02.11.2011 Generalstreik in Oakland 2.11.2011
03.11.2011 !Freedom Now!
04.11.2011 Open Callout new Squatted Social Center
05.11.2011 11th linksunten meeting in Tübingen
05.11.2011 Occupy Oakland: second Iraq war veteran injured after police clashes
07.11.2011 Occupy Protest Save Rosia Montana
08.11.2011 Naomi Klein zur Occupy Bewegung -- auch in Freiburg sehr relevant
09.11.2011 Skinner granted stay; Buck denied hearing
09.11.2011 Great Barrier Reef in great danger
09.11.2011 American, French, German, Italian firms selling Syrian regime Internet use tracking systems - sign to stop them!
10.11.2011 Prevent nuclear waste at its origin: uranium mining
13.11.2011 Call for transnational actions for „Save Rosia Montana“
15.11.2011 Governing Labor Party pushing for more uranium mining in Australia
15.11.2011 2 years since the murder of Ivan Khutorskoy : Notes of a co-conspirator
16.11.2011 Brown Army Frack-up
16.11.2011 19,000 police to guard German nuclear waste transport
19.11.2011 Masked gunmen attack Brazilian Indian leader in shock execution
22.11.2011 Greece: Let's go one step further
22.11.2011 Letter to the anarchist galaxy
23.11.2011 Ticker in English
24.11.2011 Tod eines 17-jährigen Antifaschisten in der Ukraine
26.11.2011 Stand against Australian Labor government's decade of discrimination od Aborigines - No second Intervention!
28.11.2011 Foreign children as young as 13 abused, traumatised in Australian adult prisons
28.11.2011 Nigerian Embassy deportation hearing in Köln – Less than 10 refugees participated
29.11.2011 Australian Aboriginal community: "Penned like animals with nowhere to go"
30.11.2011 Death of Gaddafi/The National Transitional Council's bloody path
30.11.2011 Australian government steals earnings from children and turns prisons into slave labour
01.12.2011 Cooperation not intervention: a call for a new direction in the Northern Territory
01.12.2011 Aboriginal tribal leader going to Europe to challenge Australian sovereignty
01.12.2011 Illegal Anarchism: the False Dichotomy
01.12.2011 Occupy Oakland: WEST COAST PORT SHUTDOWN ON 12/12
02.12.2011 Evolution developing from Molecular Inertia
02.12.2011 Evolution developing from the Resultant of Vectors
02.12.2011 John Timoney's Journey from Miami to Manama
02.12.2011 Autonomous Base Nucleus
03.12.2011 Run-up to the NATO summit: Protests in Freiburg on March 30th
04.12.2011 FIRE AND GUNPOWDER From Indonesia to Chile… A proposition for FAI/IRF
06.12.2011 Global Call for New Year’s Eve noise demos outside of prisons, jails, and detention centers
06.12.2011 We want to be free and live in dignity - Manifestation in Hannover for The universal Basic Rights
10.12.2011 We are the 1%
11.12.2011 Invitation to an international uranium conference
12.12.2011 Tribal activist expects Aboriginal sovereignty in Australia confirmed "over the next few days"
14.12.2011 German Nazis killed at least nine immigrants and a policewoman
15.12.2011 State-nourished Nazi terror
18.12.2011 Peru: Uprising against gold – Don’t buy, don’t gift killer gold
19.12.2011 Australian miner allowed to obliterate sacred Aboriginal heritage
21.12.2011 Nuclear lobby’s underground campaign against renewable energy in Australia
24.12.2011 Sierra Leone: Land grab for palmoil
25.12.2011 Sea Shepherd intercepts Japanese whaling fleet on Christmas day using a drone
25.12.2011 Eight killed in protest against Australian gold mining in Indonesia
25.12.2011 U.S. building case against Assange through Bradley Manning trial
25.12.2011 immigration/struggle NEWS BREAKDOWN from GREECE
26.12.2011 B: Arson attack against the Rauch-house
26.12.2011 Exploring Revolt in Greece
30.12.2011 Keine Ruhe im Herzen der Bestie – Kommt zum internationalen Ratschlag in Frankfurt!
30.12.2011 Communiqué from an Absent Future
31.12.2011 Egyptian Anarchists and Revolutionary Socialists, under attack
05.01.2012 M31: Aktionstag gegen EU-Krisenpolitik
08.01.2012 White supremacists to converge in Brisbane on April 21st
09.01.2012 if they evict, we will come back!
10.01.2012 Police involvement in ‘human safaris’ exposed in the Andaman Islands
12.01.2012 International uranium conference Muenster, 4 February 2012
12.01.2012 Australian government steals Aboriginal money for non-Aboriginal purposes
13.01.2012 Police attack peaceful anti-racist protesters in Germany
16.01.2012 The white-blindfold-view of Australian history
22.01.2012 American Fascist To Lecture In Germany
24.01.2012 Aboriginal activist alleges threats on his life
26.01.2012 The Echo of Silence
29.01.2012 Austria’s 2 faces: As some mourn Auschwitz victims, others gather for right-wing ball
29.01.2012 A put-up job that boomeranged?
01.02.2012 52 Chickens Rescued from Nightmare
05.02.2012 Stop the euro-neonazi march in Sofia!
06.02.2012 Demo: Wer bleiben will, soll bleiben! - Gegen Überwachung und Abschiebungen!
08.02.2012 Chronology of an Eviction
11.02.2012 Suicide among Aboriginal children as young as 11 at alarming levels
12.02.2012 Tens of thousands demonstrated against ACTA in icy European streets
14.02.2012 Stuttgart(21): creative defense stressed judge
15.02.2012 Stop deportation in London
17.02.2012 Interview with the occupiers of a nuclear power plant building site in Hinkley, UK
18.02.2012 Down your limbs from Indymedia Athens!
20.02.2012 From lucy to yser − linksunten is moving!
20.02.2012 More mistreatment of Australian Aborigines planned
21.02.2012 Russia: Anarchist and Antifascist Murdered
22.02.2012 Survival uncovers shocking human rights abuses in Ethiopia 22 February
23.02.2012 A/I needs you
25.02.2012 Kenya: Indymedia Comrade murdered
25.02.2012 A few notes on anarchist revolutionary solidarity and the struggle against prison
28.02.2012 Call for Action: Anarchistisches Netzwerk Südwest* goes M31
01.03.2012 [Turin/SUSA] Arriving at the Reclaim The Fields Assembly while polices chases activists in Susa
02.03.2012 A document with question marks
02.03.2012 thank god, we are not all greeks!
05.03.2012 Hamburg/Germany: Six banks attacked
06.03.2012 Turin: Guerilla Gardening against the TAV
07.03.2012 Story telling at the Reclaim The Fields Assembly in Turin
08.03.2012 Australian law disempowering Aborigines may face High Court challenge
10.03.2012 Call to solidarity actions with Luciano Pitronello
10.03.2012 Gerda Taro's Grave
10.03.2012 Death & Devil
12.03.2012 Tens of thousands demonstrated in Europe against nuclear power
14.03.2012 Russia: Black Bloc report of last 2 months of radical struggle
14.03.2012 Letter from Hidayat, In Prison in Makassar (Indonesia)
16.03.2012 An invitation to multiply the attacks against power in solidarity with our brother Tortuga
17.03.2012 Remotely living Australian Aborigines to be stripped of all rights
17.03.2012 New Australian anarchist zine "Sedition" published
17.03.2012 Anarchist summer camp in Ukraine - video
18.03.2012 Opposition growing to racist lawmaking for remote Australian Aboriginal communities
18.03.2012 Granting No Quarter: Disavowal of Gilad Atzmon
19.03.2012 ALF befreit Schweine in England
20.03.2012 Warsaw squat Elba threatened with eviction! Call for solidarity!
20.03.2012 Impressions of everyday exploitation
21.03.2012 Song of Fire
23.03.2012 DNS problems of indymedia.org
24.03.2012 Dublin II Abschiebungen stoppen!
25.03.2012 How to destroy CCTV cameras?
27.03.2012 Interview with Kurdistan Anarchists Forum (KAF*)
28.03.2012 The Rich Get Even Richer
29.03.2012 Dumping on Traditional Owners: the ugly face of Australian racism
31.03.2012 Hiroshima survivor: "People of the world, stand together to oppose nuclear energy"
03.04.2012 Indymedia linksunten over https
04.04.2012 (USA) Tierbefreiungsaktivistin zu 60 Tagen Gefängnis verurteilt
06.04.2012 The Rosia Montana licensing procedure – harsh and hilly roads ahead
07.04.2012 [Video] Antifascist yogurt attack during live TV show
12.04.2012 (Italien) Tierbefreiung & Brandanschlag auf Forschungszentrum
12.04.2012 trans sex worker von der polizei in istanbul erschossen - es reicht!
14.04.2012 Australian Aborigines speak out on unresolved issues in new documentary film
16.04.2012 'Australia Day' and 'ANZAC Day' - or what makes Australians tick?
18.04.2012 Dissolve secret agencies and police – Anarchy in the EU!
20.04.2012 Riseup: Server Seizure, April 2012
21.04.2012 Brutal beating of an immigrant by Police caught on camera
21.04.2012 Land to people, who (want to) work it!
22.04.2012 Australian welfare recipients face compulsory income management
25.04.2012 Hühnerbefreiung und Undercoverrecherche in Italien
26.04.2012 Protector Macklin’s Intervention
26.04.2012 Rain of Words
30.04.2012 Downtime of linksunten due to power outage
13.05.2012 The Left, Labor and Occupy
14.05.2012 Cyber attacks against the vivisection industry in Italy
14.05.2012 @Boris and Frankieboy: We are on our way!
16.05.2012 Australian Aborigines call for UN peacekeepers to protect them
21.05.2012 [FR] Solidarity graffiti for accused comrades
24.05.2012 ATTENTION: VPN-Provider Perfect Privacy is run by German/Austrian neonazis
25.05.2012 Australian Aborigines launch their own government
26.05.2012 CALL FOR A EUROPEAN MEETING on COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE (CSA) and other distribution systems for Food Sovereignty
27.05.2012 An open letter from anarchist in Turkey
27.05.2012 [F] Demo gg Mord an Christy Schwundeck
28.05.2012 Callout for solidarity with Montréal social unrest — circulate widely!
28.05.2012 Take The Flour Back: An attempted field decontamination
29.05.2012 Aborigines “shivering with fear” over Australian uranium plan
31.05.2012 Animal Liberation Front aktiv in Uruguay
01.06.2012 An Open Letter From Anarchist Prisoners in Turkey to the Public
04.06.2012 Join the People's Summit Radio!
04.06.2012 War being prepared against China behind the backs of the Australian people
08.06.2012 Australia: Indigenous 'solutions' just disempower us further
10.06.2012 Abschiebeanhörung in der Ausländerbehörde Berlin (Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24)
11.06.2012 Australian Aboriginals call money-management policy racist
11.06.2012 Notes on the Crisis and the Revolutionary Perspective in Greece
11.06.2012 NoBorderCamp Info- und Mobiveranstaltung (de/en/fr)
12.06.2012 Information and Mobilisation Evening on the No Border Camp Cologne / Düsseldorf 2012
12.06.2012 Australia jails duped Indonesian children with adults for “people smuggling”
13.06.2012 Arrests of Mayday Turkey
14.06.2012 Aboriginal souls in an age of modernity
15.06.2012 Send letter to support imprisoned anarchists!
19.06.2012 Athener Bullen wählen Golden Dawn
22.06.2012 Nearly 100 asylum seekers feared drowned at sea between Australia and Indonesia
26.06.2012 Activist shareholders call Woolworths meeting to fight problem gambling in Australia
28.06.2012 Almost 400 boat people have died trying to get to Australia since 2010
28.06.2012 "Will you tell your grandchildren how you destroyed the lives of so many First Nations People?”
28.06.2012 Opening Press Conference of the 11th World Wind Energy Conference "Community Power - Citizens' Power" WWEC2012
29.06.2012 Aboriginal leader: Stronger Futures is a “war on democracy”
30.06.2012 [en] Some thoughts on recent events in Munich [Ger]
04.07.2012 *Sudanese Refugees* Call for Support and Solidarity
12.07.2012 Protest action against the electoral falsifications in Belarus / OSCE meeting in Vienna with L. Yarmoshyna
12.07.2012 [Prague] Squat Milada brutally evicted after an attempt to make a one-off commemorative gig
14.07.2012 Why did Ousman Sey die?
16.07.2012 Australia: How ‘Closing the Gap’ is full of holes
17.07.2012 Dortmund: Why did Ousman Sey die?
17.07.2012 Uranium Film Festival of Rio de Janeiro gives yellow Oscar awards to "nuclear" films
21.07.2012 Germany: Reportback from the 2012 No Border Camp in Cologne/Düsseldorf
27.07.2012 Anarchist bloc launches surprise uncontrollable demo against the SONA 2012 (Philippines)
28.07.2012 Bob Brown: why I’m leading the Sea Shepherd to the Kimberley
29.07.2012 1–10 August 2012: Contra Info call for propaganda actions against repression
30.07.2012 Nationwide Antifascist Camp Dortmund
06.08.2012 Activism Social Forum at FanFest Rosia Montana
10.08.2012 BREAK ISOLATION ! * Refugee Summer Camp 2012
10.08.2012 Australian government authorises forced interrogation of refugees
13.08.2012 48,000 Maasai to be kicked off their land for big game hunting by princes and kings
16.08.2012 Petition Assad's silent telecom partner
17.08.2012 Anarchists Detained by Counter-Terrorist Police on Return from Swiss Conference
17.08.2012 Public statement from IFA Congress Saint-Imier 2012, 9-12th August to other exploited and oppressed people of the World.
19.08.2012 Help stop coalmining plans wrecking the Great Barrier Reef
21.08.2012 Call for solidarity with imprisoned comrades from Belarus
23.08.2012 Plan for world's biggest uranium mine scrapped
24.08.2012 Corinth: Golden Dawn Clashes With Riot Police Over Immigrants’ Transfer to Army Camp (video)
24.08.2012 Athens: Responsibility claim for incendiary attacks against the fascist party Chrissi Avgi/Golden Dawn
01.09.2012 Cairo to acquire two German-built submarines
02.09.2012 Support concert at Molodoï
03.09.2012 Spinneys: Rooted in Lebanese Corruption
12.09.2012 Thessaloniki: Delta squat evicted
16.09.2012 (vienna) delta is everywhere
18.09.2012 Antifa-Festival und anarch. Buchmesse in Zrenjanin (Serbien)
20.09.2012 The true cost of Australia’s coal boom revealed
21.09.2012 Mapping Australia's nuclear sites - past and present
23.09.2012 Berlin: Solidarity action for anarchist prisoners in Belarus
25.09.2012 [BN] Action in solidarity with the imprisoned anarchists in Belarus
26.09.2012 Greece general strike brings 100,000 onto Athens streets
27.09.2012 Uranium Film Festival in Berlin 4 to 12 October
27.09.2012 Tech journalists: Stop hyping unproven security tools
27.09.2012 Evictions and Arrests in Calais
28.09.2012 Aborigines oppose Australian seat on the UN Security Council
29.09.2012 CALL for activists! refugeeprotest to Berlin
01.10.2012 Finnish Nazi Site Hosted In Germany
04.10.2012 Antifa crushes EDL across Ununited Kingdom
04.10.2012 Antifa resist Nazi - cop alliance in Athens
04.10.2012 Antifascist motorcycle patrol in Athens - VIDEO
04.10.2012 Arditi del Popolo 1918-1922
05.10.2012 linksunten Downtime on Sunday
06.10.2012 GR: Call for solidarity!
08.10.2012 Call for solidarity with Can Piella squat - fight eviction!
08.10.2012 Australia's UN push shows up Aboriginal anger at home
19.10.2012 Police Brutality in a detention center in Bulgaria
19.10.2012 Nov 12th-Nov 19th: International Solidarity with Grand Jury Resisters!
20.10.2012 Aboriginal Elder appalled at Australia's UN Security Council seat
24.10.2012 International Actionday 14th of November
24.10.2012 Asylum seekers on hunger strike in Finland – No to deportations to Afghanistan!
25.10.2012 We live here, we’ll stay here!
26.10.2012 Haris Hatzimichelakis: Never Again Unarmed (Greece)
27.10.2012 Statistik über faschistische Gewalt in Griechenland
01.11.2012 Why has linksunten been down?
03.11.2012 Barbaric Australian treatment of refugees causing child suicide attempts and hundreds of hunger strikers
06.11.2012 Beyond the borders Conference - The War of the Europeans against Human Rights
07.11.2012 Armed Struggle in Greece 1975-2005
08.11.2012 We will rise!! Solidarity With the protests of refugees here and everywhere!
10.11.2012 A good finale for 2012, a reason for joy in dismal times
11.11.2012 Frankfurt/Oder: Erneut erfolgreiche Blockade
12.11.2012 Will Australia open uranium floodgates?
12.11.2012 Vienna: Solidarity with the Reoccupations in La Zad
14.11.2012 325 Magazin #10 – Out now!
14.11.2012 Scandal in Ireland as woman dies in Galway 'after being denied abortion'
14.11.2012 A battle of climate placards in German railway stations
16.11.2012 Moskau: Polizei geht gewalttätig gegen die Eltern von Alen Volikov vor.
18.11.2012 Critical Whiteness and the No Border Camp
19.11.2012 (Wien) Refugee- Protestmarsch
21.11.2012 Die Wiedergeburt des radikalen Nationalismus: Willkommen in den 30er Jahren
24.11.2012 Outrageous controls: Officials try to stop refugee protest
25.11.2012 Die Gesundheit des Moskauer Antifaschisten Alexei Olesinov in Untersuchungshaft ist ernsthaft bedroht
25.11.2012 Whitefellas fail to grasp Australian reality
26.11.2012 Cruelty, in the name of all Australians
26.11.2012 Reader: Digital Editing with Audacity 2.0.X
29.11.2012 Russland: Hausdurchsuchungen bei AnarchistInnen und AntifaschistInnen in Kirow
03.12.2012 Antagonistic violence: Approaches to the armed struggle in urban environments from an anarchist perspective
03.12.2012 Refugee Tent Action - Film und Fotoaustellung der Flüchtlingsproteste
03.12.2012 (Chile) ALF verübt Brandanschlag auf Tierversuchskongress
03.12.2012 (Lüneburg) ALF verändert STOP-schilder
04.12.2012 [Vienna] Declaration of Support and Solidarity with the Refugees in Protest
05.12.2012 [D] Solidarity Action with Refugee Struggles
06.12.2012 New Years Eve: International Anti-Prison Demos & Actions
06.12.2012 To remember means to revolt - Solidarity banner in remembrance of Alexis in Vienna
11.12.2012 With courage and tenacity refugees are fighting since months against racism and for a life in dignity
13.12.2012 12th meeting of Indymedia linksunten in Freiburg
14.12.2012 Australian slavery buried in Queensland mass grave
14.12.2012 Athens – Responsibility Claim by Fighting Minority / Commando Alexandros Grigoropoulos
14.12.2012 Freiburgs Refugee Camps
15.12.2012 Mexico - Statement of solidarity with the victims and the people detained after the inauguration of Enrique Peña Nieto
17.12.2012 Aufruf: Unterstützt die inhaftierten Antifaschisten in Russland
17.12.2012 Statement of the squatters of the former ministry of finance in altona, hamburg
21.12.2012 Villa Amalias squat raided by cops. Two german comrades arrested
21.12.2012 Solidaritätserklärung der Rigaer 94 an die Villa Amalias
28.12.2012 Vienna, Friday 5:00-Police evicts refugee
29.12.2012 No discrimination, they are all finished!
29.12.2012 ALF Liberates Turtle in Mexico City
30.12.2012 Animal Liberation Activist Daniel McGowan released from prison!
31.12.2012 Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy
05.01.2013 Berlin: Houseraid in the Scherer8
09.01.2013 Mining industry successfully scuppered Aboriginal land rights in Australia during the 80's
09.01.2013 [Athens] Villa Amalias re-squatted and re-evicted – biggest number of anarchists detained in 15 years
09.01.2013 Solidarity with imprisoned comrades in Athen
10.01.2013 Statement by the 93 arrested at Villa Amalias from inside the police HQ
16.01.2013 Athens: Responsibility claim for three-day arson barrage
18.01.2013 The Hague: Second church squatted by refugees in the NLs!
22.01.2013 Trip to Normandy
22.01.2013 January, 19th: Arrests in Moskau
24.01.2013 German Library of the "Kommunistischen Internationale" online
24.01.2013 OP Blitzkrieg reloaded
24.01.2013 Solidarity campaign for liberated spaces and anarchist comrades worldwide
25.01.2013 „It's obvious, that the people are frustrated!“
26.01.2013 Egyptian Anarchist Movement Emerges with Wave of Firebombings and Street Fights
26.01.2013 The Individualist Hymn (anarchist song)
27.01.2013 Installation of an etherpad on a local linux server
27.01.2013 Greece, Heraklion: 1,000 anarchists march in solidarity with squats - photos
27.01.2013 The Parabellum - new greek anarchist website
28.01.2013 [Choucha] Refugee protest in Tunisia
28.01.2013 Greek revolutionary songs
29.01.2013 10 years of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair
05.02.2013 abschiebung verhindern [wien]
06.02.2013 Indy linksunten militant and lively
06.02.2013 Serbia: another anti-migrant mobilisation (close to the reception center of Bogovađa)
07.02.2013 black and green anarchist forum (philippines)
07.02.2013 Catholic Church Torture case in U.S. Supreme Court
08.02.2013 [MA] Mehrsprachiges Flugblatt gegen Nazis und Bullen für die Antifa-Aktionen am 16.2. in der Neckarstadt
09.02.2013 Parents declare “proud” of four arrested bank robbers suspected of terrorism
09.02.2013 Animal Liberation Front greift Pelzladen in Berlin an
10.02.2013 Hungerstreik in der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft (Lager) in Mannheim
11.02.2013 [Wien] Demonstration for the culture-center KvU from berlin (and other projects)
11.02.2013 Solidarity with our Egyptian anarchist comrades !
11.02.2013 Ein Brief aus den USA an den black bloc egypt
12.02.2013 [Thessaloniki] Vio.Me. starts production again
12.02.2013 Can Piella will neither resign
13.02.2013 Numerous ALF actions in Italy - prisoner solidarity
14.02.2013 DNS problems of indymedia.org subdomains
14.02.2013 [B] Overview of the rally against the European Police Congress
15.02.2013 ALN action against animal experiments at Hamburg airport
16.02.2013 Serbia: The new accommodation policy for asylum seekers and the racist counter-mobilisation in Vračević
27.02.2013 Short communique for one recent set of arson attacks in Athens
01.03.2013 More powers, fewer rights
01.03.2013 ALF sabotages huntin towers near Greifswald
01.03.2013 THE WAY AHEAD: The Aboriginal Voice
02.03.2013 Australia’s Aboriginal children – The world’s highest suicide rate
03.03.2013 Finnish neo-Nazi organization maintaining hit lists of Jewish people and political opponents
04.03.2013 Deported Tamils Brutally Tortured
07.03.2013 Anti-Capitalist Block March 9 in Ljubljana- GOTOVI SO! They are all finished!
08.03.2013 The world's 'third worst' firm runs Australian concentration camp for refugees
09.03.2013 Australian uranium discovery threatens ancient indigenous cave art
09.03.2013 ALF: Arson attack on construction vehicles in Russia
09.03.2013 ALF active against meat industry in Costa Rica
10.03.2013 “We demand our rights!” and “right to the city” – the struggle for a good living
11.03.2013 "Vivisection stop, AIR FRANCE Boycott!"
11.03.2013 Meat transport trucks destroyed (delayed report)
12.03.2013 Nuclear power looms large in German election this year
17.03.2013 Big Demonstration against racism and miscarriage of Justice!
17.03.2013 Quality of life for Australians 2nd only to Norway, but for Aboriginal peoples 122nd
18.03.2013 Athens: Fur Shop, Pet Store, University hit in Night of Action
18.03.2013 The Botching of the Cyprus Bailout: Worse Than Lehman Brothers
18.03.2013 SOSHalkidiki Magazine in English – Αγγλική Έκδοση
19.03.2013 Report on Künzelsau Refugee Strikes in Baden-Württemberg
21.03.2013 ALF attacked fur shops in Spain, Canada & USA.
22.03.2013 Australian prime minister and parliament apologise to victims of forced adoption
25.03.2013 Inside the killing fields of Queensland
27.03.2013 Friday Cine Night at former Servitenkloster
28.03.2013 Racist police control in Anhalt-Bitterfeld
28.03.2013 Days of Action on April 8 & 9th at Göttingen
29.03.2013 Animal Liberation Activists take explosive actions in Chile
29.03.2013 Refugee's Revolution Demonstration
29.03.2013 [MUC] Den Nazis morgen entgegestellen!
30.03.2013 from russia with love - animal liberation and arson
31.03.2013 Global protests against vivisection & HLS
01.04.2013 Philippines: direct action & animal liberation
01.04.2013 From forum to federation – the Federation of German speaking Anarchists (FdA)
02.04.2013 ALF active in Lithuania
04.04.2013 First uranium mine in Western Australia may mean 40 uranium mines by 2030
04.04.2013 Demonstration against deportation - Freiburg - 20th of April - 2pm
05.04.2013 ALF: animal liberation and arson in italy
07.04.2013 We need to talk about Facebook
07.04.2013 Declaration against „Residenzpflicht“(right not to move) AND Hausverbot (right not to visit friends)
08.04.2013 ALF: Rescue and liberation in the Balearic Islands (Spain)
10.04.2013 Refugee solidarity demonstration in Düsseldorf-Oberbilk
10.04.2013 Animal Rights Militia (ARM) against fur farmer
16.04.2013 Anarchist activist seriously wounded in a Nazi attack in Kiev of Ukraine, 14.04.2013
18.04.2013 Stop Nestlé trying to patent the fennel flower as a corporate drug
18.04.2013 Refugees Liberation Bus Tour “Break Isolation Strike”
19.04.2013 Αgainst the suppression of freedom of speech
23.04.2013 action against speciesism in spain
23.04.2013 [TURKEY] Solidarty with evicted IVI
24.04.2013 animal liberation in spain
24.04.2013 Black and Green Forum on Philippines - “Anarchism: Ecological Crises, Climate Change and Direct Action"
24.04.2013 (UK) ALF against butchery and betting shops, huntsabotage - soli with george house-
26.04.2013 Primark's supplying factory collapsed with hundred of deaths
26.04.2013 Liberation Bus Tour (First Day)
27.04.2013 3.000 anarchists march in solidarity to Athens Indymedia & 98 FM
29.04.2013 Infos and Discussion about Anarchists in Greek Prisons
29.04.2013 Infos and Discussion about Anarchists in Greek Prisons
30.04.2013 animal liberation in Israel
30.04.2013 [Russland] Well-known Russian anti-fascist, Alexey Gaskarov, arrested
03.05.2013 Anti- Fascist film trailer - 'No Pasaran'
03.05.2013 No Border meeting in Serbia
05.05.2013 no food for thought: extreme sports for the greek squares
06.05.2013 Fracking horrors in the American west
06.05.2013 What Til Schweiger does in case of fire
08.05.2013 Reclaim the Fields Camp 2013 in Rhineland
12.05.2013 South Africa, 20 years after Apartheid, doing better than Australia
12.05.2013 German potato consumers and farmers ripped off by cartels
14.05.2013 Vienna: "163 days of protest – Stop deportation"
14.05.2013 AZ Cologne eviction? No Way!
15.05.2013 ALF destroyed 14 hunting towers near Lüneburg
15.05.2013 Stoppt Xenios Zeus, notfalls mit Gewalt!
16.05.2013 Neonazi Band GOATPENIS on Tour
16.05.2013 CIA's Involvement In Drug Trafficking And Its Negative Impacts On Black Americans
17.05.2013 Ship with radioactive cargo gutted by fire in Hamburg harbour
19.05.2013 A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries
21.05.2013 ALF: "As long as there are cages we will destroy them."
21.05.2013 ALF active in france: "Jusqu'à ce que chaque cage soit vide."
21.05.2013 21.05. [Hambacher Forst] Helicopter & undvercover cops provoce at the Camp
22.05.2013 ALF - huntsabotage in canada
23.05.2013 Turkish Intelligence Services was aware of the bombs exploded in Reyhanli
24.05.2013 Australia fails asylum seekers, says Amnesty
28.05.2013 ALF - animal liberation in Spain - Soli for Noelia Cotelo
29.05.2013 Racialised imprisonment in Australia
29.05.2013 Alarm over asylum underclass in Australia
29.05.2013 Veganarchists attack in Chicago
29.05.2013 Mass rally for Bradley Manning at Fort Meade on June 1st
31.05.2013 Free Alexei Gaskarov and the Prisoners of May 6!
31.05.2013 Solidarity with the activists in Gezi Park, Istanbul
01.06.2013 [Wien] Demonstration: We Still Demand Human Rights!
01.06.2013 Bochum: Solidarity with #occupygezi!
01.06.2013 [B] 2000 people in Berlin demonstrated for solidarity to the movement in Istanbul
04.06.2013 #occupygezi: Translators needed for Turkey-news-timeline
04.06.2013 Robert Koch Institute attacked
06.06.2013 Paris: Three nazis killed Clément
06.06.2013 Let us reduce the world of authority...
08.06.2013 Anonymous releases private NSA documents regarding spying
08.06.2013 Australia's political heartland: hate, fear, prejudice
10.06.2013 Bradley Manning Solidarity at Hambacher Forst
11.06.2013 Riot police deployed amid G8 protest in London's West End
12.06.2013 Erfahrungsbericht vom Angriff auf den Taksimplatz
12.06.2013 Podcast of Gezi Radyo News from 12. June - 2pm
13.06.2013 ALF - Huntsabotage in canada
14.06.2013 Jusqu'à ce que chaque cage soit vide. ALF-Animalliberation in France
15.06.2013 [B] 15.06. International Refugee Tribunal against FRG - 2. Tag und Demonstration
16.06.2013 Fault line of Istanbul – Insurrection notes from Taksim
19.06.2013 What has been the psychological impact of the Intervention on Aboriginal people of Australia's Northern Territory?
22.06.2013 "This system has made it much harder for us to share and care for each other"
26.06.2013 EKH Haus- & Hoffest [Wien]
28.06.2013 Tear Gas & Twitter in Taksim - An anarchist eyewitness analysis from Gezi Park, Istanbul
28.06.2013 Inside Gezi Commune
29.06.2013 NSA collected US email records in bulk for more than two years under Obama
29.06.2013 The top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant
29.06.2013 Munich: Urgent Call
30.06.2013 From Taksim and Rio to Tahrir, the smell of teargas - Open Letter by "Comrades from Cairo"
01.07.2013 Your asylum policy kills!
07.07.2013 [HowTo] Encrypt your Facebook-Chat
08.07.2013 Edward Snowden reveals Australia's Links To Secret US Spy Program
14.07.2013 Egypt: No MB, No Army: The Revolution Continues
16.07.2013 Heiligenhaus: Refugees are forced to move – accompanied by police operation
18.07.2013 “We are not machines!” - Anniversary of a strike in Chung Hong factory
19.07.2013 End Violence Against Sex Workers: Full Decriminalisation Now
19.07.2013 Interview: Greek Trotskyist facing charges by Nazis
21.07.2013 Sexual Violence in Egypt: Myths and Realities
22.07.2013 Repression in Turkey: Important strategy swift by police - repression is actually increasing
23.07.2013 US expands global drone warfare
24.07.2013 Rape and torture in Australian refugee detention centre: whistleblower
24.07.2013 We are back and we will always return – no peace for the deportationfactory Eisenhüttenstadt!
25.07.2013 Feds put heat on Web firms for master encryption keys
25.07.2013 Syria: the Kurdish question, the Islamists and the FSA
27.07.2013 Indy linksunten Server Upgrade
29.07.2013 press release of the hunger-striking asylum-seekers in Stuttgart, 29/07/2013
30.07.2013 To Willingly Enter the Circles, the Square (Cairo)
01.08.2013 Exclusive: NSA pays £100m in secret funding for GCHQ
06.08.2013 Australian treatment of boat people "a cruel and crass act of colonialism"
07.08.2013 Bring Out your Dead
07.08.2013 Anarchistische Antifas aus Kazan, Russland, brauchen Hilfe
07.08.2013 17 August a Day of Solidarity against the verdict on Pussy Riot
08.08.2013 [BE] Sexism and Violence in so called A.C.
09.08.2013 AR-prisoner George House was released from prison!
10.08.2013 Two Providers of Secure E-Mail Shut Down
10.08.2013 Deportation Chain - Stop Collaboration Deportation in Nigerian Embassy
10.08.2013 Animal Liberation in Uruguay
11.08.2013 International Animal Rights Gathering (IAR)
12.08.2013 [Hungary] Hunger strike of refugees at Nyírbátor detention center
12.08.2013 Ukraine: ALF animal liberation
13.08.2013 [Bitterfeld] Support-Aufruf Refugee Camp
13.08.2013 flying for freedom of movement and against state control at russian embassy in hamburg
14.08.2013 [Bitterfeld] People in hunger strike: Non-Citizens Declaration
14.08.2013 Press Release Rigaer 94
14.08.2013 Greece 2013: State kills for a 1.40 euro ticket
16.08.2013 Tahrir-ICN statement on events in Egypt
18.08.2013 The Revenge of the Police State (Egypt)
19.08.2013 Message of solidarity from Dublin to Berlin
19.08.2013 Glenn Greenwald's partner detained at Heathrow airport for nine hours
21.08.2013 New Details Show Broader NSA Surveillance Reach
21.08.2013 Letter to Egyptian revolutionaries
22.08.2013 Hell in Hitlersdorf
22.08.2013 Zeitweiliger Abbruch des diesjährigen International Animal Rights Gatherings in Belgien
23.08.2013 Solidarity greeting from Copenhagen to Berlin
28.08.2013 On Interventions and the Syrian Revolution
28.08.2013 International call for Sonja Suder's liberation
29.08.2013 ALF hacked Website in Mexiko
30.08.2013 New Snowden Leak Reports ‘Groundbreaking’ NSA Crypto-Cracking
30.08.2013 U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary
31.08.2013 [RTF] House squatted in Manheim
31.08.2013 Actions Days in the Rhineland Coalfield, Day II – Demonstration and Coal Train Blockade
31.08.2013 Update: 200 People are still blocking coal train tracks
31.08.2013 Egypt: ‘the revolution lives as long as we will die for it’
03.09.2013 Bundeswehr in Kunduz 2009 and 2013
04.09.2013 Kevin Olliff und Tyler Lang in prison!
05.09.2013 The man who made Femen: New film outs Victor Svyatski as the mastermind behind the protest group and its breast-baring stunts
05.09.2013 Stars of the constellation
06.09.2013 US and UK spy agencies defeat privacy and security on the internet
06.09.2013 N.S.A. Able to Foil Basic Safeguards of Privacy on Web
06.09.2013 Revealed: The NSA’s Secret Campaign to Crack, Undermine Internet Security
06.09.2013 Mexico: Clashes during the protests against energy reform (photos, videos)
06.09.2013 Melbourne: ‘Felicity Ann Ryder Cell / FAI- IRF’ Attack Luxury Car Dealership (Australia)
06.09.2013 MPhoenix Project #5 : ‘ICR-FAI-IRF / Free Mandylas and Tsavdaridis Cell’ take responsibility for the incendiary attack against a school for police in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan (Indonesia)
06.09.2013 The main enemy is the state (Egypt)
08.09.2013 Syrian Anarchist Challenges the Rebel/Regime Binary View of Resistance
11.09.2013 German police thwart 'neo-Nazi model airplane bomb plot'
11.09.2013 punishment against Kevin & Taylor rising!
11.09.2013 (UK) Anarchists and animal rights groups burned down Police Firearms Training Centre
11.09.2013 Anti-badger cull group claim they torched £16m police firing range which burned to the ground
15.09.2013 All police “required” to report animal releases to the FBI
17.09.2013 Antifa demolishes concert venue
19.09.2013 Left Wing Student Union Activist in Ukraine Attacked by Far-Right Again: Second Attack in Just One Month
19.09.2013 Demo und Ausschreitungen in Athen
19.09.2013 Euro-sceptics could evict the German government on Sunday
20.09.2013 [B] Spontaneous protest in solidarity with all refugees
21.09.2013 [Wien] We will not forget, we will not forgive - Speech for Pavlos Fyssas at Refugee-Protest
21.09.2013 Abbott Government's first actions: trash climate change education, carbon pricing
22.09.2013 Rates of abused and neglected children on the rise in Australia: report
24.09.2013 Zrenjanin Antifascist Festival
24.09.2013 India among top targets of spying by NSA
24.09.2013 Defending the NSA leaks - Glenn Greenwald to Haaretz: Why whistleblower Snowden came to me
24.09.2013 The Antideutsche and me – an open letter to the german left by David Rovics
24.09.2013 A big election victory for Merkel – but who will govern with her?
25.09.2013 Realtime news reports from the streets in Greece
26.09.2013 Declaration of Enoruwa Charles, against „Residenzpflicht“ (right not to move) AND Hausverbot (right not to visit friends)
28.09.2013 solidarity with the french consulate occupation in düsseldorf — no one is left alone…
30.09.2013 Brussels, Belgium - Second wave of raids for the Operation Ashes
02.10.2013 Occupied London statement on the ‘dismantling’ of the Golden Dawn by the Greek state: There ain’t no such a thing as bourgeois justice.
02.10.2013 'Virtual borders' scheme to track every non-EU citizen
03.10.2013 Syrien in Calais - Streik und Hafenblockade
03.10.2013 Erklärung der "Coordinamento Migranti" zu den Hunderten von Toten im Mittelmeer heute (eng)
04.10.2013 ALF legt über 30 Lastwagen von Tiertransportfirma tiefer
04.10.2013 For a society without fear
04.10.2013 Update on the Situation in Calais
06.10.2013 Kazan, Russia: Arrested anarchists released court pending
06.10.2013 Under Fire between the Lines - Russian anarchists during the 1993 Yeltsin coup
06.10.2013 Zaragoza, Spanish State: Responsibility claim for explosive attack at El Pilar cathedral
06.10.2013 Soli-Abend: Support political actions for Bleiberecht!
09.10.2013 Yet another inferno in RMG factory
09.10.2013 Non-Citizens Hungerstrike at Brandenburger Tor
12.10.2013 Erstes Jubiläum des Protestes in und vor der nigerianischen Botschaft vom 15.10.2012.
14.10.2013 The Hambach forest occupation is under direct threat of eviction
17.10.2013 Action in front of the german embassy in Vienna : Solidarity with hungerstriking Non-Citizens in Berlin
19.10.2013 Rio de Janeiro: Cops beat an 18-years-old boy to death
22.10.2013 Update aus Calais (en)
22.10.2013 Video: Remembering means fighting!
23.10.2013 A response to Slavoj Zizek: Syria a pseudo struggle
26.10.2013 (F) Animalrightsactivists against racism, sexism and homophobia!
28.10.2013 [Vienna] Armed Nazis attacked EKH
28.10.2013 Police repression in Rio de Janeiro
30.10.2013 About 100 animal-libartion-activists attacked vivisection-lab in brasil!
30.10.2013 [W] Refugees had to leave Servitenkloster
30.10.2013 [GR] International Action Day Against Gold Mines in Halkidiki
31.10.2013 Activists release dogs being used for tests by lab in southeastern Brazil
31.10.2013 Kevin is now on day 7 of his hunger strike
31.10.2013 Israel's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
31.10.2013 The siege of Palazzo Chigi: from the top of the police wagon
02.11.2013 The fascist threat beyond Golden Dawn
02.11.2013 Refugee Support Day
03.11.2013 Refugee Protest needs your support!
04.11.2013 Kevin ends hunger strike - The book ban has been lifted
05.11.2013 Anarchists in Egypt, will the real Black Bloc please stand up?
07.11.2013 Today in 1947: The National Security Act is signed into law
07.11.2013 Griechischer Staatsrundfunksender ERT geräumt & weitere Repression - Solidarity4all ruft zu internationalen Solidaritätsdemonstrationen am 9.11. auf
07.11.2013 Initiative in Rememberance of Oury Jalloh: Press Conference
09.11.2013 Animallaboratory is shut down after riots and animal liberation!
09.11.2013 Animalliberationactivist Tyler Lang released from prision!
11.11.2013 Siempre Antifascista: enough is enough
11.11.2013 [Warschau] Video. Antifa Flashmob zum 9. Nov.
12.11.2013 linksunten server problems
12.11.2013 Israel is not a reference: occupation, colonization and apartheid are not our model for Catalonia
13.11.2013 Coprolalia on Syria, European pseudo-Leftists, and Žižek
14.11.2013 In the lucky country of Australia apartheid is alive and kicking
14.11.2013 Tierbefreiungsaktivist Kevin O. drohen bis zu 6 Jahre Gefängnis!!!
14.11.2013 R94 – Chronology of the repression
15.11.2013 Brutal Assault on Sushma Ramtekke,undertrial political prisoner by Byculla District Prison staff and officials
15.11.2013 Further ALF-raid in brasil!!! Animal-Liberation again!
16.11.2013 Bavarian police: one activist arrested
19.11.2013 (B) Invitation: Open Meeting for Self Organisation
21.11.2013 Is Canada Guilty of War Crimes?
21.11.2013 Clashes and occupations during the Italian-French Summit in Rome
21.11.2013 Clashes in Rome over high speed rail link
23.11.2013 Methods of work of secret service
23.11.2013 Public Enemies - NSA and their companies
23.11.2013 Activists of Refugee Protest Assembly and Public Space are on Trial in Offenburg, Erfurt, Berlin
24.11.2013 Ultras in Egypt: state, revolution, and the power of public space (Part I)
26.11.2013 animal liberation activists attaced 50 aimes in Russia, Georgia and Armenia
26.11.2013 Ultras in Egypt: state, revolution, and the power of public space (Part II)
27.11.2013 Appeal from anarchist comrades concerning Typhoon Yolanda (Philippines)
28.11.2013 The Need Of The Dream In The Struggle... (Syria)
01.12.2013 The VOICE Refugee Forum - Judiciary Arbitrariness - Concerns of Bias on Authoritarian Police Violence in Berlin
01.12.2013 Egypt: “we don’t need permission to protest”
01.12.2013 Yolanda’s aftermath and Autonomous Initiative (Philippines)
04.12.2013 21.12.2013 International Demonstration in Hamburg
04.12.2013 Ukraine: What's going on, and what does it mean?
05.12.2013 The borders are the problem. De-criminalize Migration!
06.12.2013 On November 13, 2013, 5 anarchist comrades were arrested in Barcelona – Spain
06.12.2013 Nazi and Colonial criminal was kidnapped at HU Berlin
07.12.2013 Dynamics and Prospects for the Syrian revolutionary process
09.12.2013 A Conversation between Anarchists
09.12.2013 Ninjas of the night: shadows of revolt loom over Athens
10.12.2013 Notav - Italy - Wave of repression.
11.12.2013 Avalanche - Anarchist correspondence
12.12.2013 animal liberation by alf in eastern germany
12.12.2013 SYRIA: Who are Assad’s fascist supporters?
13.12.2013 ALF attacked Air France in Paris
13.12.2013 Interview with Saeed from Ni'lin in the West Bank, occupied Palestine
13.12.2013 Indonesian police use Shootings, killings, beatings, arrests on West Papuan independence rallies
14.12.2013 Vienna: New wave of deportations from Austria – get active for concrete solidarity to stop deportations!
14.12.2013 ALF pri­so­ner ex­pec­ted to serve 5 to 7.5 years for fre­eing hor­ses, set­ting fires at two go­vern­ment fa­ci­li­ties
15.12.2013 Urgent alert Honduras: Rio Blanco is once again being threatened with armed aggression
16.12.2013 Italy and the Pitchforks
18.12.2013 (Video) Squatted School in Berlin
18.12.2013 Athens: Responsibility claim for incendiary attack on police station in Exarchia
18.12.2013 Notav - Italy - Solidary actions with the four arrested comrades.
19.12.2013 Activists send two fake press releases negatively affecting Deutsche Bank shares' price
20.12.2013 Interview with Hashem Azzeh in Hebron, Palestine: “They want me to move but I will never give up, we are still fighting until we get our freedom”
21.12.2013 [Vienna] Attack in Solidarity with the 5 Anarchists in Prison in Barcelona
21.12.2013 Calais Winter Appeal
24.12.2013 Thank you!
24.12.2013 Athens: Responsibility claim for incendiary attack on police station in Exarchia
25.12.2013 First known house raid in con­nec­tion with last sum­mer’s Ani­mal Li­be­ra­ti­on Front fur farm cam­paign.
26.12.2013 Announcing Inter Arma’s kick off
27.12.2013 Black International editions
27.12.2013 Tahrir-ICN statement on the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization
31.12.2013 Documentary film: Prison World
02.01.2014 Ripe for rebellion?
02.01.2014 Presentation: The Occupy Movement in the US
03.01.2014 Textilstreik in Cambodia: Polizei schießt auf Demonstration
05.01.2014 Interview mit einem Anarchosyndikalisten aus der Ukraine (eng)
06.01.2014 Marco Camenisch: Hungerstrike
06.01.2014 Call out for anti-migrant counter-demo January 11th
08.01.2014 The revolte 2013 in brazil, repression and the struggle for an ongoing movement
08.01.2014 'Revolution within the revolution’: The battle against ISIS
10.01.2014 Support Ukrainians but do not legitimize the far-right and discredited politicians!
11.01.2014 Five years of Indymedia linksunten
11.01.2014 Dutch police officer, who shot Rishi Chandrikasing, acquitted/Licence to kill
13.01.2014 Some Remarks on the Need for Open Assemblies in Berlin
15.01.2014 19th january: callout for action in rememberance of nastja and stas
21.01.2014 Free Joel!
21.01.2014 Ukraine Riots: “Involuntary ejaculation of fire”
22.01.2014 [HN] Demonstration - Money in cash instead of allowance in kind! Stop discrimination of refugees!
23.01.2014 Deportation Chain - Resistance against Rascism and colonial injustice
23.01.2014 [Wien] Pizza resists! Shit got real!
24.01.2014 UKRAINE: Maidan. Babtism of Blood.
24.01.2014 Autonomous Workers’ Union, Kiev: Statement on the Current Political Situation
26.01.2014 2011 was not 1968: an open letter from Egypt
26.01.2014 The Battle for Burgos - Uprising against corruption and police brutality in the Spanish State
27.01.2014 Overview Ukraine reports in English
29.01.2014 Ac­tion re­gar­ding FAR­MA­KO­NI­SI – No more dead re­fu­gees in the Ae­ge­an sea.
30.01.2014 Solidarity Refugee Demo to the victims of Farmakonisi-Greece
30.01.2014 PizzeriA Anarchia threatened with eviction
30.01.2014 [Wien] Miete? Räumung? PizzA! - Demonstration - 05.02.2014
31.01.2014 Central Action day against Repression in Berlin
05.02.2014 Call-out for actions and manifestations on the 22 February 2014 !
06.02.2014 Repression in Moskau/Archipel Putin: Sechs Jahre Lager für Alexandra Dukhanina?
07.02.2014 [Greece] About the revolutionary practice of sabotage on the occasion of the “Green Nemesis” project
10.02.2014 Aktionsticker zum Naziaufmarsch am 13. Februar 2014 in Dresden
13.02.2014 Greece on high alert after extremists declare war on ‘German capitalist machine’
14.02.2014 Files Final Supreme Court Appeal in Global Hedge Fund Debt Case
15.02.2014 Animal Liberation Front (ALF) liberats animals out of Moscow Zoo
17.02.2014 Berlin: Person approached on the bus
20.02.2014 Ukraine: Statement about the situation in Ukraine from Autonomous Workers Union
20.02.2014 Ukraine: the protest movement and the fascists
20.02.2014 International call-out for antifa support/solidarity in Coulogne near to Calais France
21.02.2014 Fascists mobilise against squatters
22.02.2014 Ukraine's chief rabbi tells Kiev's Jews to flee city
22.02.2014 On supposedly anti-fascist media reports from Kyiv about Ukrainian nationalism and the role of far right groups in Ukraine’s protest movement
25.02.2014 Calais: report and new call-out after fire in Coulogne
27.02.2014 Spanish State: Arson on the Church of Santa Marina in Seville
27.02.2014 Pau, France: Arson attack on Christian Science church building
27.02.2014 Moscow: ELF torch excavator and dozer during New Year festivities (Russia)
27.02.2014 Chile: Attempted bombing of West Santiago Precinct and the 18th Ñuñoa Precinct
27.02.2014 France: Double arson attack in Tarbes
01.03.2014 Illegal Eviction of Occupied House in Calais
02.03.2014 Refugee strikers annoy EU wankers and eat cake
02.03.2014 Declaration of Internationalists against the war in Ukraine
03.03.2014 COPENHAGEN demonstration in solidarity with Rote Flora and against police violence and repression
04.03.2014 The government of ultraliberals and Nazis
05.03.2014 The Statement of the Independent Students' Syndicate of “Direct Action” Concerning the Russian Military Invasion into Ukraine
05.03.2014 Statement of left and anarchist organizations about “Borotba” organization
06.03.2014 NATO summit – Repression 2014
06.03.2014 "JN"s European Congress in/near Leipzig
06.03.2014 11-02-2014, Royal Marine Reserve base in Clifton, Bristol.
06.03.2014 Barcelona: Archdiocesan radio station attacked
06.03.2014 Barcelona: Sabotage against anti-abortion foundation
06.03.2014 [Köln] Internationalistisches Aktionsbündnis Köln founded!
06.03.2014 20 years KTS Freiburg and it will last forever!
08.03.2014 Hostage to politics: Syria’s prisoners
08.03.2014 No-nuke protest actions in front of the Japanese empassy in Berlin
09.03.2014 *for a radical leftist queer-feminist perspective on the 8th of march*
10.03.2014 [HH] Lampedusa in Hamburg - Witnesses of NATO war in Libya
11.03.2014 Maidan and Its Contradictions: Interview with a Ukrainian Revolutionary Syndicalist
11.03.2014 Thousands for Berkin
11.03.2014 [B] Anti-eviction action in Neukölln
12.03.2014 Anarchist Black Cross Belarus Infotour
13.03.2014 Replicant developers find and close Samsung Galaxy backdoor
13.03.2014 People of Mali protest against subservience of their embassy
14.03.2014 Antimilitarismus in Russland: AnarchistInnen in Petrozavodsk von Maskierten entführt und schwer misshandelt
15.03.2014 [B] Freedom for Joel and Josef! Manifestations in front of the Austrian and Swedish embassies
18.03.2014 Ukraine - What's going on?
18.03.2014 Ukraine - What's going on?
18.03.2014 Syria: Establishment of the “People’s Liberation Faction” to commemorate the third anniversary of the Syrian Revolution
18.03.2014 Migrants drown off Greek coast
19.03.2014 Nuke Summit 2014 Netherlands - callout
20.03.2014 Istanbul: ELF-FAI/IRF torched an excavator in North Forests (Turkey)
21.03.2014 Übersicht zum niederländischen Atom-Gipfel vom 23.--25. März 2014
21.03.2014 Reclaim your City!
24.03.2014 [B] Lampedusa in Hamburg warn against Kolat's offer
26.03.2014 [WO] Schöner leben - Nazis Stoppen!
27.03.2014 79 Religious and Development Institutions Join SCOTUS Filing in Argentina/NML Capital Case
27.03.2014 Israel said planning to deport African migrants to Uganda
29.03.2014 ISD ruft zum Wiederstand gegen die Liesert’s Falckensteiner Kneipe
30.03.2014 Tension in Greek prisons
30.03.2014 Managing disorder: towards a global state of control?
04.04.2014 NS HC Band Tripple Crossed
07.04.2014 On the Syrian Revolution and the Kurdish Issue – An interview with Syrian-Kurdish activist and journalist Shiar Nayo
08.04.2014 2. Prague Anarchist Bookfair
09.04.2014 Heartbleed Bug? A new https certificate for Indy linksunten!
09.04.2014 Destroika!
09.04.2014 Die Linke und der Majdan, Konferenz in Kiew am 12. u. 13. April
10.04.2014 Downtime of Indymedia linksunten
11.04.2014 Update: 3rd day of tree occupation + four people on hunger strike
15.04.2014 [B] Permanent protest started in front of the House of the European Union against the increasing Dublin deportations
15.04.2014 12. April in Rom: "The 12A, the clashes, the real country"
15.04.2014 Seeing the women in revolutionary Syria
23.04.2014 Saravá Collective protests against data surveillance
25.04.2014 A reading into the new wave of European far-right and the reasons behind its support for the Syrian regime
26.04.2014 [Istanbul] Tipps for participating in 1st of May demos
27.04.2014 Urgent - Saravá Group is about to lose its main server!
27.04.2014 The Begining of Mbolo Yufanyi's Court Processes in Dessau
28.04.2014 [B] Plainclothes officers identified at anti-Nazi blockade
29.04.2014 Mobi-Video: Who killed Francis Kwame?
29.04.2014 Saravá server has its hard disks aprehended for investigation by a representative of the Public Ministry
01.05.2014 Mobi-Video: International Illegal Workers Day
01.05.2014 International solidarity with the Ukrainian antifascists!
02.05.2014 A Report from a visit in Kiev in April 2014
03.05.2014 Statement: condemn the fascist pogrom in Odessa
03.05.2014 20 years KTS: Program of the autonomous culture week from the 28th of May until 08th of June 2014
06.05.2014 [Wien/Bécs] David A. is in Coma
06.05.2014 AWU-Kiev Statement on the Odessa Tragedy
06.05.2014 Lets tackle Apple! – European Days of Action in may
08.05.2014 Brandstiftung in Rauchhaus
09.05.2014 [KA] Menschenrechte sind kein Privileg | Human Rights are not a privilege
10.05.2014 Reflections on April 12 and the political processes to come
10.05.2014 Anarchism in the context of civil war (Ukraine)
11.05.2014 Düsseldorf: demonstration in support of the striking refugees!
14.05.2014 Anarchism and Martial Arts - Antifa fight club
14.05.2014 Turkey’s neoliberal death toll: Hundreds of miners died in great Soma massacre
17.05.2014 Resistance and loathing after the Soma Massacre
19.05.2014 [Istanbul] Turkish police and the freedom of press
19.05.2014 David A. still in coma - best wishes from greece
21.05.2014 “Fate” or Murder?
21.05.2014 1st International Self-organized Antifascist Martial Art Tournament of Salonika
23.05.2014 Call to all squatters, antifascists and everyone else to support the struggle in Calais
23.05.2014 Now or Never!! Everyone to Calais on the 26th/27th!!
23.05.2014 Resist the eviction of the Pizzeria Anarchia
24.05.2014 New Refugee Protest in Hannover
25.05.2014 Press Release of Refugee Protest in Hannover
26.05.2014 Refugee Protest Hannover 24.05.2014 #ageeb1999
27.05.2014 Calais: *Now or never!*
29.05.2014 Bitunia murder, the joint struggle highlight again the most important aspect of Israelis involvement in it
30.05.2014 Calais: The Occupation Continues
30.05.2014 Video: Militant antifascism in Sweden
30.05.2014 3rd Festival of Autogestion in Thessaloniki / 3ο Φεστιβάλ Αυτοδιαχείρισης
30.05.2014 How can I destroy Surveillance Cameras?
01.06.2014 One solution – reconstruction! - Solidarity with Can Vies
02.06.2014 Actionticker against TddZ at Juni 07th 2014 in Dresden
02.06.2014 Filmclub Moderne Zeiten shows: A Movie Evening about Stuart Hall
03.06.2014 Mobi - Video : Wo bleibt die Menschlichkeit!
03.06.2014 [Vienna] Thoughts in solidarity to Barcelona
05.06.2014 Istanbul's Gezi protests: the first Anniversary - what remains and prevails of Turkey's largest unrests after the first year?
05.06.2014 A reaction to the repression an police violance on the day beginning of the Gezi-protests people squatted an police station
05.06.2014 Against the regime in Kyiv and the junta in the East! AWU-Kyiv statement on the conflict in the Eastern regions
06.06.2014 Resist the eviction of the Pizzeria Anarchia in on 28.07.2014
07.06.2014 Welcome to 2014 Word Cup/ Bienvenidos al mundial 2014
08.06.2014 Repression in Russia: Murmansk humanists - foreign agents?
09.06.2014 Inmates at Berlin Tegel jail set up world's first union for prisoners
09.06.2014 Calling for solidary visitors of trial in Wiener Neustadt
10.06.2014 CasaPound and Neo-Fascism in Italy
12.06.2014 28 Refugees from protest camp Hannover in Hunger Strike against the deportation of Salah Abdallah
12.06.2014 Holding down revolutionary ground (Egypt)
14.06.2014 Greek and German consulates occupied in Bologna and Venice
15.06.2014 [B] Free Cuvry
16.06.2014 [B] Squatting action Franz-Künstler-Straße
17.06.2014 Dozens injured in riot on Berlin street
18.06.2014 Video : Break this Silence!
19.06.2014 War against war! Statement of leftists and anarchists on the confrontation in Ukraine
19.06.2014 Demonstration against the summit of european council in brussels
20.06.2014 Urgent call for practical solidarity with the prisoners in Greece!
21.06.2014 Notice of greek prisoners
24.06.2014 Statement by Comrades from Cairo: Everyone's Right to Protest
25.06.2014 [B/Brussels] 20 people got arrested in German embassy in Brussels
26.06.2014 New Zine: MFAH, Blackmail 3 & The SHAC Model
27.06.2014 Phocis (Greece): Parcel bomb sent to the police precinct of Itea
27.06.2014 [Berlin] Eviction of the school - Call for protest and militant interventions
27.06.2014 Secret police scandal: Bus-Verkehr Berlin KG refuses to transport civil rights activists after “friendly” call by German criminal police
28.06.2014 Solidarity action in Dresden for Refugees from occupied school at Ohlauer street in Berlin
28.06.2014 UK, 22. Mai 2014: Brandangriff auf Gericht von Yate in Gedenken an Mauricio Morales, von der FAI – Bewusstsein und Wut
28.06.2014 For a Europe without Borders, Deportations, War and Rascism!
29.06.2014 The story of the unsung heroes: Black Bloc Brazil
29.06.2014 Support Crimean anarchist Aleksandr Kolchenko, detained on terror charges!
29.06.2014 Solidarity from Athens
29.06.2014 Phoenix Project #14: ‘Live Wires FAI/ELF’ take responsibility for 4 Arsons against Bristol’s cellular transmission infrastructure over 24 Hours (UK)
30.06.2014 Criminal Queers Support Ohlauer Rebels
30.06.2014 Athens: Reportback from anti-prison demo
05.07.2014 FRQNZA Mitschnitt: heute mit crimethinc
06.07.2014 Migrant Crisis in Calais: Britain's Border War
07.07.2014 Shoots on refugeecamp this weekend
08.07.2014 Greece: Hands off Espiv server
08.07.2014 Statement of Hallplatz refugees in dry hungerstrike – Nürnberg
08.07.2014 BPRA Here To Stay!
09.07.2014 Abendliche Protest gegen Kriegswerbung in Göttingen
09.07.2014 [B] Geflüchtete aus Bayern haben das Cafe im Fernsehturm besetzt!
10.07.2014 Reflection of the „Lange Nacht der Rigaer Straße“ on the 13`th and 14`th of june
10.07.2014 São Paulo brannte nach dem WM-Aus für Brasilien
12.07.2014 Arab migrants face a new Sykes-Picot in Calais
12.07.2014 Bike demonstration in solidarity with Palestine
12.07.2014 Stop the Peruvian Chainsaw Massacre
13.07.2014 Unity is strength ! New squat in Calais
14.07.2014 Avalanche Nr. 2
15.07.2014 Under pressure, Israel's Arab Christians reach out to pope
17.07.2014 Greece: Strength to anarchist Nikos Maziotis, arrested in Athens on 16/7
19.07.2014 New Squat in Town (Leipzig)
19.07.2014 The day the US shot down Iran Airlines Flight 655
19.07.2014 Statement of solidarity with the Kurdish masses
19.07.2014 Lobbyists are trying hard to influence the revision of the Prostitution Act according their own interests
21.07.2014 The Long night of Rigaerstrasse
22.07.2014 The 15th month of battle in Hamburg
24.07.2014 France's Jews Flee As Rioters Burn Paris Shops, Attack Synagogue
24.07.2014 Caracas's Tower of David squatters finally face relocation after eight years
26.07.2014 Israel’s Other War
28.07.2014 'Nazi' cop still on duty in Australia
28.07.2014 Where are all the indigenous faces? (on Australian media)
28.07.2014 14 skulls returned from Berlin to Australian Aborigines
29.07.2014 Israeli police official refutes claim that Hamas kidnapped Israeli teens
31.07.2014 Report: Hamas Executed 20 Palestinian Anti-War Protestors in Gaza
01.08.2014 Australian government hides data on suffering refugee children
02.08.2014 Athens – Kouvelou squat attacked by fascists: Call for gathering at Maroussi metro station
02.08.2014 Why do Israelis support a costly ground invasion of Gaza?
03.08.2014 Australia in the grip of a ‘new stolen generation’, indigenous children forcibly removed from homes
03.08.2014 What is the situation in Ukraine? - An Interview
05.08.2014 Australia's detention regime sets out to make asylum seekers suffer, says chief immigration psychiatrist
05.08.2014 [B] Riot Police frisking refugee at Görlitzer Park, 4 Aug 2014
05.08.2014 UK activists shut down Israeli arms factory
06.08.2014 10 Gründe auf die Gaza-Demo zu gehen
10.08.2014 Open letter of Revolutionary Struggle member Pola Roupa from clandestinity
11.08.2014 Western Australian government demolishes Aboriginal homes without consultation
11.08.2014 Why Australia should not become the world's nuclear waste dump
11.08.2014 An appeal on Israel's attacks on Gaza from Australian Jews to the Australian Jewish community
12.08.2014 An Eye for an Eye Makes Our Masters Blind: One Account of Last Night’s Anti-Police Riot
12.08.2014 Indigenous seed savers gather in the Andes to fight climate change with biodiversity
13.08.2014 Unconventional behaviour sees government in High Court over refugees
13.08.2014 The Siege of Highland Avenue
13.08.2014 Australian government backs renewed US war in Iraq
14.08.2014 How a King's Seal could change land rights in South Australia
14.08.2014 The Tyranny of Experts - Challenges & Achievements in First Nations Education
15.08.2014 Lift Ban on PKK!
15.08.2014 The three letters raising hope are not "USA" but "YPG"
16.08.2014 Australian activists lock down Israeli arms factory
17.08.2014 Australians can no longer remain silent
18.08.2014 Against any antisemitism!
18.08.2014 Take an Aboriginal passport to show respect on your travels
18.08.2014 Ignorance is crippling Australia
18.08.2014 Die neue PKK: vom Marxismus/Leninismus zur Anarchie?
18.08.2014 Interview with Nikos Maziotis (14.8.2014)
19.08.2014 Why was linksunten virtually unaccessible?
19.08.2014 [ Wien] At the end of the party: an inside view of Brazil's political situation after the World Cup, with a brazilian activist.
19.08.2014 Borneo: axing a national park for palm oil
19.08.2014 together against anti-semitism!
20.08.2014 Australia's problems start at the top
22.08.2014 Support the first ever full translation and publication of Emma Goldman’s “Living my life” in Russian!
24.08.2014 [Ferguson] Interview: Violence was provoked by police
26.08.2014 Ex-Japan PM disavows nuclear power
26.08.2014 Resettled refugees say they are desperate and living 'like animals in the jungle' on Nauru
26.08.2014 The Real-Life Utopia And The Truth About Our Enduring Silence
26.08.2014 Paranoya-ABC Support
26.08.2014 Call to Hambacher Forest by Cologne
26.08.2014 Film Review: “Utopia” By John Pilger Exposes Genocidal Maltreatment Of Indigenous Australians By Apartheid Australia
26.08.2014 [B ] Street blockade in solidarity with the dead and the alive and fighting
27.08.2014 The Australian government is vandalising the environment
27.08.2014 Eviction threat in Calais
29.08.2014 Fire and Flame for Berlin!
29.08.2014 Demo on 28.8.2014 - Gürtelstr. Refugee Strike
29.08.2014 My experience as a nurse on Christmas Island changed the core of my being
29.08.2014 Star maps point to Aboriginal songlines
29.08.2014 Christmas Island children should all be freed from detention
29.08.2014 Numbers of Indigenous children in care 'a national disgrace'
29.08.2014 Köln: Social Struggle Protest Camp 2014
31.08.2014 Tony Abbott's white settlement remarks offend Indigenous leaders
02.09.2014 West Papuan Independence Leader Found Floating In Sack At Sea
03.09.2014 [Zine] Ferguson - Mike Brown & The 21st Century Race Riots
03.09.2014 Iranian refugee brain-dead after medical attention denied in Australian concentration camp
03.09.2014 (B) Refugee Protest seeks urgent support!!!
04.09.2014 Government cuts off water to remote Australian Aboriginal settlement
05.09.2014 Old mistakes in New Delhi: Australian irresponsibility and Indian uranium sales
06.09.2014 World Suicide Prevention Day – suicide takes more lives than war
08.09.2014 New UN human rights chief attacks Australia over asylum seeker rights 'violations'
08.09.2014 Slave descendants finally recognised as Australian minority group
08.09.2014 Solisampler für die TAV-Gefangenen Lucio, Chiara, Claudio, Mattia, Nicco, Fra, Graziano
09.09.2014 Attack on the Greek Consulate in Zürich
09.09.2014 hamid kehazaei family to receive aboriginal passport
14.09.2014 BDS Besiegerung als israelische Schiff in Vancouver blockieren war
14.09.2014 Demonstration: united neighbours Right to stay and housing for everyone!
15.09.2014 Let the cache flow!
16.09.2014 FBI Investigation against IMC Athens
16.09.2014 Statement on Justice Department Subpoena of Athens IMC
17.09.2014 Unitedt Neighbours?! Discussion Meeting
19.09.2014 Riots in Keratsini am Jahrestag von Pavlos Fyssas
19.09.2014 Responsibility claim for the burning of police vehicles in Keynsham by ‘Uncivil Disobedients / FAI’ (UK)
19.09.2014 Istanbul: Construction machine sabotaged by ‘FAI/IRF Furious Hookers Militia’ (Turkey)
19.09.2014 Filton, Bristol: ‘FAI “Sacco & Vanzetti” Circle of Propaganda by Life & by Deed’ take responsibility for an incendiary attack against BAE Arms Development Centre in the context of the NATO Summit (UK)
24.09.2014 excavator was stopped / hambach forest
28.09.2014 DDoS attack against Indy linksunten
01.10.2014 Demonstration in front of the Regional Council (Regierungspräsidium) Darmstadt
04.10.2014 Black vs. Yellow: Class Antagonism and Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement
05.10.2014 Community supported squatting in Greifswald
06.10.2014 4 anarchist comrades begin hunger strike (Mexico)
07.10.2014 Filaki – Prison World: Film about the 2007 prison uprising in Greece – English subtitles
08.10.2014 Refugees under the Rainbow – Meeting at Regenbogenfabrik
09.10.2014 Stop forest destruction for tar sand oil: say NO to CETA!
10.10.2014 Demonstration Smash 114 FPG-Decriminalize Migration
10.10.2014 Four Things the Left Should Learn from Kobane
11.10.2014 The experiment of Rojava
12.10.2014 Protest in Istanbul - Drei deutsche Journalisten in der Türkei wegen vermeintlicher Spionage inhaftiert
13.10.2014 IFA statement. Against the terror of the State and religion. Freedom for the people.
14.10.2014 Solidarity Woldwide!
14.10.2014 The coming insurrection
15.10.2014 Animal Liberation Front: Animalliberation in Sweden!
15.10.2014 ALF: Attack against butcher shop in Costa Rica
16.10.2014 Mexico City: Explosive solidarity with anarchist prisoners
16.10.2014 Costa Rica: Incendiary attack at butcher shop in Cartago
16.10.2014 Weitermachen!
18.10.2014 In Memory of Suphi Nejat Ağırnaslı
19.10.2014 Moscow Autonomous Action on the Ukrainian war
20.10.2014 Aussie Kids Going Hungry
20.10.2014 Australian government planning retrograde laws on asylum
20.10.2014 Interim report: documenting racist controls with mapping software
21.10.2014 Why coal* is not good for humanity
23.10.2014 [B] Demo: 2 Yeras Refugee Protest - Enough is enough! We are angry!
24.10.2014 Prozess gegen Migrantinnen Athen
24.10.2014 The struggle for Kobane: an example of selective solidarity
24.10.2014 International anti-nuclear gathering in Germany in November
25.10.2014 One thousand demonstrate in Australia about Aboriginal deaths in custody
26.10.2014 Rojava: An Anarcho-Syndicalist Perspective
27.10.2014 Nuns to pope: Revoke 15th-century doctrine that allows Christians to seize native land
28.10.2014 URGENT CALL FOR ACTION: Global Rally against ISIS – for Kobanê – for Humanity!
01.11.2014 Australia and India heading for nuclear cooperation - and other nuclear news
02.11.2014 Germany planning to abstain on United Nations depleted uranium vote
03.11.2014 Western "Comrades" join Kurds, Arabs, Secularists, Yezids, and syriac Christians against Islamic State
04.11.2014 Anarcha-Feminist Reading Circle
05.11.2014 Australia 'using asylum seeker children as bargaining chips'
05.11.2014 [B] You can not evict a movement - Resistance against the eviction
05.11.2014 Ticking nuclear time bomb up for grabs
05.11.2014 Police, protesters talk down prospect of violence at G20
06.11.2014 Brasil: ALF raided farm and rescued about 100 chinchillas
07.11.2014 (NL) ALF-Huntsabotage: Soli for Remi Fraisse
08.11.2014 Australian Aborigines to meet at a SUMMIT FOR FREEDOM in Alice Springs
08.11.2014 Tony Abbott’s Australian government fuels a climate of fear and hatred
08.11.2014 Aborigines reject nuclear dump in Central Australia
08.11.2014 Japanese governor, local assembly approve restart of Sendai nuclear power plant
09.11.2014 November 22nd: an international day against police violence and repression
09.11.2014 The Russian pit-fall trap (Bulgaria’s detention and extradition of EU citizens to Russia and other non-EU states)
10.11.2014 Hazaras face death on return to Afghanistan
10.11.2014 Aging US nuclear arsenal grows ever more costly
10.11.2014 A Minor Footnote To Our Shameless Persecution Of Asylum Seekers
11.11.2014 "Stop stealing our children!" Aboriginal protest in Brisbane
11.11.2014 Broken promises of district and Senate are illegal!
12.11.2014 Asylum-seeker conditions inhuman and unlawful, UN committee tells Australia
12.11.2014 Dismantling a highly polluted German nuclear reactor with a scandalous cover-up history
12.11.2014 Lessons to be learned from atom bomb tests in Australia
13.11.2014 animal liberation action and arson in australia
13.11.2014 UN Told Australian Indigenous Deaths in Custody Worsen
14.11.2014 Understanding why Australia's First Peoples are so angry
14.11.2014 German authorities totally stuffed up nuclear disaster exercise
15.11.2014 ALF activ in Costa Rica
17.11.2014 Thousands protest G20 Summit in Australia
17.11.2014 The Siege Of Julian Assange Is A Farce
19.11.2014 West Australian plan to close 100 remote and Indigenous communities 'devastating'
19.11.2014 Nationalism in Poland
20.11.2014 (NL) Action Days in The Hague for De Vloek and autonomous spaces
20.11.2014 The new norm of hate betrays our immigrant origins
20.11.2014 The Disgrace of Western Australia's Treatment of Aboriginal People
20.11.2014 The Maasai cry for help
21.11.2014 Campaigns against halal are anti-Islamic bullying: race commissioner
22.11.2014 Worldwide Action Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women*
23.11.2014 Action against the IOM in solidarity with migrants (Geneva)
24.11.2014 Protests against closure of 150 Aboriginal communities
24.11.2014 Aboriginal leader calls for trade sanctions & boycotts against Australia
25.11.2014 Mental illness may be used to deny Australian citizenship under new bill
25.11.2014 Poetic injustice as bid for Indigenous Recognition stalls
26.11.2014 Removing Australia from the Refugee Convention?
27.11.2014 Alice Springs 'Freedom Summit' urges youth to take up Indigenous rights fight
27.11.2014 Again massive tightening of asylum law is coming!
27.11.2014 Let‘s fight racism! Refugees are colleagues as well, bring them into the unions!
28.11.2014 [B] Animal Liberation Front against Berlin "Tierpark"
28.11.2014 Revenge for Rémi, street fires for nuclear industry, prison society and the European Green Capital (UK)
28.11.2014 The coral and the coal king
28.11.2014 The End of Antifa?
29.11.2014 Communiqué from the Aboriginal Freedom Summit
29.11.2014 Uranium mining in Kakadu (Australia) at a crucial point
01.12.2014 animalliberationactivists against church in berlin
02.12.2014 ALF: Animal Liberation Front attack against police in spain
02.12.2014 Find yourself a revolver!
02.12.2014 (B) animalliberationactivists sabotage against furtrade
02.12.2014 Proclamation of the Sentence in trial on "Human Smuggling"
02.12.2014 action against DHL in france
02.12.2014 [CRO] Solidarity Action in front of-Ježevo, detention center
03.12.2014 Athens: Second announcement from the occupied Polytechnic School after Exarchia riots
03.12.2014 Nikos Romanos Antwort auf negativen Gerichtsentscheid: Heraus zum 6.Dezember!
03.12.2014 Join the rally against deportation: “Stop the deportations! Fight fortress Europe!”
04.12.2014 “Stop uranium mining, transportation, enrichment and nuclear fuel production”
05.12.2014 Tyrannical powers for Australia's immigration minister
05.12.2014 "Over-representation of Indigenous Australians in prison a catastrophe"
05.12.2014 Mall of Shame - Inside Story - Demo Tomorrow
06.12.2014 [Wien, Wiener Neustadt] Statement on Yesterdays Proclamation of the Verdict
06.12.2014 How Greece is Being Set Alight by an Anarchist on Hunger Strike
08.12.2014 A brief report from the December 6th riot of Helsinki
08.12.2014 Call for the video recording equipments for berlin refugee strike
09.12.2014 Climate Change Is The Biggest Threat To Black Australia
09.12.2014 Black Australia Would Be 'Essentially Free Labour' Under Work-For-The-Dole Changes
09.12.2014 Roads and mining driving “retrograde and morally reprehensible” land grabs
10.12.2014 Greek prisons: Solidarity with anarchist Nikos Romanos and the rest of prisoners in struggle
11.12.2014 Return of land to Aborigines kills uranium prospects
11.12.2014 They shall not pass! Let’s block the FPÖ and Students Fraternity’s Ball together!
12.12.2014 Verhaftungen und Verurteilungen nach anarchistischer Kundgebung in Minsk
12.12.2014 [B] Demonstration: We are one – against racism and police brutality!
13.12.2014 Excluded, swapped out and exposed – living conditions of asylum-seeking women in Germany
13.12.2014 Widening of imprisonment for deportation and permanent „Duldung“ - still with the current draft of the cabinet!
13.12.2014 International call for action and solidarity with the World Cup prisoners (Brazil)
13.12.2014 Reclaim the Streets
18.12.2014 'Wishful thinking and misinformation': An open letter to nuclear lobbyists
19.12.2014 All over the world, renewables are beating nuclear
19.12.2014 Infopoint at Oranienplatz got attacked and destroyed
19.12.2014 Statement on Federal Gag Order Against MF/PL
19.12.2014 (B) direct action against Peek&Cloppenburg
20.12.2014 Historical ethnic cleansing continues in Australia with removal from homelands
20.12.2014 Action: Support 'Uranium − The Silent Killer'
21.12.2014 Australia is destroying indigenous land with fracking
21.12.2014 de,en,es,it: Solidarity posters with anarchist comrades in Spain
22.12.2014 Addresses of the anarchist prisoners in Spain Op. Pandora
23.12.2014 Update Days of Action “Defend De Vloek and autonomous spaces” 26-28 December 2014
24.12.2014 VIDEO: Lake Worth Methodist church fire investigated as arson
24.12.2014 Fire devours historic Iowa church
24.12.2014 Roswell: Epiphany Byzantine Catholic church damaged in arson fire
24.12.2014 Church fire investigated; Serious situation averted at Mason’s Chapel UMC
24.12.2014 Waco FD investigates rash of fires that destroyed house, damaged church
24.12.2014 Reward offered for information on church fire
24.12.2014 Fire destroys a Columbus church and damages nearby buildings
25.12.2014 Indymedia linksunten defends itself
26.12.2014 Australian Aborigines preparing for Canberra sit-in
28.12.2014 Attack against the Spanish Consulate in Amsterdam
28.12.2014 Australia's indigenous incarceration crisis
30.12.2014 (B) Animal Liberation Front (ALF) attack on fleshtrucks
31.12.2014 The lighter Flame
01.01.2015 Why attack democracy? (“Coordinated Anarchist Groups”, GAC)
01.01.2015 VIDEO: Anarchist Riot Greetings from Greece for 2015 [Jingle Bells version]
03.01.2015 [B] 05.01. United against racist propaganda and social exclusion! #NoBergida
03.01.2015 Aboriginal land rights under attack again in Australia
04.01.2015 Meeting Mannheim Hauptbahnhof for Oury Jalloh
06.01.2015 MS: Sylvesterkundgebung am Knast
06.01.2015 Freiburg: Sylvester zum Knast
06.01.2015 Mass strikes in Guyana, 1917
07.01.2015 1965 Freedom Ride re-enactment going off track in Australia
07.01.2015 Kicked off a train for being 'Black' in Western Australia
09.01.2015 He renounced Australia and lives solely by tribal law. Now Murrumu is hitting the road
09.01.2015 [Vienna] We'll be in their Way! Let's block the FPÖ's Student Fraternity Ball together!
10.01.2015 I Stand With Charlie Hebdo, But I Also Stand With the Victims of Our Bombs
12.01.2015 Midgegooroo - "he threw the pick-axe down the well"
12.01.2015 Phil Africa Dies In Prison Under VERY Suspicious Circumstances
12.01.2015 Offener Brief über ://aboutblank
12.01.2015 Institutional Racism in the State Organs
13.01.2015 Three simple ways Australia can clean the stain from its asylum seeker policies
14.01.2015 The free-speech hypocrisy of some world leaders marching in Paris
16.01.2015 Khalid Idris Bahray – his death was murder! Let's turn grief and rage into resistance!
16.01.2015 Destroika-Video: March 18th 2015: European Central Bank opening in Frankfurt
16.01.2015 Refu­gees wel­come — fight racism!
17.01.2015 The day after the insurrection
18.01.2015 Create a struggle against the racist society of selfgovernance / An invitation for further discussion
18.01.2015 [LE] Solidarity is our weapon
18.01.2015 White Australians would not have had this inflicted on them
18.01.2015 Removal of Aboriginal children at crisis point and rising
19.01.2015 Up to 700 detainees on hunger strike in Australian-run concentration camp
19.01.2015 People urged to attend Canberra First Peoples sit-in
19.01.2015 "The Place is Here, The Time is Now" (Mini documentary on Athens Riots of 6 December 2014)
19.01.2015 Liquidation of RASH Stuttgart
20.01.2015 Islamism and the Left
20.01.2015 New police radars can 'see' inside homes
22.01.2015 Monday demonstration for refugees safety and against racism
22.01.2015 Four people arrested after solidarity actions with arestees from New Year Punk Gig in Minsk
22.01.2015 Call for Antifa-Support in February in Bulgaria
22.01.2015 Journalists reporting on asylum seekers referred to Australian police
23.01.2015 Qualitatively the worst genocide in human history
23.01.2015 Boum! Contre les frontiéres – A festival welcoming refugees and tearing down borders
23.01.2015 In Midst of War, Ukrainian Political Left Ponders Next Moves
24.01.2015 Community shut-downs and homelessness in Western Australia
24.01.2015 PEGIDA in Trier
24.01.2015 [HH] Fight for the rights of refugees – come to Hamburg!
25.01.2015 Newly discovered 1964 Martin Luther King speech resonates with Australian Aboriginal struggle
25.01.2015 Australians resisting free trade deal with US that would empower corporations
28.01.2015 [Discussion] Protocol of an exchange among anarchists concerning PEGIDA and democracy
29.01.2015 Syriza Cant`t Save Greece
29.01.2015 Date with destiny - February 9 - First Peoples' Sit-In in Canberra
29.01.2015 Final notice: black line is drawn
01.02.2015 Queensland parliament likely to get its first two Aboriginal members
01.02.2015 I am not Charlie/No to attacks/No to racism and Islamophobia
01.02.2015 Interview with a proud Wiradjuri woman
04.02.2015 Most Australians 'don't actually understand what human rights are'
06.02.2015 (B) Kaufhof is selling fur again - direct action in Berlin!!!
08.02.2015 Call-out for Aboriginal sit-in at the Australian parliament
10.02.2015 Aboriginal protesters come face-to-face with politicians during Canberra 'sit-in'
10.02.2015 Call for Germanwide Demonstration on February 28th in Dresden
10.02.2015 Anti-nuclear activists: "Don't buy holidays from Hapag-Lloyd or TUI"
11.02.2015 Culture of fear growing among Australian immigration officials
11.02.2015 Leadership squabbling, not Aboriginal rights struggle, consumed by mainstream media
11.02.2015 Rotting nuclear waste drums to be retrieved from Brunsbüttel "breakdown reactor"
11.02.2015 Nearly 4000 blacks lynched in the US from 1877 to 1950: study
11.02.2015 Show your ass to the authorities: call for solidarity with Belarusian anarchists from 25th February to 1st March
12.02.2015 [DD] Demonstration for a humane asylum politics and the rights of the refugees
12.02.2015 Australian government insider slams failure to close the gap between Indigenous and white Australians
12.02.2015 three animalliberationactivists were detained in russia!
12.02.2015 animal liberation and arson in la plata
14.02.2015 Grandmothers protest worst ever stealing of Australian Aboriginal children
14.02.2015 Plan to make Australia a nuclear recycling and waste dump
16.02.2015 Info-Event: European Police Congress Sets Security Policy Trends
16.02.2015 Asylum seekers on hunger strike, sewing their lips and swallowing razor blades
16.02.2015 Invitation for Final Actions concerning the Voucher system for refugees in Hennigsdorf
18.02.2015 Islamic group worried by Australian government's new toughness
18.02.2015 Innocent Sayed Abdellatif and his extraordinary detention in Australian immigration
18.02.2015 Closure of remote communities devastates Aboriginal residents
18.02.2015 JUST CROSS
19.02.2015 Transnational Migrant Strike - Brennero aperto – Free passage across Brenner
19.02.2015 MDB and WWF: against hate, discrimination, and inner-scene elitis
21.02.2015 Stop a billion-dollar gift to the palm oil industry!
21.02.2015 Arms fair in Abu Dhabi/War on your doorstep action against National Aerospace Laboratory/Statement of solidarity
22.02.2015 Fifty years on, Freedom Ride again holds up a mirror to white Australia
24.02.2015 I AM CONTROLLED: Creative Action opposite the "European Police Congress" at Alexanderplatz in Berlin
24.02.2015 Racist entrance-policies at the „Musichouse“ in Graz
26.02.2015 (GÖ)Feminist fighting beyond boundaries – against antifeminism, racism, homophobia and trans*phobia!
27.02.2015 Guccio No 1: Eine etwas andere Streitschrift - für Frankfurt und darüber hinaus
27.02.2015 [Erfurt] Appeal for manifestation at the 04.03. at 9 pm against deportation at Stauffenbergallee 25
28.02.2015 Monika Herrmann is shamefully planning another eviction for ohlauer ghs school
28.02.2015 No expulsions from Goerlitzer Park. Stop police brutality!
01.03.2015 Dresden Protest Camp Refugee Struggle
01.03.2015 Atomic bomb test site on Aboriginal land could now be flagged as a nuclear waste dump
01.03.2015 (B) Animal Liberation Front action against Peek&Cloppenburg
02.03.2015 Australia's complicity with brutal Sri Lankan regime exposed
03.03.2015 In the heart of Perth, Aboriginal Tent Embassy and a refugee camp
04.03.2015 Australian Prime Minister defames female Moslem academic
06.03.2015 For the international female day of struggle 2015 in Freiburg
06.03.2015 All feminists are created equal, but some are more equal than others
06.03.2015 What legacy do you want to leave your children?
06.03.2015 Controversial Senator says there's no proof indigenous people were the first Australians
06.03.2015 How Morrison's Australia crushed the life out of little Febrina
06.03.2015 'Every single step of the justice system is discriminatory against Aboriginal people.'
07.03.2015 Refugee camp in Perth, Australia, and a developing humanitarian crisis
08.03.2015 Australia breaches UN on torture: expert
09.03.2015 Berlin-Gesundbrunnen: Anti-racist neighbourhood-football-cup with a social-cultural schedule
09.03.2015 Germaine Greer says feminism is ageist and the aged care sector is under attack
09.03.2015 Mental disintegration of refugee children and parents in Australian concentration camps
10.03.2015 Our invitation. Food for all. Refugees Welcome.
11.03.2015 "The voice and opinion of a tyrant, dressed up in a liberal suit"
12.03.2015 Greece: Communique by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire about the hunger strike
12.03.2015 All fouled up - Fukushima four years after the catastrophe
14.03.2015 Maori politicians support Aboriginal protest over proposed closure of indigenous communities
15.03.2015 Ohlauer-School calls for action!
16.03.2015 Ex-undercover officer reveals that covert police unit spied on trade union members - full statement
16.03.2015 Covert police unit spied on trade union members, whistleblower reveals
17.03.2015 Aboriginal Australian communities announce a global call to action
20.03.2015 Report finds sexual abuse, attempted suicides of refugee children in Australian concentration camp
22.03.2015 A Day After a Killing, Afghans React in Horror, but Some Show Approval
22.03.2015 "Violence" at #Blockupy: Enough with the Hypocrisy!
23.03.2015 Tekk Back Da Park - Ⓐct II
24.03.2015 [GB] Support needed: Räumung in England
24.03.2015 Aboriginal Australian communities send a powerful message to government
25.03.2015 Germany’s Nuclear Costs Trigger Fears
25.03.2015 Witness threats, 'inhuman guards', rapes and deaths at sea: testimony that didn't make the Moss Review
26.03.2015 Aboriginal group fights to stop $16bn Carmichael coalmine, Australia’s largest
28.03.2015 "Shameless, insensitive, outrageous, incredibly racist, lacking humanity, disconnected from reality"
28.03.2015 Bills before Australia's parliament would entrench a militaristic approach to refugees and allow a use of force against detainees
29.03.2015 Maori solidarity with the Nyoongar people at Matargarup, Perth
30.03.2015 Without Consent: Emotional Canberra exhibition remembers Australia's forced adoptions
30.03.2015 In defence of our land and our freedoms
30.03.2015 10 Facts about Ohlauer School and how Monika Hermann and Green Party are evicting it
30.03.2015 Amongst two worlds - International Call of Action for the Hunger Strike until Death of the CCF (Greece)
31.03.2015 Communique by the prisoners of Korydallos prison (Greece)
01.04.2015 South Australian Aboriginal communities hold emergency summit to fight 'cultural genocide'
03.04.2015 Why I Broke Up with the Anarchist Community
04.04.2015 „Berkin Elvan was an ordinary person, but he was our child“
04.04.2015 Greece: The hunger strike of the CCF was victorious
14.04.2015 Brussels: The struggle against the construction of a maxi-prison
15.04.2015 Fight For Your Poverty - DADA_DANCE_DEMO + Musical
16.04.2015 [Chile] Anarchists Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Guillermo Duran declare hunger strike
16.04.2015 TekkBackDaPark Act III
16.04.2015 For the record: First People's sovereignty never ceded
17.04.2015 Police ends occupation of Athens University: no tear gas, no tears
19.04.2015 White and black deceit, corruption and looting over land against autonomous Aboriginal people in South Australia
19.04.2015 Refugees Soli Bustour in Kiel
19.04.2015 Athens, Greece: Incendiary attack against a poultry company in solidarity with imprisoned hunger strikers
20.04.2015 Aborigines appeal to UN indigenous forum over homelands closure plans
20.04.2015 Network of Imprisoned Fighters end their 48 day hunger strike after Greek parliament agree to significant portion of the demands (Greece)
21.04.2015 Upcoming international Perth conference on racist theft of Aboriginal children
21.04.2015 ALERT: New grouped deportation to DRC on April 28th 2015!
21.04.2015 2nd of may "Danube Channel for everyone - Let's take back the city!"
22.04.2015 By evicting the homelands, Australia has again declared war on Indigenous people
24.04.2015 'Systemic racism' against Aboriginal communities is savaged at the United Nations
25.04.2015 Free Mumia
25.04.2015 Ferrys not Frontex!
28.04.2015 Stop the forced closure of Aboriginal communities in Australia -- Call-to-Action day!
28.04.2015 A fair go for the First Nations: Australia needs a Treaty
28.04.2015 Stop Tightening of asylum laws InfoEvent and Küfa
28.04.2015 No bees, no future
29.04.2015 Refugee-Movement-Bustour - Sponti in Lager Bramsche-Hesepe (Osnabrück)
29.04.2015 Refugee-Movement-Bustour - 21-24 april in Kiel, Oldenburg and Hannover
01.05.2015 French researchers: “Aboriginal communities should not be closed!”
02.05.2015 Popular opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement growing in Australia
02.05.2015 International anger swelling at plans to evict Australian Aborigines from ancestral lands
03.05.2015 Refugee Struggle Bustour – Münschen Demo, sunday
04.05.2015 Massive police operation against anarchists left three people in custody (Czech Republic)
04.05.2015 Last Night in Baltimore
05.05.2015 Police again smash Aboriginal protest camp in Perth
05.05.2015 Videobericht 1. Mai Okmeydanı [Istanbul] - "GLASS MARBLES AGAINST LEAD BULLETS"
06.05.2015 Contacts sought for Aboriginal art show in Europe
06.05.2015 Contacts sought for Aboriginal art show in Europe
07.05.2015 Wuppertal: Visitor of AZ critically injured - a second statement
07.05.2015 Anarchist campaign of internationalist solidarity - Three Bridges
08.05.2015 Finland: stop treating indigenous Saami as second-class citizens!
08.05.2015 Appeal to stop Australia taxing menstruation
08.05.2015 Arson with demands - on the Swedish riots
09.05.2015 Reparation needed before Aboriginal peoples can 'move on'
13.05.2015 Australia’s disarmament double-speak at this year’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference
13.05.2015 Aborigines expect more misery from new national budget
13.05.2015 Governments Negotiate UN Agreement on Global Development
14.05.2015 Australian government budget leaves indigenous affairs in a “trauma zone”
15.05.2015 A letter from Paul, anarchist prisoner of Operation Piñata (Spain)
16.05.2015 Nuclear News
16.05.2015 New coalition demands more justice for Indigenous Australians
17.05.2015 How an Australian Aboriginal family turned their sister's death into a youth suicide prevention group
17.05.2015 The 5 Anarchists Prisoners in Operation Piñata (Spain) Dispersed!!
18.05.2015 So 90% of us are 'proud Australians'. Proud of what, exactly?
18.05.2015 "We are still here" - Picket from 18th of May 2015
18.05.2015 (BO) Action in solidarity with the autonomous centre in Wuppertal and the anarchists facing repression in Spain
21.05.2015 More cuts to Aboriginal health spending
21.05.2015 Ethiopian Jews Riot in Israel
23.05.2015 Every 20th Aboriginal death a suicide
24.05.2015 Gardez la rage contre le barrage - Resistance Against the Reservoir Dam in Tarn
24.05.2015 2nd International Antifascist Martial Arts Tournament
25.05.2015 Nuclear-hit Aborigines again in radiation danger
27.05.2015 Info event+Küfa // life in the camp
28.05.2015 Belarus: Mikalai Dziadok protested against tortures by prison staff - he cut his abdomen and arms.
28.05.2015 KüfA and InfoEvent on the live in camps
29.05.2015 „Operation Phönix“: Repression in Czech Republic
30.05.2015 More Aboriginal children than ever ripped from their families
30.05.2015 Aborigines to visit US and European banks to prevent funding of Australia’s biggest coalmine on their country
01.06.2015 Ukraine: truce the least bad option, but it gave space to fascists on all sides
01.06.2015 [Wü] Trial report + outing of the ZAG
02.06.2015 One refugee child has spent nearly five years in an Australian prison camp
02.06.2015 International nuclear news roundup
02.06.2015 [Spain] Three of the five anarchist prisoners of the Operación Piñata released!
03.06.2015 Aboriginal actions across the continent to ‘Shutdown Australia’ on 1 June
03.06.2015 Greece: Solidarity to arrested Grigoris Tsironis and Spiros Christodoulou and in active insurrectionary memory of Spiros Dravilas
04.06.2015 Watch it now: Giant tampons at Parliament!
05.06.2015 Solidarity with the Spanish Anarchists
05.06.2015 Detention turns refugees into patients. Don't jail doctors for saying so
05.06.2015 T-Shirt Racism
06.06.2015 Aboriginal Elders and writers flail invasion of homelands eight years ago in an exciting anthology
07.06.2015 Downtime due to technical problems
07.06.2015 Musik braucht Freiräume
08.06.2015 Greece: “Communization: The senile decay of anarchy (or re-inventing anarchy)”, text by CCF
10.06.2015 [B] Frackanpada! Berlin info-event + soli-cocktails
10.06.2015 Ground Control - agriculture and climate action camp // Amsterdam 1-8 July
10.06.2015 Stop tightening asylum laws!!
11.06.2015 The forbidden texts of refugee activist Joke Kaviaar
12.06.2015 Ukrainian Anarchist Organizations’ Statement On the Attack Against the Equality March
12.06.2015 Big Agriculture: hands off of Papua!
13.06.2015 Australia must back indigenous expertise to end crisis of children’s incarceration
14.06.2015 Christina Macpherson’s antinuclear news
14.06.2015 Can Australia sink any further in its treatment of asylum seekers
15.06.2015 Decolonisation: to be or not to be included in the Australian constitution?
16.06.2015 The Cultural Afterparty of Maidan
16.06.2015 Stop Killing Refugees! Actiondays against Racism, Asyllawaggravation and Fortress Europe
18.06.2015 Berlin from 26-28 June: An art installation about the Yolngu people: S.O.S. Australia - restoring dignity
19.06.2015 “Take away from me my language, my responsibilities for the land, my land, and I am nothing”
20.06.2015 Christina Macpherson’s antinuclear week
20.06.2015 Calls Upon the International Community to Save Life of Detainee on Hunger Strike, Khader Adnan
23.06.2015 [Jena] Wenn der Schutzmann dreimal wegschaut
24.06.2015 Western Australian minister tells parliament he's 'proud' of world-beating juvenile jailing rate
24.06.2015 Signs against the gentrification: The Rigaer street party
27.06.2015 Protests in major Australian cities against cuts to Aboriginal services & closure of Aboriginal communities
01.07.2015 Ruhr: AfD-office smashed
01.07.2015 (B) attacked two banks
02.07.2015 (TÜ) Note of solidarity to the struggling people in Europe and beyond
02.07.2015 Spontaneous Demonstration in Aachen was clouded by police violence
02.07.2015 (B) For a hellfire on earth…
02.07.2015 Berlin: Prison industry targeted by Destroika
02.07.2015 Berlin: Santander bank smashed in Prenzlauer Berg
02.07.2015 Frankfurt, Germany: ABS real estates office attacked
02.07.2015 Berlin: Cop car burnt for Lambros Foundas
02.07.2015 Frankfurt: Sabotage of a VGF ticket machine
02.07.2015 Dresden: A car of Deutsche Bahn set on fire
02.07.2015 Eschborn, Frankfurt: Arson attack against power and communication lines
02.07.2015 Every eviction has its price! Attack with paint against the office of the ‘Bauverein Reiherstieg’ housing cooperative in Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg
02.07.2015 Berlin: Solidarity sabotage with those incarcerated as part of Operation Pandora in Spain
02.07.2015 Leipzig: Real estate company targeted and several luxury vehicles torched
03.07.2015 Announcement of the greek activist newspaper "APATRIS" on the breakthroughs in Greece
03.07.2015 We just took on the world
03.07.2015 Call-out for big Aboriginal protest march across Sydney Harbour Bridge
06.07.2015 Anti-fascist and anarchist from Russia needs help and solidarity
07.07.2015 Mexico City: Incendiary attack against a Banamex bank branch
07.07.2015 Santiago, Chile: Incendiary attack against a car company by FAI-IRF
07.07.2015 Berlin: Vehicle owned by the Greek consul torched
07.07.2015 Santiago: Attacks on Bci and BancoEstado branches
07.07.2015 The daily resistance at Oplatz-Berlin
08.07.2015 Berlin: Arson attack on Santander bank branch
08.07.2015 Berlin: Attacks on Santander bank branches
08.07.2015 Berlin: Fire for Bosch
08.07.2015 Naucalpan, Mexico: Explosive device placed at Mercedes-Benz dealership
08.07.2015 Nantes, France: Court repainted red – justice reveals it’s true face
08.07.2015 Czech Republic: Two attacks against police vehicles
09.07.2015 Phoenix Project: Smoke signals from Berlin
09.07.2015 Germany: Molotov attack against vehicles owned by Bayer
09.07.2015 [Bremen, Germany] Attack on office of a member of the CDU
09.07.2015 Berlin – Fire to Sodexo
09.07.2015 Berlin, fire to Gegenbauer and greetings to Commerzbank
09.07.2015 Germany: Smoke signals from Dresden
10.07.2015 Guide for collective survival in times of mass destruction (text about Greece)
10.07.2015 Stop Instrumentalizing Us!
10.07.2015 Berlin: Arson Sabotage of a Deutsche Telekom Car
10.07.2015 Berlin: Attack against Deutsche Telekom in solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle
10.07.2015 ‘Attack’ against Berlin Foreigners Registration Office in Moabit
10.07.2015 [B] District Court - We bring light into the darkness…
10.07.2015 Berlin: Diplomatic vehicles belonging to the Turkish embassy set ablaze
12.07.2015 Tony Abbott and the 40 thieves
13.07.2015 Paris: Vinci and La Poste lose two vehicles
13.07.2015 [Budapest] Demo against the wall on the Serbian-Hungarian border
13.07.2015 1) Most people haven't heard about it; 2) When they do, they get mad
15.07.2015 Nikos Maziotis regarding Greece’s default and exit from the EMU
16.07.2015 Mexico: Attack on the WEST PLAZA PARK industrial project in Zapopan
16.07.2015 Against Nazis and Repression – Freedom for Valentin
16.07.2015 Break the ranks
17.07.2015 Meuse, France: Attack against a technical site of ANDRA
17.07.2015 Brussels: “Anti-terrorist” raids of comrades’ homes and Le Passage
17.07.2015 Brétigny (Essonne): the municipality police loses two cars
17.07.2015 Paris: Solidarity hammering
18.07.2015 Child asylum seeker alleges rape in shower and 253 Nauru detainees attempt self-harm, Australian Senate inquiry hears
18.07.2015 Aboriginal children as young as nine killing themselves in Australia
18.07.2015 Preparation Meeting in Saxony for the Beyond-Europe-Camp (Chalkidiki, Greece)
18.07.2015 (Athens) Announcement from the arrested at the gathering against the enactment of the 3rd Memorandum
18.07.2015 Mohammad Al Zoubi from Syria ist under deportation threat - I am not safe in germany
20.07.2015 Gaza trade unions urge boycott of Israeli labor federation
20.07.2015 Australia 'most sceptical' about climate change globally, says study
22.07.2015 The Wehrmacht in Crete: “No more reluctance regarding innocent men, women and children”
22.07.2015 Australian opposition leader wants Labor to adopt government's refugee boat turn-backs
22.07.2015 Remote Indigenous outstation rejects Australian government policy and opens own school
22.07.2015 (B) car lighted
23.07.2015 International call to action for Suruç Massacre
23.07.2015 Alice Springs paramilitary vigilante leader says Aboriginal people 'stuck in the 1700s'
23.07.2015 Week for Anarchist Prisoners – Call for an international mobilisation
28.07.2015 Imaginary spear outrages Australia. Slap on the wrist for hit and run death of black child doesn't
31.07.2015 "Fund Abortion Now" Website Targeted by Denial of Service Attack
31.07.2015 WHITE PEOPLE - Official Full Documentary
01.08.2015 About some car fires in recent weeks in Berlin…
01.08.2015 Leipzig: Deutsche Bank stoned in solidarity with anarchists in Spain
01.08.2015 Thessaloniki, Greece: Expropriation of supermarket
01.08.2015 Paris: on foot
01.08.2015 Claim for damage to Senate interior office in Bremen
01.08.2015 Policecar hit by stones at Rigaer Straße
03.08.2015 Ukraine’s left: between a swamp and a hard place
04.08.2015 Welcome to Britain
05.08.2015 Genoa, Italy: Sabotage Against Italsite Spa In Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners
05.08.2015 What is White Rex?
06.08.2015 Naucalpan, Mexico: Explosive device placed at Mercedes-Benz dealership
07.08.2015 Xalapa, Mexico: Incendiary attack on the Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL) for a Black June
10.08.2015 “You can keep your gold, we just want our land back”
13.08.2015 How Goldman Sachs Profited From The Greek Crisis
15.08.2015 Fat cat and activist Aborigines fighting over prime Sydney land
16.08.2015 [Bonn] Right to residency for all! Against police violence and racism
16.08.2015 From Berlin to Kopenhagen
17.08.2015 Whistleblowers expose alleged abuse of asylum seekers on Nauru – video
18.08.2015 [Antifenix] Welcome Home!
19.08.2015 Invitation for the "Connecting European Struggles conference"
23.08.2015 Open letter to the struggling textile workers worldwide
26.08.2015 Chronik: a new blog documenting social war from Germany
26.08.2015 There we go! Keep it up! Ende Gelände!
26.08.2015 A Dubious Deal with the NSA
27.08.2015 Anti-racist Demonstration in Hennigsdorf
29.08.2015 MALAYSIA (Kuala Lumpur) | Ahead of Bersih 4, dozens nabbed in raid on independent punk venue Rumah Api
29.08.2015 Paul is remanded in custody
30.08.2015 Ihar Alinevich, Mikalai Dziadok, Artsiom Prakapenka and Jauhen Vas’kovich are released
30.08.2015 Call for a NO BORDER block at the demonstration on 31st of August in Vienna
31.08.2015 Attack against Turkish general consulate in Zurich
31.08.2015 30 who oppose gay marriage claim to speak for 700,000 Aborigines
31.08.2015 Dortmund: ...until all are free
01.09.2015 Australia pays more than $13 million per refugee to send four to Cambodia
02.09.2015 Australia nanny state: Have we become a nation of idiots?
03.09.2015 Australia decides next week whether to join bombing Islamic State
03.09.2015 Convoy Budapest Vienna - Rail replacement Operation for Refugees
04.09.2015 Powers for Australian Border Force 'disrespect human dignity'
04.09.2015 Powers for Australian Border Force 'disrespect human dignity'
05.09.2015 De Vloek declares independence!
06.09.2015 Indigenous suicides “Australia’s worst crisis”
07.09.2015 Art Ecology Resistance (SKA) event in the Philippines
08.09.2015 First Australians – Die unbekannte Geschichte von Australien
09.09.2015 Basel, Switzerland: Call for a “NoBorder – NoNation – NoConex” demonstration
09.09.2015 Australia joins bombing of Syria, it's already bombing Iraq
09.09.2015 Massive Aboriginal misery focus at Bonn conference
10.09.2015 Down Under Berlin Film Festival 16 - 20 September 2015
10.09.2015 Tribal leaders meet in Alice Springs to hammer out treaty with White Australia
11.09.2015 [B] protocoll #1 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin
13.09.2015 Australia, you're standing in it: another day, another week of breathtaking Aussie racism
14.09.2015 Chile: Coordinated incendiary attacks against telecommunications infrastructure by FAI-IRF
14.09.2015 Mediterranean Anarchist Meeting
15.09.2015 Bright spark, black day: the political obituary of the prime minister for indigenous affairs
15.09.2015 [FR] Shameful conditions in Freiburg's BEA
16.09.2015 Some words on the situation at the Hungarian-Austrian border
16.09.2015 Call out for an EMERGENCY solidarity action at the Serbian-Hungarian border
16.09.2015 [Berlin] Jobcenter Mitte attacked - fuck austerity
17.09.2015 After the wreckage Abbott caused he still left feeling sore and under-appreciated
17.09.2015 “March for life”? – What the fuck! Sabotage anti-feminism! Protest for self-determination of the body! Block Christian fundamentalists!
18.09.2015 Protesters against military coup killed in Burkina Faso
18.09.2015 Military claims control of Burkina Faso amid unrest
19.09.2015 Melbourne woman taking on Transfield over children in detention
19.09.2015 Madagascar: demand freedom for forest guardian Armand Marozafy!
19.09.2015 Aborigines and foreigners complete 450-kilometre anti-uranium walk in Western Australia
21.09.2015 Transfield could face legal action over Nauru and Manus abuses, group warns
21.09.2015 In remembrance of Pirsûs
21.09.2015 Australia-India nuclear deal fails to meet its objectives - and other nuclear news
21.09.2015 Bristol: Direct action against estate agents – CJA trashed
22.09.2015 Threatened traditional Aborigines again seek global activism
23.09.2015 Call for global action to save Aboriginal communities
24.09.2015 Arrests and Deportations at #crossingnomore
24.09.2015 Massive pain inflicted on Aborigines to steal their land rights
24.09.2015 From $13.50 to $750 per HIV/AIDS pill
25.09.2015 Forest fires in Indonesia: stop the corporate arsonists
27.09.2015 Greek Police - Tradition of Torture
29.09.2015 Attack against the Military Forces
29.09.2015 Attack against the Military Forces
29.09.2015 "The trains are full" – Some Insights into an East German Neo-nazi music network
30.09.2015 Stuttgart am 11. October 2015: We'll stand queer!
30.09.2015 Rightwing Populist event in Mettmann
30.09.2015 2nd Open Antifa Youth Meeting
01.10.2015 [Heidenau] 3.10.2015 Demonstration "No discussion - For a save and humane accomodation for regugees!"
01.10.2015 Maurice Konstantinov: Nazi agitator in Freiburg-Herdern
03.10.2015 Greece: More Seclusion - More dead People
05.10.2015 “Es reicht, ya basta, it’s enough, كافيةأنها – Antiracist Demonstration
05.10.2015 [B] Arson attack on Liebig34
09.10.2015 Snitches, weak leadership and degradation of racial theories – Finnish Resistance movement in 2015
10.10.2015 [MS / Münster] Social centre opens its doors. The former Zollamt has been squatted
10.10.2015 Manifestation: "Solidarity with Gülaferit Ünsal".
11.10.2015 protocol #5 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin
11.10.2015 Athens: Words from Evi Statiri – released after hunger strike, now recuperating at home
11.10.2015 meeting #6: forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin
11.10.2015 meeting #7: forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin
12.10.2015 refugeeswelcomemods
12.10.2015 Oppression is the cause of the majority of the suicides (or murders)
12.10.2015 Australia Redefines Hypocrisy And Human Rights In Bid For UN Position
12.10.2015 Indigenous call to Australian authorities: “Our communities and families have the capacity to care for our children”
13.10.2015 Father tried to kill himself when son was cured of TB as doctors over-ruled by immigration
13.10.2015 Keeping place for stolen Indigenous remains should take priority over Anzac centre
13.10.2015 Help to free refugee children from Australian concentration camps
15.10.2015 Aboriginal talks next month on declaring independence from Australia
15.10.2015 Terrible news: Australian government re-approves one of the world's biggest coal mines
15.10.2015 Our shit against your violence!
15.10.2015 Berlin: Banner drop in solidarity with Evi Statiri, Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar
15.10.2015 An Aboriginal Artist’s Dizzying New York Moment
16.10.2015 Callout for a Weekend of Actions Against Police Weaponry - Oct. 25, 2015, Pont-de-Buis, Finistère, France
16.10.2015 Roundup of nuclear/climate news
16.10.2015 Asleep-at-the-wheel parliament allows Australia's wealthy and powerful to dodge taxation
16.10.2015 Fees paid by the Australian Wheat Board to dominate Iraqi wheat market were a 'bribe', court told
17.10.2015 Presentation of the Anarchist Newspaper APATRIS
18.10.2015 The Massacre of Ankara: Eye-Witness Account& Analyses
18.10.2015 Gewalt und Korruption: Bericht von bulgarisch-serbischer Grenze (Dimitrovgrad)
18.10.2015 Pregnant from being raped in camp, Somali refugee is denied medical care by Australia
19.10.2015 Breaking news from the borders - situation on the balkans migration route getting worse!
19.10.2015 Deal struck to end removal of Aboriginal children
20.10.2015 Aborigines take coalmine worries to United Nations bodies and corporations
21.10.2015 Human Rights Roundtable: Has Australia Become A Soft Theocracy?
21.10.2015 Curent Situation at the Serbian/Croatian Border
21.10.2015 Gypsies burn cars, block traffic, start riots in French town Moirans
21.10.2015 Waldkonzert am 5.12. mit MONO FÜR ALLE! im Hambacher Forst
22.10.2015 Anti-racist demonstration
22.10.2015 Campaign Intelexit: "Exit path back to democracy" for members of the intelligence community in moral conflicts
23.10.2015 Rise up against far-right extremism, racism and discrimination!
23.10.2015 Hambacher Forst | Arrests at Militant Actions Against the Forest Clearance
25.10.2015 International Call out against COP21
25.10.2015 Solidarity Party: Against Repression - Refugees welcome!
29.10.2015 A Short Report From the NoBorder Kitchen Team RIGONCE/BREZICE/DOBOVA 28/10/15
30.10.2015 Medicos rally against child detention
01.11.2015 Flyer and posters for the RefugeesWelcomeAberAuch day of action
02.11.2015 [Berlin] KüfA and InfoEvent on the situation at the serbian-croatian border
02.11.2015 "Slaughter To Prevail" - Russian band with Neo Nazi frontman tours Europe
03.11.2015 Dortmund: Incendiary attack against Nazi’s car
03.11.2015 From Bakur to Germany - European Anarchists on the Kurdish Struggle
03.11.2015 Lands Of Opportunity, Travel Warnings, And Torture: The Places Australia Wants To Send Refugees
04.11.2015 Hambacher Forst: Occupation of Trees in Cutting Area
05.11.2015 [08/11] PEGIDA in the Netherlands (Utrecht) - help needed!
06.11.2015 Operation Ice: New repressive strike against anarchists in Madrid
10.11.2015 HH - "koZe goes Collective Welcome Center"
10.11.2015 If You Read Just One Open Letter Opposing Labor’s Cruelty To Asylum Seekers, Make Sure It’s This One
10.11.2015 Greek conscripts: 'we won't take part in fighting migrants'
13.11.2015 Statement about the Party on 7. November
14.11.2015 November 13 attacks : Reject the murderers and let's protect the spirit of Charlie !
15.11.2015 Paris: Attacks against „Cultural Industry“ and „Hedonistic Life“? Some thoughts after the killings in Paris and other places around the world
16.11.2015 protocol #10 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation network’ in berlin
16.11.2015 Fake „leftists” and „anarchists” in Ukraine
16.11.2015 Anti-Fascism, Anti-Capitalism and Straight Edge
17.11.2015 Festnahmen wegen 1 Mai/ Mailand in Italien und Griechenland
18.11.2015 [Spanien] Operation Ice: New repressive strike against anarchists
19.11.2015 Timely Gathering of Nations this weekend in Canberra 21& 22 November
19.11.2015 [Spanien] News! Released from prison Enrique, anarchist comrade arrested in Pandora II.
19.11.2015 Islamic State is losing ground. Will that mean more attacks overseas?
19.11.2015 European call for ‪‎Lund‬, Sweden‬: Antifa demo against the fascists congress, 28 November 2015, 14.00
21.11.2015 Turkey: Osman Evcan on Hunger Strike
22.11.2015 [Poland] Freedom Fighters martial arts league
26.11.2015 Call for demonstration againt the eviction of the SC4A
27.11.2015 [GREEK-MACEDONIAN BORDER] Violent clashes between refugees and police
28.11.2015 Help to fight government move to extinguish Aboriginal right to Barrier Reef land
28.11.2015 [B] Rigaer: Reminding another episode
28.11.2015 2nd antimilitaristic Counsel
28.11.2015 Block the train to Paris – the climate summit is part of the problem!
01.12.2015 Is Terrorism actually a threat to the State?
01.12.2015 2 may 2014 in Odessa, Ukraine: journalist research and propaganda video
01.12.2015 Violence results from lack of veto against mining in Australian Native Title process
02.12.2015 A raft of new and ongoing threats to Aboriginal lives
03.12.2015 Communiqué from Gathering of Nations in Canberra 21 & 22 November 2015
03.12.2015 The future of Australia's violent offshore detention camps hangs in the balance
03.12.2015 Aboriginal opposition to mega-mine caves in – ‘We want a job, a car, a house like any Australian'
04.12.2015 Erfurt: Demonstration against Deportation
05.12.2015 Tell the EU to ban biodiesel!
06.12.2015 Upgrade to Debian Jessie
06.12.2015 Last-minute reprieve for life-saving Aboriginal prison support
07.12.2015 Bring down the Ba'ath regime in Syria! Against the Nazi demonstration in Connewitz!
07.12.2015 Dispute rises as Munich continues ban of stumbling stones honouring Holocaust victims
08.12.2015 Stan Grant: 'Black Australia is a foreign place and I feel like a foreign correspondent in my own land'
08.12.2015 The Intervention and its Consequences – 9-10 October 2015 (Bonn)
09.12.2015 Torres Strait Islanders on ‘the trauma of climate change in the land of our ancestors’ – video
10.12.2015 Assimilationist Aborigines hunting down educated young to oppose grassroots leaders
10.12.2015 GST 15% rise would hit lowest earners hardest, latest modelling shows
10.12.2015 Avalanche Nr.6 erschienen
10.12.2015 (B) No Extradition to Milano! Solidarity with the NoExpo-Struggle
10.12.2015 Stop the rally of Pegida fascists from Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium in Aachen on December 13th! Block the racist mob!
12.12.2015 protocol #13+14 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation network’ in berlin
12.12.2015 US prisons: A writing by longterm anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble for Black December
14.12.2015 Right to the City Vienna Meeting and ROD Info evening
16.12.2015 Berlin: Act of destruction – December 6th
16.12.2015 AFA Stockholm: 13 anti-fascists sentenced to prison – We’ll take the hit together
17.12.2015 [Egypt] "We're the freedom people."
19.12.2015 Attack against RWE energy company headquarters in the context of the COP21
20.12.2015 Le: EWI was just the beginning!
21.12.2015 Montreal: Private patrol car sabotaged for a Black December
21.12.2015 Nantes, France: Call-out for a massive day of action on Saturday 16th January
21.12.2015 Athens: Attack against Jumbo S.A. chain toy store
21.12.2015 From the hands, to the legs, to the neck - lets break the stability of the authority of the State!
21.12.2015 [B] Call for demonstrations to the women's prisons
22.12.2015 Antifa Straight Edge: So just what is the point?
22.12.2015 Bus to Dessau: Oury Jalloh - this was murder
22.12.2015 Call for supporting refugees in Macedonia
25.12.2015 31.12.: New Years Eve Noise Demo at Coquelles Detention Center
27.12.2015 [Balkanroute] Call for supporting refugees crossing Macedonia
28.12.2015 English call for the campaign "fighting for 20 years"
29.12.2015 “Requiem for a Journey of No Return" - Nikos Romanos
30.12.2015 Facebook on CCC
30.12.2015 Indymedia linksunten Tor onion service
30.12.2015 [Spain] Letter by Anarchist Comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva
31.12.2015 SFIZY VEG: Vegan Paradise, Worker's Hell
31.12.2015 Melbourne: Attack against BAE Systems for Black December
31.12.2015 "Internationalist Center's" delegationtrip to Greece
01.01.2016 Erdogan says Hitler’s Germany an example of presidential system with unitary state
01.01.2016 "Internationalist Center's" delegationtrip to Greece Part 2
01.01.2016 ThyssenKrupp Vehicle torched by Informal Pyromaniac Conspiracy
03.01.2016 'Against Democracy': English translation of GAC's book 'Contra la Democracia'
05.01.2016 Call for help of independent volunteers in Idomeni
06.01.2016 Leipzig: Customs vehicles set ablaze – for Black December
08.01.2016 Athens: Incendiary attack against security systems provider
08.01.2016 Five big nuclear issues for 2016 — and Australia’s role in them
10.01.2016 Nuclear, climate, energy and sustainability news
10.01.2016 Athens: New squat in Themistokleous St. 58 in Exarchia
11.01.2016 Geneva: Solidarity greetings from Reclaim The Streets
13.01.2016 Urgent! * Call for support in Macedonia
14.01.2016 Statement from Rigaer 94 on todays events
14.01.2016 (B) Demonstration 6.02.: Defend rebellious structures, create solidary neighborhoods !
14.01.2016 Électricité de France shares sink to all-time low as nuclear waste cost estimate soars
14.01.2016 (B) Demonstration 6.02.: Defend rebellious structures, create solidary neighborhoods !
15.01.2016 Rojava 2015 - Ein Rückblick
15.01.2016 Solidarity with all Refugees!
16.01.2016 (B) Rigaer 94 says thank you!
16.01.2016 Update on the Demonstration:Defend rebellious structures, create solidary neighborhoods !
17.01.2016 Amsterdam: Shove Pegida in the Canals
18.01.2016 Solidarity without limits – action day against Fortress Europe!
19.01.2016 Voigt36 in solidarity with Rigaer94
19.01.2016 [GR] Ferries not Frontex – situation on Samos (Greece)
19.01.2016 (B) Declaration of solidarity and call to take part in the demonstration
19.01.2016 Solidarity greetings from Australia
21.01.2016 Solidarity with the ZAD
22.01.2016 [Greifswald] Solidarity with Liebig 34 & Rigaer 94
22.01.2016 Child refugees tell of bullying on Nauru: 'They are rude to us, they punch us'
22.01.2016 Nuclear news by Christina Macpherson
22.01.2016 Letter from Nahuel (SXE Madrid prisoner) to Wolf Down
23.01.2016 Indigenous Estate: “as soon as you have a closer look it disappears into nothing”
23.01.2016 Syria Deports Misrouted CIA Agent
24.01.2016 "The Australian dream is rooted in racism"
24.01.2016 What nobody talks about- Refugees from Sudan
25.01.2016 “Galilei got it wrong, the Yolngu got it right”
26.01.2016 German city bans migrants from its nightclubs after women report they were sexually assaulted in toilets and slipped date-rape drugs in their drinks
27.01.2016 Neonicotinoids are the new DDT killing the natural world
28.01.2016 Appeal for Refugee Community Network from Konradsreuth - Bayern
29.01.2016 Nuclear news at the end of January 2016
29.01.2016 Anti uranium mining walk in Western Australia
29.01.2016 John Pilger on the Indigenous struggle: 'There is no alternative now'
29.01.2016 "A cynical land and power grab" against Aborigines
29.01.2016 "The Intervention" book presentation - "Cynical land and power grab"
29.01.2016 Irregularities alleged in elections to wealthiest Aboriginal organisation - "the judge is the thief"
30.01.2016 Higher tax on everyday goods to slash Australian corporate taxes
01.02.2016 Lager Mobilisation in Berlin: The "Welcome To Wedding"-Map is here!
02.02.2016 Raids on the Loose Cannons!
02.02.2016 Chile: Phoenix Project – Incendiary attack against a security company by FAI-IRF
02.02.2016 Greek Police raid the house of a group of international refugee-supporters
02.02.2016 Information event + solidarity kitchen: Racist aggressions against refugees
04.02.2016 Press Release: Syrian woman expelled from Berlin refugee camp for defending human rights
06.02.2016 Mega coalmine along Great Barrier Reef coast 'not a foregone conclusion'
07.02.2016 Freeing Julian Assange: John Pilger On The Final Chapter
07.02.2016 [PRAG] Statement of Klinika collective about attack on the autonomous social centre
07.02.2016 Statement of solidarity from the houseproject Senffabrik located in Flensburg to the squatters of Alte Post Münster
08.02.2016 Soli LP for Rojava
08.02.2016 Time to fund the "No" vote in the Australian constitution dispute
12.02.2016 Euahlayi cultural astronomy parallels with latest gravitational waves detection
13.02.2016 Call for a Berlin WLTI* assembly: Thursday, Feb. 18th at 7pm at New Yorck im Bethanien
13.02.2016 Maybe an idea to copy here
13.02.2016 Nuclear news, climate news to 12 February
13.02.2016 Stop Deportations Vienna - New Blog
14.02.2016 'Far-left' activists smash luxury cars in Berlin police protest
14.02.2016 No VWs for this gang: Bicycling arsonists in Berlin target Mercedes, BMWs and Porsches
14.02.2016 Masked Attackers Have Smashed Nearly 50 Cars in Berlin
14.02.2016 Pissed-off anti-gentrification activists smash and burn rich people’s cars
14.02.2016 Nuclear waste dump tour: Activists travel 10,000km to six shortlisted sites, meet community members
15.02.2016 Megachurch Fusion Or Solar Encounter?
16.02.2016 Manifestation - Ferries not Frontex
16.02.2016 South Australia wants to store all the world's nuclear waste
16.02.2016 Giulio Regeni: instigators, culprits, accomplices
17.02.2016 Berlin: Burning cars and broken windows after police raid against Rigaer 94
17.02.2016 No justice! No peace! - Stop Racial profiling in Hamburg – solidarity with our comrades of the HafenVoKü
18.02.2016 Self-declared sovereign Indigenous nation recognised by Australian minister
18.02.2016 Conference: Social Center do it yourself!
19.02.2016 [P] Racism Kills!
19.02.2016 CALL OUT FOR SOLIDARITY! Court Case for the occupation of the ‘Spirit of Britain’
20.02.2016 February 20 Nuclear News this week
20.02.2016 Star stories of the Dreaming
22.02.2016 Australia the ‘ideal location’ for nuclear waste dump, says (foreign minister) Julie Bishop
22.02.2016 Reform announced for insane Australian electoral system - but will it happen?
24.02.2016 [H] Solistatement aus Italien gegen die Razzia im UJZ Korn
24.02.2016 The Trans Pacific Partnership has been secret for long enough, say Australian activists
24.02.2016 linksunten server problems during the last few days
26.02.2016 Australian pro-refugees protesters achieving the impossible
26.02.2016 Government Crisis Tightens Grip On Merkel
01.03.2016 The Rape Of East Timor: “Sounds Like Fun”
03.03.2016 Australian immigration minister ignores plea to release woman, 70, from detention
04.03.2016 Lies in the media about No Borders – a Calais Migrant Solidarity response
05.03.2016 This week: renewable energy and energy efficiency news
05.03.2016 Honduran environmentalist Berta Cáceres murdered, family says
05.03.2016 Calais - The Refugee City is still alive!
05.03.2016 The world’s pollinators are dying out, and all our favourite foods could go with them
06.03.2016 Berlin: BKA counter-terrorism building attacked with petrol bombs & paint
07.03.2016 Murrumu: one man's mission to create a sovereign Indigenous country inside Australia
07.03.2016 (Lesbos, GR) Action in the port of Lesbos to raise awareness on the actual situation in Greece
07.03.2016 No “Day of the German Future” on 4th of June '16 – Let's unite to block & sabotage!
07.03.2016 Treaty call gains traction in Australia
08.03.2016 Inspirateria Soliparty
09.03.2016 $55m Cambodia deal that resettled two refugees a 'good outcome', says Dutton
09.03.2016 Nuremberg: Military recruitment propaganda collected and destroyed
09.03.2016 CDU/JU office attacked in Mannheim for supporting Turkey’s AKP regime
11.03.2016 Aboriginal suicide prevention May conference call for papers
11.03.2016 Aboriginal suicide prevention May conference call for papers
12.03.2016 Nuclear news in the anniversary week of the Fukushima disaster
13.03.2016 Stop Deportations - Action at Vienna Airport / Aktion am Flughafen Wien
13.03.2016 Sydney public forum on the need for a treaty with indigenous people
14.03.2016 Walk for Justice for Refugees
15.03.2016 Fascist Molotov Attack at Vankouver Apartment Squat in Athens.
15.03.2016 Outrageous scandal in Latvia!
15.03.2016 [Idomeni] A statement to all regarding recent events in Idomeni
16.03.2016 Adani, no still means no. The next few weeks are crucial
16.03.2016 Spanish corporate giant Ferrovial wants to run Australian concentration camps
16.03.2016 Greece: Armed Anarchist demonstration against drug dealers
16.03.2016 [Halle/Saale] Demonstration für Vielfalt und gegen Rassismus
18.03.2016 Australia: Hijacking of preferences by electoral sharpies will be countered by law changes
18.03.2016 Climate and nuclear news 18 March
20.03.2016 “Fuck your constitutional recognition, I want a treaty”
20.03.2016 Demonstration to the 4th anniversary of Burak Bektaş death
20.03.2016 The World or nothing
21.03.2016 Prague: Network of Revolutionary Cells take responsibility for incendiary attack against police vehicles
21.03.2016 FAI-IRF claim responsibility for the bomb left at the gendarmerie center in Santiago (Chile)
21.03.2016 [Greece] Open letter of Pola Roupa about the attempt to break Nikos Maziotis out of Koridallos prison
21.03.2016 Hamburg (Germany): 3 churches desanctificated in solidarity with Mônica Caballero and Francisco Solar
22.03.2016 No Border Action Days
24.03.2016 The stolen wages that continue to hold indigenous Australians back
28.03.2016 Statement of the people in Karlsfeld Refugee Camp
29.03.2016 Update From Idomeni
29.03.2016 No Border Kitchen Lesvos under threat of police raid and eviction
31.03.2016 White Australia Still Has A Black History
31.03.2016 Opposition growing to dumping the world's nuclear waste in South Australia
31.03.2016 Australian place names still celebrate colonial mass murderers
01.04.2016 Deceit continues from the top down in Australia
01.04.2016 A refugee mother's thanks to Australian activists
01.04.2016 Speaking tour by Australian and Marshall Islander nuclear test survivors demanding a ban on nuclear weapons
01.04.2016 Finland – Responsibility for arson attack two cars of the private security company Securitas
01.04.2016 One Struggle - one fight!
02.04.2016 Infotour: Anarchism in Chile
02.04.2016 Millions spent on [Australian] anti-refugee propaganda
02.04.2016 People power saves babies from deportation to island concentration camps
02.04.2016 Nuclear, climate, coal, oil news 2 April
03.04.2016 Greeting of Nikos Maziotis at the yearly meeting of Red International Help
03.04.2016 Brisbane outcry over coal mine approval amid worst Barrier Reef bleaching
03.04.2016 Crashing Schengen!
03.04.2016 This is a Call to Action Against Slavery in America
03.04.2016 Chance to tell the world the indigenous story - take part or picket
04.04.2016 The Political MOVEMENT- Appeal to Refugee Communities for Solidarity Network in Germany and Europe
06.04.2016 Troubled Outback town’s successful Aboriginal medical service turns 30
07.04.2016 City Of Perth: Stop Terrorising The Homeless At Matargarup
09.04.2016 No-Border-Kitchen Lesvos - Urgent Call
09.04.2016 Call to day of action: Stop deportations – There is enough space for everyone!
10.04.2016 Demonstration: Stop deportations – There is enough space for everyone!
11.04.2016 Violent Consequences of EU Policies in Idomemi Camp (Greece)
12.04.2016 [Idomeni] A Statement
13.04.2016 [Idomeni] Independent Volunteers are not responsible for EU violence
15.04.2016 Statement on the last repressive operation in Barcelona and in solidarity with the imprisoned comrade in Soto de Real (Madrid)
15.04.2016 Greek Militarism in the Age of Syriza
16.04.2016 More Australian indigenous people than ever dying behind bars
17.04.2016 Traditional owners shrug off Adani’s land use pact in Australia
17.04.2016 Stop Deportations - Resistance is Possible!
17.04.2016 Nuit Debout Berlin
17.04.2016 Gambia: Death in detention of key political activist
17.04.2016 Live Update: Gambia’s Opposition Launch Protest Against Jammeh
17.04.2016 Calm Returns To Gambia Amidst Opposition Crackdown
17.04.2016 [May 1 Bonn] To a self-determined life and the emancipatory abolishment of work, capitalism, state and patriarchy!
19.04.2016 'The World or Nothing': Meet MILI, the New Face of Student Protests in France
19.04.2016 Update on Aachen repression
20.04.2016 Hack Back! – A DIY Guide
20.04.2016 [Lesvos] Eviction of the No Border Camp
20.04.2016 Campaign to Break Deportation Culture and Criminalization of Refugees in Germany and Europe
20.04.2016 [Lesvos] Statement from NBK regarding the eviction
21.04.2016 More Than A Voice: The Legacy Of Tiga Bayles
21.04.2016 Why no-one should climb Uluru
22.04.2016 Frankfurt, Germany: Wild demo with an attack on the French consulate
22.04.2016 "Media activism in the favela: state violence, resistance and way of life"
23.04.2016 23 April Past week in nuclear and climate news
24.04.2016 People power stings Australian politicians over corporate tax dodging
25.04.2016 [B] We will never be divided- United Neighbours!
25.04.2016 Anzac Day: We’ve Already Said Thanks, It’s Time To Move On
26.04.2016 Symbolical action on the Moroccan embassy in Berlin
26.04.2016 Nuit Debout Berlin - 27.04.16
27.04.2016 The Netherlands: Person arrested on suspicion of spreading Anarchist Wallpaper
27.04.2016 Neues aus Belgrad
29.04.2016 Riots in the detention center of Moria.
29.04.2016 12th police raid on Aboriginal protest and homeless camp
29.04.2016 Another month’s walk with Aborigines against uranium mining
29.04.2016 Asylum seeker dies after self-immolation in Australian camp
30.04.2016 Aboriginal owners outraged by a spiritually important site being chosen for Australia's first nuclear waste dump
01.05.2016 Further evidence that the Commonwealth of Australia does not have a legal sovereignty
01.05.2016 The Australian refugee detention regime is on the brink
02.05.2016 Munich: Spanish Consulate attacked
05.05.2016 Declaration on the cable fire in the Hambach mine
06.05.2016 Solidarity for ALL!
07.05.2016 Stop the slaughter! Prevent the extension of Wiesenhof!
07.05.2016 Invitation to the Forest-Week, 18.-25. May
10.05.2016 HH: Eco supermarket looted
10.05.2016 [FR] Katsival - Punk Festival
12.05.2016 Day of struggle at the Brenner border. A report.
12.05.2016 Call for support against Padovicz (Owner Liebig 34) in Dirschauer Strasse
13.05.2016 (B) We burned a police truck in solidarity with Brenner Pass protesters
13.05.2016 7th of May: a day of struggle - communiqué
13.05.2016 13 May Nuclear and climate news for the past week
13.05.2016 After 26 years no justice for Aboriginal families whose three children were murdered
14.05.2016 The Aboriginal Tent Embassy: 'We were all young, crazy, but we believed in justice'
14.05.2016 Call for solidarity with arrested activist of critical mass in Belarus
14.05.2016 “Language, culture, ceremony needed to fight Aboriginal suicide”
17.05.2016 Uranium on the rocks
17.05.2016 Foreign Investors Are The Real Winners In Turnbull’s New Economy
17.05.2016 Days of anarchist ideas and publications
18.05.2016 NOW! Admiralstraße (Kotti) – Let's take back the streets and squares!
18.05.2016 A shockwave through Australia's abusive detention regime
18.05.2016 BDS Berlin
18.05.2016 Eviction of Lautonomia in Lusatia!
19.05.2016 Help Aborigines close a community-destroying mine
19.05.2016 Brenner - What´s a wall?
19.05.2016 “We want peace. But we will not surrender.”
20.05.2016 Call for solidarity with our comrade imprisoned in Soto del Real Madrid, who is currently facing extradition.
20.05.2016 “Don’t let Australia into the United Nations Human Rights Council”
21.05.2016 LEIPZIG-HALLE AIRPORT- Transshipment point for goods and people
21.05.2016 Elation, sadness and anger over return of north Australian Aboriginal land
21.05.2016 Former NATO leader boss predicts nuclear war with Russia unless NATO steps up security in Baltic nations
22.05.2016 It’s Okay To Compare Australia In 2016 With Nazi Germany, And Here’s Why
22.05.2016 No Border School Piräus, Athen
22.05.2016 Poznan, Poland: Three months in jail for eviction blockade
23.05.2016 Caravan to NoBorder-Camp in Thessaloniki
23.05.2016 Aborigines can no longer eat fish from mine-poisoned north Australian river
24.05.2016 Ancient Euahlayi astronomy parallels with Einstein's space-time theory
24.05.2016 Räumung des Camps in Idomeni // Eviction of Idomeni Camp
24.05.2016 Interview with Bese Hozat – “We will intensify the guerrilla’s activities”
25.05.2016 25.5.2016 Updates from the eviction in Idomeni
25.05.2016 International Activists' Week: On the trails of Partizan resistance in Bosnia and Hercegovina 1st – 7th July 2016, Banja Luka
26.05.2016 There are lots of ways to say sorry, but Indigenous Australians need a treaty now
26.05.2016 CALL FOR SOLIDARITY ACTION-WEEK: OVER THE FORTRESS from 30th of May to 05th of June
26.05.2016 26.5.2016 Day three of the Idomeni eviction
26.05.2016 Build the hacienda, burn down the palaces
27.05.2016 Statement: Boat with 500 Syrian and Iraqi refugees sank about 70km North East of Zuwara, Libya
27.05.2016 Let's have treaty and constitutional recognition, Indigenous referendum chief says
28.05.2016 Cowardly Australian government expunged Australia from a damaging UN climate report
28.05.2016 Fuck nations, squat the world - Report from the Nordkiez
29.05.2016 CARAVANE AGAINST THE CAMP SYSTEM occupies the Rote Fabrik
29.05.2016 The week that was in climate and nuclear news
29.05.2016 The mobilisation for the "war starts here" camp 2016 begins
31.05.2016 Open letter in connection with the arrest of three anarchists in Warsaw
01.06.2016 [Athens] Gathering in solidarity with the Occuppied Gini Building
02.06.2016 For the Right to stay for all Sinti and Roma | Manifestation and rally in front of the Memorial | 3th June 2016, 17:00 at Alexanderplatz
02.06.2016 Attack against Bosch in Berlin
02.06.2016 Incendiary attack against a Turkish travel agency by Revenge Commando ‘Zinar Raperin’
07.06.2016 Update on Raids, Evictions and Deportations in Ventimiglia
07.06.2016 WARNING! Massdeportation!
07.06.2016 X*CSD - the Alternative CSD in Kreuzberg
08.06.2016 Strike at the refineries – reportback from Grandpuits
09.06.2016 Fundraising for No Border Camp
11.06.2016 Call to internationalize the French fight
13.06.2016 Reflections on Violence
14.06.2016 Aktion 2. September - Podiumsdiskussion & 1. Treffen
19.06.2016 Jacob Appelbaum
20.06.2016 Beyond Voluntourism and Holidarity? White German Activists on the ‘Balkanroute’ – (Self)Reflections
21.06.2016 Major State Repression in Oaxaca: Several Killed, Dozens Wounded and Detained
22.06.2016 women*squat in athens got evicted
23.06.2016 Press Communique from R94
29.06.2016 Solidarity Action for the Röszke 11 in Vienna
29.06.2016 Anarchist in custody for pie attack
29.06.2016 Hochsitze zerstört in Süddeutschland
30.06.2016 4.7. || 17h Refugeedemo: We want flats - from Lichtenberg to Rigaer94
30.06.2016 Spendenaufruf Rindermarkt-Verfahren
30.06.2016 Aboriginal children as young as 8, 9, 10 and 11 years of age are killing themselves in Australia
01.07.2016 We must die standing and fighting and not lay down and let these bastards have their own way
01.07.2016 "Every Eviction Has Its Price”: International Call Out From Rigaer 94 – Demos 5th & 9th July – Berlin
02.07.2016 R94 Action Day 05.07.
04.07.2016 call for international solidarity actions
04.07.2016 (B) Call out for demonstration: Defend Rigaer94! Destroy the Investor’s Paradise!
05.07.2016 (B) Solidarity statement from Meuterei and call for demonstration 9.7.
05.07.2016 Spanish State. Pandora II dismissed!
05.07.2016 [Rigaer 94] - Our strategy against their malice - A call out for a Black July
05.07.2016 [Ljubljana] Kurzes Update zur aktuellen Situation im ROG
05.07.2016 [Munich] Solidarity with LGBTQI refugees
06.07.2016 Rigaer 94 goes Black July
06.07.2016 (B) 2nd Update for the July 9 demo • Defend Rigaer 94! • Smash investors dreams!
06.07.2016 No Border Camp Muenster 2016
06.07.2016 Soli-party for Swedish Antifas
06.07.2016 Anarchist comrade arrested in Amsterdam
07.07.2016 [B] Cullet at Commerzbank
07.07.2016 [BI] R94 is everywhere!
08.07.2016 Frankfurt- smoke signals to Rigaer94 and for a Black July!
08.07.2016 First Aboriginal woman in Australia’s main parliament – tokenism or indigenous power boost?
09.07.2016 (B) statement by the refugees from the evicted JSH at Columbiadamm
12.07.2016 Report: Burst the dreams of investors – Defend Rigaer 94
12.07.2016 David Cameron promised to heal 'broken Britain' but left it more unequal
14.07.2016 Berlin: Black July – Attack with fire and stones against the Spittelmarkt
14.07.2016 Germany: Incendiary attack against Turkish fascist-owned business by Apoist Young Women’s Initiative
14.07.2016 Hanover: Feminist Attack
14.07.2016 Vinci excavator torched in Berlin to greet the rebels in France
14.07.2016 Whats going on with Friedel54?
15.07.2016 Does Indigenous Australia Need a #BlackLivesMatter Movement?
15.07.2016 Responsibility claim for the execution of mafioso Habibi in June , Exarhia area – Athens, Greece
15.07.2016 Clumsy is free, but the trial is not over.
15.07.2016 Message to the neighbourhood and all others
15.07.2016 Aboriginal mothers are 17.5 times more likely to be victims of homicide in Western Australia than other mums
16.07.2016 Ambulance Targeting Was Based On Turkish Disinformation
17.07.2016 New threat to remove Aborigines from tiny remote communities
19.07.2016 Berlin: Arson attack against Public Order Office vehicles for Black July
20.07.2016 Support swelling for treaty, falling for recognition in Australia
20.07.2016 One-stop shop for urban revolutionaries battles closure
21.07.2016 Actions against borders at NBC
22.07.2016 The unassignable riot
22.07.2016 A-Camp 2016
25.07.2016 [HH] Banks demolished in solidarity with the anarchist comrades accused of bankrobberies in Aachen
26.07.2016 Impressions from the No Border Camp in Thessaloniki
26.07.2016 Aboriginal children stripped, tear-gassed, brutalised in Northern Territory prison
27.07.2016 Australian doctors going to court to challenge government gag order on refugee maltreatment
28.07.2016 Aborigines were NOT nomads – stirring for more teaching of Aboriginal history
28.07.2016 NT Juvenile Detention Abuse Royal Commissioner Needs No Introduction To Black Territorians
28.07.2016 WSH-Camp in Solidarity with illegalized and criminalized activists in Greece!
29.07.2016 [GR] Report of the action at Thessaloniki airport
31.07.2016 “This week, Australia is a boy in a hood in a cell"
01.08.2016 "To break the will and determination of Aboriginal people cowardly governments attack our youth"
01.08.2016 Nuclear news Monday 1 August and Sunday 31 July
01.08.2016 [B] Black July - text and actions against the social peace
03.08.2016 Nauru asylum seeker conditions: Abuse, sexual harassment, filthy tents
03.08.2016 Human Rights Groups Claim Australia Is Ignoring Nauru Abuse
03.08.2016 [Thessaloniki] Adapt or Die? - Fuck Off and Die!
03.08.2016 Underground fish, beetles, spiders, scorpions stop uranium mine
03.08.2016 [Thessaloniki] Statement of inhabitants of evicted Orfanotrofeio solidarity squat
04.08.2016 Suicide of 15-year-old boy in Don Dale - broken and ruined lives
09.08.2016 Open Space Days
11.08.2016 We do not agree with the destruction of the ROD gardens!
12.08.2016 The Nauru files: cache of 2,000 leaked reports reveal scale of abuse of children in Australian offshore detention
13.08.2016 Free the Warsaw Three – about the three anarchists arrested in Warsaw
14.08.2016 Freedom Day Festival - blackfella, whitefella unite as one
14.08.2016 barbecue + solidarity-bar and lecture “For one, two, many social centers!”
14.08.2016 Workshop „Social Center 4 all – do it yourself!“
14.08.2016 Mexico: Explosives attack at Headquarters of Business Groups
14.08.2016 Oaxaca, Mexico: Incendiary attack against a Banamex bank
14.08.2016 Heraklion, Crete: Incendiary solidarity with squats
14.08.2016 Freedom Day Festival - blackfella, whitefella unite as one
14.08.2016 Freedom Day Festival - blackfella, whitefella unite as one
14.08.2016 Smash racist networks!
15.08.2016 Greece: Lets destroy them first! Statement after evictions in Thessaloniki
16.08.2016 [DD] Invitation to the Libertarian Days 2016
16.08.2016 (B) Veranstaltung gegen Olympia - in Rio und überall
16.08.2016 Two Aboriginal men running as independents for seats in the Northern Territory parliament
18.08.2016 Mother of four the first Aborigine to die in New South Wales custody in 16 years
19.08.2016 NEW BORDERS - OLD TRICKS?! - Labour market policy, migration and social segregation in the EU
19.08.2016 Wave Hill descendants highlight continuing injustices at 50th Walkoff anniversary
19.08.2016 New Victorian law will create legal same-sex marriages
19.08.2016 Urgent call for solidarity! It is enough! Stop nazi-violence - in Dortmund (D) and everywhere!
19.08.2016 Indigenous challenge to Adani Carmichael coal mine dismissed by Federal Court
19.08.2016 Indigenous challenge to Adani Carmichael coal mine dismissed by Federal Court
20.08.2016 Overview of NoBorder Camp Thessaloniki 2016
21.08.2016 Another comrade of Barcelona in prison for the case of bank expropriations in Germany