Refu­gees wel­come — fight racism!


In the night of mon­day to tues­day a young refu­gee was kil­led in Dres­den, Sax­ony. The same night, the same city over 25.000 people demons­tra­ted against the alle­ged „down­fall of the Chris­tian West“. The police of Dres­den initi­ally after the muder clai­med, that there has not been a crime. The house­ma­tes of Kha­led B., the mur­de­red refu­gee, howe­ver told about a lot of blood and cle­arly visi­ble inju­ries. There was no secu­ring of evi­dence until 30 hours after the inci­dence – appa­r­ently also only as a reac­tion to public pressure.

On sun­day, we want to take to the street to show ever­yone our anger about the state of things! We want to express the fee­ling of dead faint! Fight the Ger­man natio­na­lism! Soli­da­rity ist a wea­pon – not a set phrase!


Demons­tra­tion – Jan 18th – 2pm – Lui­sen­platz Potsdam