Paranoya-ABC Support

We organize the Paranoya Festival it is a antinational D.I.Y. HC/Punk Festival in Dresden. This year we support the „International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners“. People from ABC Belarus will give a lecture about this in the course of our festival. A part of the admission price will be a contribution for them. Here the an­noun­ce­ment text:


The re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves of An­ar­chist Black Cross Belarus is going to talk about the po­li­ti­cal and eco­no­mi­cal si­tua­ti­on in­si­de of Belarus. In­tro­du­ce you to the an­ar­chist mo­ve­ment in­si­de the coun­try and the re­pres­si­on mo­ve­ment is fa­cing from the go­vern­ment. We will also men­ti­on all the com­ra­des who are now in pri­son and their sto­ries in short. Du­ring this pre­sen­ta­ti­on you will be able to fi­gu­re out a bit more about Belarus its­elf and about ac­tivi­ty of an­ar­chist mo­ve­ment in the state of con­stant re­pres­si­ons. There will be a small over­view of cur­rent ABC ac­tivi­ty and our own con­clu­si­ons we made after al­most 5 years of our strugg­le.


There will be pos­si­bi­li­ty to do­na­te to sup­port an­ar­chist mo­ve­ment in Belarus at the mee­ting. You will be also able to buy some mer­chan­di­ze
from ABC. Du­ra­ti­on (with trans­la­ti­on 2 hours/ wi­thout in English 1 hour) Here you can find mor de­tai­led in­for­ma­ti­on (rus/eng)