Call for support at the court

Hambacher Forst Logo
Düren. The court in Düren announced the date for the main case about duress. The date is the 14.03.2017 in Düren.

The  case is about to lock-on-actions with a metalpipe during the  Skill-Share-Camp 2014 and one blockade of cuttingmachines with a lock  around the neck during the cuttingseasson in Hambach Forest in October  2014. 
In  the first case RWE destroyed with the support of the cops two compost  toilets, which took them severall hours occasionally because of the  lock-on-action at the digger. 
In the second case a so called "Mulcher" get blocked by climbing on its roof and attaching to it with a necklock.
For  the courtcase in Düren controlls at the entrance are announced. That  could mean that people get searched and that they want to controll IDs.
In  the last time it happend severall times that people which try to stop  the destructive machine of lignite mineing got court cases. Dont let  them alone - be solidaric!
14.03.2017, 10:30 Uhr
Amtsgericht Düren
1.Etage, Sitzungssaal 1.25
August-Klotz-Straße 14
52349 Düren
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On  23. April 2014 a huge bunch of cops forced their way throug Hambach  Forest. Their mission is the removal of two compost toilets. On their  way they got stopped severall times by people by climbing on their  machines or building barricades out of wood. One person locked himself  with his arms in a metallpipe (Lock-On) around the jib of a wheelded  loader. For severall time their machinery got stopped.
At  the same time the Skill-Share-Camp happend in the forest. Three weeks  before, on the 27.03.2014, the cops evicted the treeoccupation  Monkeytown. Two days after the eviction of the compost toilets, on  26.04.2014, the Hambach Forest got reoccupied. The treevillages Oaktown  and Beechtown got founded. Up to now Gallien and Crusty-town were added.

Short movies:
Monkeytown in February 2014:
Eviction of the compost toilets:
Reoccupation of Hambach Forest:

On the 29.10.2014 the blockades against the yearly cutting of trees (1.10 - 27.02) happen. During that some people climbed on a "mulcher". One person locked with a neck-lock to the machine. After severall hours this person got evicted by policeforces und transported to the policestation in Düren.
In the days before this blockade it came to conflicts between workers and opponents of the cuttings. On the 30.10.2014 the cops evicted the occupation Grubenblick and the hill in the cutting area after some attacks between security of RWE and Forestprotectors. The cops searched on the same day the meadowcamp on the edge of Hambach Forest. 24 persons got arrested. Some people report maltreatment in the policecells, fixation and cutting of hairs. One person got transported to prison. 

Blockades of cuttingworks in beginning of October 2014:

Occupation of Grubenblick