Russia is known as a country with a terrible Neo Nazi establishment. Minorities of different colors, religions and sexual orientations are attacked by Neo Nazis in Russia all the time. It's a huge shame that Russian Neo Nazis feel themselves welcome in Europe and find support and promotion on European music stage.
The outraging example is an approaching tour of a deathcore band from Ekaterinburg, Russia - Slaughter To Prevail (, starting November 6 in at 6K Fest in Liege Belgium). The frontman of the band - Alexander Shikolay (also known as Alex Terrible -, is a known Russian Nazi who don't even try to hide his ideas. He wears Neo-Nazi tattoos, has open support of notorious Russian white power bands and famous extreme right-wing clothing brands like White Rex and Thor Steiner, works with Russian extreme right musicians. Since the band was getting strong promotion in Europe, Alex, his band and managers may deny the fact he shares the Neo-Nazi idea, but a closer look at his background, photos and profiles in social media says it all.
1. Nazi tattoos
"Black Sun" Svastika
On most of the band's promo photos, also the poster for an upcoming tour Alex is posing with a stylized svastika tattoo on his elbow. This symbol, also known as "Black Sun" is widely popular among Russian and Eastern-European Nazis and is considered illegal by many goveernments and such organizations as UEFA. According to Fare Network ( - a worldwide organization that fights racism in football and works closely with UEFA and human rights organization, "the Black Sun represents a swastika with twelve arms or a wheel made of twelve Sig-runes. It was used by the SS (the security squadron of the Nazis) as a Nordic-pagan symbol of religion and is often used as an alternative to the swastika"
This is photos of Alex's tattoo \See photos 1,2,3,4\
And this is photos from Nazi demonstrations in Russia. You can see the "black sun" among other Nazi banners, including celtic crosses, totenkopfs etc. \See photos 5,6,7,8\
The definition of Black Sun symbol from Fare Net's booklet "Monitoring discriminatory signs and symbols in European football", page 8:
\See photo 9\
Black Sun" on a Nazi poster with sieg-heiling people and a slogan (in Russian) "The black sun will rise when nobody awaits" \See photo 10\
Black Sun on a sticker of Russian Neo-Nazi organization Wotan Jugend. /See photo 11/
"Black Sun" on the banner at a white power show (just behind the back of zieg-heiling musician), organized by Wotan Jugend /See photo 12/
Black Sun elbow tattoo of some Nazi-skinhead also wearing a t-shirt with a Celtic Cross and a "White Pride" slogan. Do you see any difference from Alex's cute tattoo? /See photo 13/
Odal Nazi Rune
Another tattoo which Alex proudly wears on his photos, including the ones from his VK (Russian social network, analog of Facebook - and Instagram accounts (, is an Odal Rune on his foot. This is another symbol very popular among Nazis, including Russian ones. Forbidden to display on most stadiums, public spaces etc in most European countries. Here is the desription of Odal Rune from Fare Net's booklet "Monitoring discriminatory signs and symbols in European football", page 11 (
"The Odal-rune is a symbol of “Blood and Soil”. In Nazi Germany it was used as an emblem of the Hitler Youth. After World War II, it was used by the forbidden German neo-Nazi youth organisation Wiking Youth." /See photo 14/
Alex's Odal Rune tattoo /See photo 15,16/
Odal Rune on the uniform of SS-Division "Prince Eugen"/See photo 17/
Odal Rune on the banner of Nazi-supportets of FC Zenith(St Petersburg). To the left is Russian Imperial flag - another banner of Russian Neo-Nazis, with an Odal Rune on it
/See photo 18/
Odal Rune tattoo in the colors of Russian Imperial flag (black-yellow-white) also popular among Russian Neo-Nazis /See photo 19/
2. Support of Neo Nazi bands:
Here are screenshots of Alex's page on Vkontakte which show that Alex is following the Russian Neo-Nazi band YOU MUST MURDER ( and also post and promote their songs on his page. YOU MUST MURDER is a Nazi "hardcore" band from Moscow - one of the biggest in Russia.
You Must Murder in the list of groups Alex is subscribed to: /See photo 20/
Post with You Must Murder's song "Evil Russia" and a quote from it on Alex's page Vkontakte /See photo 21/
Here are the photos and posters of You Must Murder /See photo 22,23,24,25/
3. Support of Neo Nazi and extreme right wing clothing brands.
As you can see Alex making photos in Thor Steiner - the scandalous clothing brand closely associated to right wing politics and Neo-Nazism (photos from Alex's Vkontakte profile). /See photo 26/
Another group that Alex (Slaughter To Prevail) follows on his social network pages is White Rex - an infamous Neo-Nazi clothing brand/sport promoter from Russia ( White Rex is known for its merchandise with Neo-Nazi symbols , extreme nationalist propaganda and even training Neo-Nazi criminals not only in Russia but also in other countries. You can read more about White Rex in this article:
As you can see below, Alex (Slaughter To Prevail) follows different White Rex groups on social media and also makes photos with people in White Rex clothes.
White Rex Team official group ( in Vkontakte ( in the list of the groups Alex follows). /See photo 27/
Another White Rex Page - White Rex Division Ural ( in Alex's list of favourite groups. /See photo 28/
The page of White Rex Division Ural which Alex follows (
/See photo 29/
Here are the examples of White Rex products - stylized svastikas, Nazi runes, numbers "88" which stands for "Heil Hitler" and other extremist symbols /See photo 30,31/
Anti-immigrant, nationalist t-shirt from White Rex's facebook ( /See photo 32/
The show of German Neo Nazi band "KATEGORIE C" ( organized by White Rex in France. /See photo 33/
Flyer for a Nazi gig, organized by White Res: extreme right bands from Germany - Moshpit and Brainwash ( and infamous Nazi-hardcore band from Russia Outlaw Heroes Standing:
/See photo 34/
Note that White Rex admits that they can not display their logos on their Facebook page, because of a site's policy against extremist symbols. Among the banned symbols is the "black sun" which you can easily see on Alexander's elbow on many photos, incuding those on Slaughter To Prevail facebook page.
/See photo 35/
Original photo from White Rex website ( /See photo 36/
4. Support of Russian right wing artists.
Here is a photo of Slaughter To Prevail frontman Alex with Russian right-wing rap artists Tony Raut and Gary Topor ( As seen on the photo, Gary Topor is wearing White Rex merch. Below are more photos of him, sporting his White Rex clothes. /See photo 37/
Photo of Gary Topor's t-shirt:
/See photo 38/
Another photo of Gary Topor in White Rex merch. /See photo 39/
Alex posts and promotes Gary Topor music on his page:
/See photo 40/
5. Support of NeoNazi hooligan groups.
In a list of groups supported by Alex Shikolay (Slaughter To Prevail) you can also find the event "Urals Fan Party" ( It's a page dedicated to a meeting of right wing and Neo-Nazi football fans from Ural's region of Russia (where Alex's hometown Ekaterinburg is situated) with the participation of white power bands "Jedem Das Seine", "Dassler", "Wolot", "Yarovit" ( and others.
"Urals Fan Party" in the list of groups followed by Alex (Slaughter To Prevail)/See photo 41/
Page "Urals Fan Party". Note the video about "Ural Right Scene" /See photo 42/
Post announcing the show of a hatecore band "Jedem Das Seine" at Urals Fan Party - names of the band and songs speak for themselves /See photo 43/
It's a shame that today when right-wing ideas are so popular in the world again European music scene welcomes a band with Neo-Nazi members.
It is very important to spread this info as much as possible to tell people and bands and let them decide if they want to support this Neo Nazi band on its tour, play with them on the same show or have the band play in their town.
It is a good chance to ask the promoters, club owners, booking companies, festivals and the bands who are working together with Slaughter To Prevail, why do they support Neo-Nazis.
It may be a good idea to ask New Breed Agency ( and their genreal manager Alex Boezemen why do they promote a band with Nazi members and strong links to extreme right scene and even post a photo of a svastika tattoo on their own facebook page.
Alex Boezeman - New Breed Agency
Contact info of Slaughter To Prevail and their European management from Facebook:
/See photo 44/
Shredhead - a band supporting Slaugher To Prevail on tour:
Distant - another band supporting the tour:
Dates of the upcoming Slaughter To Prevail Tour:
6-11-15 6k fest, Liege, Belgium
7-11-15 Strudelfest, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands
8-11-15 Open, Germany
9-11-15 Open, Germany
10-11-15 Cross Club, Prague, Czech Republic
11-11-15 Hudobný Klub U Očka, Bratislava, Slovakia
12-11-15 Viper Room, Wien, Austria
13-11-15 Halle 5 e.V., Leipzig, Germany
14-11-15 Open, Germany
15-11-15 Rotterdam Death Fest, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
16-11-15 El Diablo, Lille, France
17-11-15 L'Amperage, Grenoble, France
18-11-15 Sala Begood, Barcelona, Spain
19-11-15 Sala Hangar XIX, Madrid, Spain
20-11-15 Sala Velvet, Malaga, Spain
21-11-15 Sala Agora, Valencia, Spain
22-11-15 DAY OFF
23-11-15 Circolo Svolta, Milan, Italy
24-11-15 PIT, Bellinzona , Switzerland
25-11-15 JAM, Koblenz , Germany
26-11-15 TBA, Mechelen, Belgium
4 Rooms
Wie konnte das passieren, dass die im 4Rooms in L.e. gespielt haben? Hat der Seine Schwarze Sonne übermalt oder wie soll ich mir das vorstellen?
wann haben die den im 4Rooms gespielt?
das wird doch wohl wer mit bekommen haben? man hört sich doch vorher eine bänd an bevor man die klarmacht...
Jo jo
Vor ca. 6 Monaten und er trug einen langärmeligen Hoodie. Daher wird wohl keinen das Ellenbogen-Tattoo aufgefallen sein.
Als Veranstalter und Location kannst du ja auch nicht jedes Bandmitglied in jedem sozialen Netzwerk recherchieren.
Dem 4 rooms würde ich da keinen Vorwurf machen es sei denn, die Band wird erneut gebucht jetzt wo Recherche betrieben wurde.
Der hat nach den Vorwürfen, er wäre rechts, alles übertätowieren lassen und hat auch ein Statement (bei youtube) abgegeben, und zwar, dass er kein Nazi ist
Beleg auf Youtube
Das ist schon korrekt, es gibt Videos die das belegen.
Mir ist allerdings ebenso schleierhaft wie das passieren konnte,...
habe eben den Hinweis auf die show bekommen - verdammte Axt - wir haben an dem Tag nicht veranstaltet sondern die Jungs von "human prey" einer Leipziger Band - sie haben bisher im Schuppen veranstaltet daher habe ich mich darauf verlassen, dass klar ist welche Richtungen bei uns nichts zu suchen haben. In diesem SInne danke für den Hinweis - ich leite den link an den Veranstalter weiter und bin gespannt auf Reaktionen.
Bei uns spielen übers Jahr wirklich viele Bands - daher muss ich mich darauf verlassen das die Veranstalter mir keinen scheiß erzählen und kann nicht zu allem detailiert recherchieren... In diesem Falle kannte ich ein paar Menschen im Umfeld und fühlte mich auf der sicheren Seite... Am Abend ist nichts aufgefallen und auch im anschließenden gechatte auf fb hat sich niemand in die Richtung geäußert...
Es gibt einfach zuviele Bands
Die meisten benutzen ihre Bands zudem als "Praxis" und Identität, um genau das, was sie singen, nicht praktizieren zu müssen - also in etwa die 20.000, die auf jeder Demo fehlen - und klingen alle genauso schrottig, früher (OHNE INTERNET!) konnte so was nicht passieren, da kannten sich alle und jede Band hatte einen eigenen Sound. Tausende gute Bands aus Südeuropa haben kein Geld und Vitamin B um zu spielen, weil die heutige Szene das "Network of Friends" pervertiert hat, um ihre Kumpels spielen zu lassen, die dann auch noch Denglish singen als wenn Schülerbands Status Quo covern würden und wenn sie dann mal etwas spielen können, versuchen sie direkt irgendwas zu kopieren, was gerade angesagt ist, ganz Kreative suchen sich Punklegenden auf Wikipedia um deren Ideen zu klauen
Die Show in Koblenz wurde abgesagt. Im Jam Club ist kein platz für typen_innen mit Schwarze Sonnen Tattoos!!( und generell menschenverachtenden Idiologien)!
fällt aus
Werte Freunde.
Da ist leider einiges schief gelaufen.
Das Konzert mit Slaughter the Prevail wird natürlich abgesagt.
Ein Statement ist in Vorbereitung und wird noch zum Mittag auf den Kanälen veröffentlicht.
Absage durch Location und Veranstalter
Ebenfalls durch die Location.
// Stellungnahme //
Liebe Freunde und Gäste des Halle 5 e.V.,
für 13.11.2015 stand in unserer Halle das Konzert der Bands „Slaughter to Prevail, Distant, Shredhead und I Watched Myself Sleep“ auf dem Plan. Jedoch erreichten uns am heutigen Dienstag Morgen zahlreiche Anrufe und Zuschriften, welche uns darauf aufmerksam machten, dass es sich bei der russichen Death Metal Band „Slaughter to Prevail“ um eine Band handelt, der nachweislich rechtsradikale und rassistische Tendenzen nachgesagt werden.
Diese politische Postion und Einstellung werden wir in keinster Weise unterstützen und tolerieren! Daher haben wir, gemeinsam mit dem Veranstalter „Brutal Sounds Le“ entschieden das Konzert am 13.11. abzusagen.
Es ist uns als Halle 5 e.V. sehr wichtig zu betonen, dass wir keinen Einblick in die Planung des besagten Konzertes hatten, da es sich in dem Fall um eine externe Einmietung handelte. Wir sind sehr bestürzt darüber, dass es soweit kommen konnte und werden künftig unsere Arbeitsabläufe diesbezüglich optimieren.
Der Halle 5 e.V. steht für Toleranz, Weltoffenheit und positioniert sich ganz klar gegen jegliche Art von Rassismus und Diskriminierung.
Des Weiteren bitten wir euch nun von jeglichen Anfeindungen gegen den Veranstalter abzusehen. Wir stehen in reger Korrespondenz mit „Brutal Sounds Le“ und können euch versichern, dass die Jungs und Mädels genauso verwundert und geschockt sind wie wir.
Wir danken euch für die vielen Hinweise.
Euer Halle 5 e.V - Team
hey alles prima, machte richtig .
... aber, verzeihung, mir is gerade so, wenn ihr schreibt dass denen nachweislich nachgesagt wird faschos zu sein, dann heißt dass das es nachweislich ist das es ihnen nachgesagt wird, nicht dass ihr die einschätzung teilt.
demnach, wenn ihr schreibt sowas würdet ihr keinesfalls unterstützen und tolerieren kann man denken ihr würdet das wenn dann entweder nur unterstützen oder nur tolerieren, aber bestimmt nicht beides zugleich ...
klar, unnützer kommentar, aber als ne mitteilung von nem laden vielleicht in zukunft doch mal genauer durchsehen sonst wird´s realsatire ...
belgien, wien und münchen auch gecancelt :)
weitere infos
alles klar
Auch nicht so toll.
Das ist nicht die erste Tour der Band in der Region.
Und nach dem Artikel möchte es auf einmal jeder gewusst haben.
Hat halt keiner!
Veranstalter, Booker, Location und Bands sind auf einmal böse Buhmänner. Egal ob München, Leipzig oder Dresden.
Sicherlich gibt es auch eins zwei recht offensichtlichere Sachen, doch wer kann denn von Deutschland aus ohne direkten Kontakt zu haben Screenen wie jedes einzelne Bandmitglied jeder einzelnen Band bei hunderten Bands im Jahr tickt.
Und das auf Instagramm, Youtube, Facebook und anderen Netzwerken. in diesem Fall teils auf russisch.
Die Band selber ist bis dato nicht negativ in erscheinung getreten.
Super, dass inzwischen soweit alle Veranstalter die Konzerte abgesagt haben.
Ein Immageschaden ist unumgänglich doch schade. Der Artikel sollte geupdated werden.
Grüße aus Dresden (Es sind nicht alle braun hier)
Mailand ist gecancelt worden:
7-11-15 Strudelfest, abgesagt
das wars dann wohl
komplette tour wurde von der booking agency abgesagt... nach den peinlichen stellungnahmen der band/des sängers, sehr zu begrüßen :)
Statements des Sängers
To all our friends.
Some of you might’ve read it already, there’s an article spreading about me (Alex) supposedly supporting Nazi scum. It’s based on my elbow tattoo, on which I have a “black sun” symbol. The reason I have this tattoo is because of the ancient mythological meaning behind it.
I want to make clear that neither me nor the band and our crew support and/or tolerate any type of Nazism, racism or fascism. We are very passionate about our music, that’s all we’ve ever wanted. We do not spread any political message, not right wing nor left wing. It makes us sick to our stomach that we’re being accused of such a horrible thing.
Needless to say my tattoo no longer is looked at the way it was supposed to be. Right now it’s being covered up as I want to distance myself and the band from any of these accusations. This is a clear message to how serious we are about this.
It’s shocking how people blindly believe a story posted on the internet without any sources. We have never been asked to comment on this either. We firmly believe in equal rights, no matter what race, color of belief you have. A clear example should be the main support on our EU tour is a Jewish band from Israel (SHREDHEAD), which is the exact opposite of what someone who supports Nazis would do.
This should clear up the story, we love all of you. Now let’s get back to what we’re all about, music.
Love music, fight racism.
Let's put this all to rest. In this video I comment on the accusations that have been spread about me in the past days. I'm still learning English, so if it's hard to understand please read what I'm saying below:
"Hello everybody, not so long ago an article accusing me of being a Nazi has been brought to my attention. And thanks to that, our European tour scheduled for November has been cancelled. On one hand I understand this person or persons who had written that article, because without knowing me it's easy to get an impression that I have something to do with Nazism. On the other hand a before mentioned individual definitely doesn't know me personally, and he or she can't judge or accuse me of anything. In this message I'm going to prove them wrong in me sharing nazist/fascist views and comment on all the statements and photos in that article.
Let's start with the black sun symbol
Black Sun – sacred and least spread solar symbol more associated with ancient Slavs and some tribes of Scandinavian Peninsula. This symbol became well known around 5000 years ago. Slavs are an ancient nation, that had a developed culture based on knowledge of laws of nature. Magi utilised various symbols, but they didn't always share their true meaning to normal people. The Black Sun was known only by those Magi at first, who were hiding their sacred knowledge as hard as they could. And only the most experienced of them could use that symbol appropriately. The rest could only harm themselves and the others, if they tried to perform magic acts without necessary lore. Ideally, that symbol erases all the false thoughts from human soul leaving only neutral matter and shows the road to a spirit land. There's an old tale telling about this symbol as well as many others coming from the North, from Gipervoreys. At least there are a plenty of proves to support this theory. In XX century Hitler tried to utilise swastika to set his nation above the rest. But as we all know those intentions led to his demise. The Black Sun doesn't allow the victory of such ideologies. The Slavic black sun symbolizes connection with the universal mind, one of the types of the dark energy.
The WWII took place, and this as well as many other symbols were used by the third Reich, disgracing and staining them. Now when people see swastika or the black sun people immediately associate them with fascism and nazism. I can definitely understand them, but I could never imagine it would have such an impact in Europe, because in Russia and as far as I can tell in many other post Soviet countries those symbols are taken that repulsively. I value my music career and I don't want people to see me as a Nazi, that's why I have already covered that tattoo.
Let's continue. I have a rune of Futark on my feet, which means "lineage". It's believed that runic sign resembling circular knot with 2 tails descends from Greek "omega" letter,but it can be traced to North Slavic letter "o" as well. This sign is mentioned in Anglo-Saxon poem telling the story of a mansion that is precious to its owner, because he can rule his home and can use his surrounding. The ancient Slava called that symbol "Berezha" (savior)
Next, Support of Neo Nazi bands and right wing artists: it's as simple as that. I listen to the MUSIC that I like, and you can decide what music I can listen to and accuse me of that. I love the music of anti-fascist bands such as Independza and Call For Blood, and I'll keep listening to them for their music not their message. If I like lady Gaga or Wu - Tang Clan I will listen to them, and no one will ever be able to forbid me to do that. Of I like the music of either murdered or a saint I will listen to that. Such an accusation is absurd!
Talking about White Rex. It is a fight club , it has people from all ethnic background there & I am not trying to support their views at all.
Support of NeoNazi hooligan groups.
This one doesn't make any sense at all. If you found an page on my social network page where right wing guys participate, that doesn't mean I participated in it as well to begin with, and what if I was just simply invited there by friends? And don't be surprised, when you find out I have a plenty of both right wing and antifascist acquaintances. Because what they beliefs are is non of my business!
Regarding the photo where I wear a hoodie associated with Nazis. Well, allow me to explain that. There's my comment under the picture that says "Thanks for the gift, Stepan, now I'm a real rocker". Stepan is someone trains as well who gave me that Hoodie and a jacket, because he is a sportsman and they just became too small for him. And yes, he does have some right wing views, but that doesn't mean I have them too! Once again I have a lot of friends with different moral, religious and so on views, what's inside their heads and what's inside my own are different thing. Unfortunately I just didn't know that hoodie was associated with the right wing & have since got rid of it. I have learnt my lesson & do not want to ever wear anything that could be associated with any right wing groups or persons again.
And to conclude everything, let's talk about the photo where I wear a German hat and hold a machine gun. Not long ago I was at my friends house, and his father has a collection of different knives, swords, guns and other artifacts. I saw that hat and a machine gun and thought to take a photo. There were other photos of me wearing other artifacts which have nothing to do with nazism but it was only this one that got taken out of context & got spread about. Guys, no need to make a tragedy out of it. If you're an adequate person you'll realize that's nothing to do with my political views at all. My band, Slaughter to prevail doesn't have any Nazi ideology in its lyrics and music. Those who reacted inadequately, managed to cancel our shows. And that's on them. I don't blame anyone, what has happened has happened.
I just want people to know that I do not support any right wing/nazi views & i will do anything I need to prove this to everyone. Hence I am making this video to explain my side of the article which many have already posed their views on.
what a shame!
very funny, that statements in russian language, and statement for europeans are different a lot. for example in russan statement there is lines about "stuped antifascists" and "i will prolongate to listen and support "you must murder" and right wing bands because i like them".
"Идем дальше, Support of Neo Nazi bands and right wing artists:
Тут все просто, я слушаю музыку КОТОРУЮ Я ХОЧУ СЛУШАТЬ, и вы не в праве за меня решать, и осуждать меня.
Если мне понравилась музыка INDEPENDENZA или CALL FOR BLOOD я их буду слушать,
Если мне понравилась музыка YOU MUST MURDER я их тоже буду слушать.
если мне понравилась леди гага я буду ее слушать, если мне понравился ву тенг клан я буду его слушать, и никто мне
не сможет запретить это сделать, или отменить концерты в связи с этим! это абсурд! если мне понравилась музыка убийцы или священника я буду его слушать!
Это полнейший абсурд !"
"Заключение - у кого то антифашизм головного мозга, и очень круто подгорел антифашиский пукан, он собрал цепочку нелепых совпадений с фотографиями и скриншотами
с музыкой, хотя я не видел не разу скриншотов, что я слушаю афро американцов например, и сделал из меня НЕО НАЦИСТА ЭКСТРИМИСТА , КОТОРЫЙ ОПАСЕН ДЛЯ ОБЩЕСТВА В ТОМ ЧИСЛЕ ДЛЯ МЕТАЛ СЦЕНЫ В ЕВРОПЕ. и в конце концов на все это дело повлияло черное солнце. Что бы не возникало больше
с этим делом проблем, я его закрасил, дабы музыкальная карьера от фанатиков антифашистов, и фашистов не пострадала. Всем сатаны и сори за орфографию и тд)
И да кстати, если у вас есть какие то вопросы по поводу всего этого, то я так же могу это все рассказать и в жизни, но если у парня антифашиские взгляды, то с ним разговаривать нет смысла, и происходит драка, так же как и тут в интернете, я не собираюсь ничего доказывать АНТИФАШНИКАМ, потому что они это и читать не станут, а если и станут, то не изменят своего мнения. По этому это бесмесленно. Я это все пишу нашим слушателям для того что бы они знали правду"
shame on you!
Long haired esoteric-folkish-pagan hippie shit...
Unbelievable of how a proud descendant with an "ancient" heritage of a "5000 year" of traditions and roots of an allegedly wannabe "Slav nation" like Alexander Shikolay is moaning like the most innocent sacrificial lamb on a platform of "modern western decadence and degeneration" like facepuke. Xuij snaet who fucked your grand-grand-grandfather 3000 years ago? Wake up and get out of your self-constructed "pure pagan-slavonic wonderland", it's difficult to stay serious after reading all your pseudo-scientific esoteric explanations about socalled "culture, traditions, runes" and the "mystic" roots of the black sun.
"Next, Support of Neo Nazi bands and right wing artists: it's as simple as that. I listen to the MUSIC that I like, and you can decide what music I can listen to and accuse me of that. I love the music of anti-fascist bands such as Independza and Call For Blood, and I'll keep listening to them for their music not their message. If I like lady Gaga or Wu - Tang Clan I will listen to them, and no one will ever be able to forbid me to do that. Of I like the music of either murdered or a saint I will listen to that. Such an accusation is absurd!"
You can listen and wear (Nazi and right wing shit) whatever you want, nobody forbids you anything. But don't moan the hole time, if somebody simply tells you "fuck off". It is dishonourable for a proud "Slav" like you and your wannabe "5000 years" of ancient heritage (your right wing friends might agree...;-) to scream like an Emo. Even if it's true (nobody believes) that you don't share the right wing believes of your right wing friends and Nazi-Bands like You Must Murder (which you adore so much, only because of the "music"...;-) and which are for you simply the same like Lady Gaga and Wu-Tang (what a primtive and clownish comparison), you simply support with your behaviour right wing ideologies and structures. So simply fuck off and stop moaning (and get a haircut).
77 > 666 x 14/88
Nazi Konzert in Leuna bei Leipzig
Ich habe Hinweise gefunden dass dies in Leuna bei Leipzig stattfinden soll.
Mir fehlen die Kontakte da was in Bewegung zu setzen.
Wär cool wenn da jemand was machen könnte.
Die Bands sind eindeutig und wer Special guest ist, will ich nicht wissen.
A problem is, that the claim of being non-political is still all too easily held plausible and functions well as a self-serving declaration, that will prevent irritation amongst his fans.
The usual identification of political ideologies through naked symbols and gestures, instead of a proper analysis of language, habitus and toposes has brought the doubtful benefit that people have good reason to believe they are not what they are. Maybe Shikolay himself uprightly believes he would not hold fascist views. Nevertheless he does.
Just take the black sun: He means to devaluate the reproach by the label "mythology" and a nice autochtonal narrative, not even asking what was already in these to be "misused" by the nazis - for example a strong sense of ehtnic in-group and a related source of superiority.
Take the quote from this (utterly disgusting) russian hatecore-band he shared: It means something along the lines of "Who comes to us with the sword will fall by the sword". There we have a sense of community ("to us") combined with a fancy for the archaic ("sword") and the invocation of an enemy to release the unifying potency of violence.
Take the video on metaphysical questions on his channel ( His apology of evil and disrespect for the wish of not hurting and not being hurt goes along with an affirmation of something like an equilibristic law of nature. Same sort of thing did Hitler in his book to denounce humanism and to aestheticise the "brute reality of nature" as an eternal law, which human society would have to obey. So with Shikolays "satanism" as a form of mythologizing violence, domination and force. In fascist ideology this kind of apology of ruthlesseness as some form of "strength" and natural "healthiness" is neighboured to the notion of social-darwinism and the right to annihilate the weak. Also something, which might naturally proliferate well in the deathcore-scene.
Big mouth
Why don't you simply accept the fact that you are a fucking hypocrite and a stupid liar, nobody cares about your illogical explanations, you feel proud and so "empowered" by the darkness, don't you? make sure you keep your "god" happy and enjoy the ride as long as it lasts, 'cause you will fall, EPHEMERAL...sounds right?
News update
They seem to be signed at Sumerian Records nowadays:
I wonder how they "survived" thier exposion as a band with a nazi-supportive singer and even managed to take the next step up to a label of the size of Sumerian.