Faschisten Belagern Hafen von Chios (Griechenland) und greifen Flüchtlinge, Volunteers und SoliCafe an

Ich habe gerade das hier in einer Volunteer Facebook Gruppe gefunden: For over four hours now fascists have been presiding the port in Chios attacking refugees who try to go out, as well as the activists who try to help to get the families safe inside the perimeter of the port. Three refugees and one activist arrested so far. No fascists arrested.

desweiteren habe ich ein video vom morgen des 7. april auf youtube gefunden:

fascist attacing SoliCafe on Chios


The first signs of that happening took place late on Wednesday when hundreds of protesters, led by supporters of the neo-fascist Golden Dawn party, attempted to storm the town hall. Molotov cocktails and rocks were later thrown at a cafe near the port frequented by leftwing migrant solidarity groups.


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Heute plant das feige Pack auch Angriffe auf die tausenden Flüchtlinge im Hafen von Piräus. Es wird aufgerufen, sich um 18 Uhr zu versammeln, um den Angriff abzuwehren. Hoffentlich geht das gut aus.

Your revolutionary duty would have been to occupy all embassies and consulates, institutions of EU, Austria, Fyrom-Macedon, Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia, instead you did nothing to open Eidomeni and helped the Habsbourg-criminals to trap 60.000 refugees in Greece.
Our band collectively decided to boycott your shitty country and its imperialist inhabitants, thanks for revolutionary solidarity.
Our tour was planned to inform about that for the same political "crimes" one gets 15-20 years prison time in the south of Europe while in big-mouthed Germoney it's only 2-3 years.
We like to inform you also that many bands think this way, but need to play to sell records for revolutionary projects