Greece: Strength to anarchist Nikos Maziotis, arrested in Athens on 16/7

in solidarity with anarchist Nikos Maziotis

The State and the Capital are the only terrorists – Solidarity with N. Maziotis 

In the evening of July 16th, 2014 comrades put up a solidarity banner at the gate of the Polytechnic School, on Patission Street, in response to the fact that Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis was recaptured by police in central Athens.


Anarchist Nikos Maziotis, who was on the run for two years, was seriously wounded and arrested earlier today after a shootout with cops in Monastiraki. He was then transferred to the tightly-guarded Evangelismos hospital, where he remains hospitalized. According to his lawyer, the comrade’s life is out of danger.


From 22:30, dozens of anarchists gathered outside the hospital to demonstrate their solidarity with urban guerrilla fighter Nikos Maziotis. At about 23:30 the solidarity intervention was over, and an assembly was called for tomorrow, Thursday 17/7, at 19:30, in the Polytechnic School in Exarchia.


July 16th, 2014 | More updates as they come.

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Nach der Festnahme von Nikos Maziotis stürmten Antiterror-Bullen heute eine Wohnung von Leuten in Exarchia zur Durchsuchung und verwehrten ihnen das Recht auf Präsenz eines Anwalts. Ausserdem wurden 5 Gefährten festgenommen, von denen, die sich vor der Wohnung solidarisch versammelt hatten.Mehr Infos gibt es gerade nicht.

Hier ein link zu einem Focus Artikel zur Info über die Verhaftung von Nikos: