[CRO] Solidarity Action in front of-Ježevo, detention center

resistance of the voiceless

(naški dolje) On Saturday the 29th of November 2014 about 20 activists gathered on front of the so called detention center in Ježevo (Croatia).

The idea of the gathering was to show solidarity with the imprisoned people, inform the public about situation in Ježevo and to get to know better the problems of people locked up behind the fences.


People are imprisoned in this detention center for crossing the borders to Croatia, being considered criminal for fleeing a country, for seeking asylum or just for the fact of traveling between countries and the wish to choose where to move and live.


Life in Ježevo is life in prison: collective rooms, common areas, set times when it is allowed to eat, sleep, get visits, go in the yard with the walls and fences. Contact with the outside world is very limited for people inside Ježevo. The process of getting visits is not so easy and only possible when announced before to the authorities. Besides this, mobile phones are taken away from them and apart from one free call to the embassy other calls can only be made on their own expenses.

Personal belongings as well as money is being taken away and if people have money they only get access to 300 kn (about 40 euros) per week and are charged for their imprisonment with 200 kn (about 26 euros) per day as well as for their own deportation.


For us who where present, the protest was successful and went without bigger interventions of the repressive organs. For people inside there was also no more repression than usual except that it was forbidden to go into the yard during the time of the protest.

Solidarity statements in various languages were read and played and direct communication with the imprisoned people was also possible. With signs of statements and demands, as well as shouting of slogans and personal dialogs people inside and the gathered activists outside broke the silence of the daily life in prison.


This solidarity action was only a small sign of united struggle against this criminalization of migration and the EU border system. The space to act is really big.

It is our duty to let it heard over the walls and fences:

Detention of migrants is just another form of jail! No one is illegal!


For more on the topic on migration politics and struggles in Croatia, contact: noborderzagreb[at]riseup.net

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Akcija solidarnosti-Ježevo 29.11.2014.

U subotu, 29. 11.  ispred detencijskog centra Ježevo okupilo se oko 20 aktivista sa ciljem informiranja javnosti o situaciji u Ježevu, izražavanja solidarnosti sa zatvorenicima i boljeg upoznavanja sa njihovom problematikom.

U  Ježevu, pored Zagreba, ljudi se nalaze zatvoreni u takozvanom detencijskom centru. Uhvaćeni pri prelasku granice u Hrvatsku smatraju se kriminalcima zbog napuštanja svoje države i traženja azila ili zbog činjenice da putuju među državama ili biraju mjesto življenja.

Život u Ježevu je život u zatvoru. Najdulji period pritvaranja prema Zakonu o strancima iznosi 18 mjeseci međutim vrlo često bivaju zadržani i mnogo dulje. Ljudi su smješteni u zajedničke sobe za spavanje i boravak sa strogo određenim vremenom za jelo, spavanje i izlazak u dvorište koje je unutar zidova centra. Posjete su moguće samo uz prethodnu najavu nadležnim autoritetima, mobilni telefoni su im oduzeti pa osim jednog mogućeg poziva ambasadi pri ulasku svi ostali su na vlastiti trošak. Osobne stvari i novac im se uzimaju. Ako, dakle, imaju svoj novac mogu koristiti 300kn tjedno, ali tek nakon što im se naplati 'boravak' u iznosu od 200kn dnevno. Na kraju cijele priče naplaćuje im se i deportacija u zemlju iz koje su krenuli u ovaj pakao.

Za nas koje smo se okupili protest je bio uspješan, bez većeg interveniranja od strane represivnih organa. Zatvorenici također nisu trpjeli veću represiju zbog naše akcije osim činjenice da za trajanja nisu smjeli ići u dvorište zatvora. Pušteni su govori podrške na raznim jezicima i u nekoliko navrata uspjeli smo direktno komunicirati sa zatvorenim migrantama koji su sa svojih prozora pokazivali poruke i zahtjeve i izmjenjivali s nama osobne dijaloge, te dovikujući slogane sudjelovali u bučnom remećenju njihovog zatvoreništva zajedno sa okupljenim aktivistima.

Ova akcija je samo  mali znak zajedničke borbe protiv kriminalizacije migracije i graničnog sistema EU. Prostora za djelovanje je mnogo, a ovaj problem će zasigurno zahvatiti sve veći broj ljudi u potrazi za sigurnijim i boljim životom. Nijedan čovjek nije ilegalan i detencija migranata je samo još jedan oblik zatvora! Naša je obaveza da se o tome čuje i preko zidova i rešetaka.

Za više informacija o migracijskim politikama i borbama , kontaktirajte: noborderzagreb[at]riseup.net