Video: Remembering means fighting!

plakat 26.10.13 leipzig

Mobilisation video dor the demonstration "Remembering means fighting!" in Leipzig

Video -> HERE

Saturday, 26th October 2013, 2pm, Leipzig, starting from Schletterstraße (Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, Tram Station ”Hohe Straße“)


Demonstration: Remembering means fighting!
For active remembrance to all victims of right-wing violence!

On 24th/25th of October it will be the third anniversary of the night in which Kamal was assasinated by two Nazis because he didn’t fit into their racist world view of his murderers. His family, friends and those engaged in anti-racism archieved what has been a pretty rare case since 1990: The court acknowledged the murder ot Kamal as motivated by racism. Subsequently the murder of Kamal was added to the official statistics on right-wing motivated homocide.

In Germany, journalists count more than 150 right-wing motivated homicides since 1990, officially acknowledged by the government are only 63.
Mainly the victims of social Darvinist and homophobic violence still fall through the crack, also and especially in Leipzig. The interweaving of state authorities, judiciary and ofiicial politics systematically trivialises and denies right-wing violence and sweeps the issue under the carpet.

This spiral can only be understood if the mainstreaming of inhuman attitudes in this societyis brought to mind.

Also institutional acting is strongly affected by this way of thinking. The news about the NSU (“National Socialist Underground”) were shocking, not because the organized killings by nazis but because they had been able to do it for years undetected. After months of tedious quarrel with the authorities, finally on the third anniversary or the murder of Kamal, a memorial may be erected that day at the place of his death. In the meantime one of the sentenced perpetrator openly shows off with his far right attitude on the internet. Also this year we want to remember the homicide of Kamal and all victims of right-wing violence. We fight to overcome racism, social Darwinism and homophobia!