Nuit Debout Berlin

The Nuit Debout Berlin meets for the fourth General Assembly.

This Movement, Nuit Debout, although founded in Paris, is now international. It has no limit, no border and it belongs to all of those who wish to be part of it. We are thousands, but we can be millions. Together, standing, awake. Let’s rise up together.

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please, more informations!

You have more informations on the group nuit debout berlin on Facebook ;)


not everybody is on facebook, so just complete the date, thats all


ist at mariannenplatz, or not?


can we bring some stuff, should we bring some stuff


so on

Some people don't want to use Fakebook. What is the meeting about? Are there some political points, goals? Is really everybody invited?

Hey everyone!


Nuit Debout Berlin meets twice a week, on Wednesday (7pm) and on Saturday (we are currently talking about the time the meeting should be, but it will be around 5-7pm).

For a very quick idea of what we do: Nuit Debout is an open forum, anyone can come and talk to the General Assembly. The idea is to talk all together, mostly about the failures of our systems and what we could do about it. We have working group - called Commissions - adressing particular issues in smaller groups; anyone can join a Commission any time.


Most information are indeed on facebook, but we are a website (probably not definitive):

Here you can find all the publics links, including reports:


I completely understand that you don't want to use facebook, but unless you are even against opening it, you can access to the information without having an account, as they are public!


Our next meeting is tomorrow, 7pm, Mariannenplatz. If you are curious about Nuit Debout, come, see and take part!

Are there any results or reports about the last meetings?