Razzien in Erzingan und Ankara

Razzien in Erzingan und Ankara

25-06-2013 In den frühen Morgenstunden stürmten Anti-Terroreinheiten der türkischen Polizei in Erzingan insgesamt 9 Wohnungen und das Büro unseren Zeitung Özgür Gelcek. Auch in Ankara kam es erneut zu Hausdurchsuchungen.


Nach den Operationen letzter Woche bei denen mehrere Dutzende politische AktivistenInnen, die sich an den Protesten gegen die Regierung beteiligten, festgenommen wurden. Kam es heute Morgen erneut zur Hausdurchsuchungen in Erzingan (türkisch Erzincan) und Ankara. Betroffen hiervon waren die Sympathisanten und UnterstützerInnen der Zeitungen Özgür Gelecek. In den frühen Morgenstunden führte die türkische Anti-Terroreinheit in 9 Wohnungen und unserem Büro Hausdurchsuchungen durch. Insgesamt wurden sieben Personen bei den Hausdurchsuchungen festgenommen. Unter ihnen auch unsere Journalist Çetin Kirsiz.


Auch in Ankara kam es am Dienstag erneut zur Hausdurchsuchungen. Hier bei wurden in gesamt 19 politische AktivistenInnen der Organistaionen ESP, SDP, Kaldıraç, PARTİZAN, YDG ODAK festgenommen.


Türkei setzt weiterhin auf Terror.


Nach den brutalen Polizeieinsetzen bei den Protesten in den vergangen Wochen, wobei insgesamt 5 Personen starben, Tausenden Verletzt und Hunderte festgenommen wurden, setzt der türkische Staat weiterhin auf Terror. Seid nun mehr als einer Woche kommt es fast täglich zu Hausdurchsuchungen und Festnahmen von politischen AktivistenInnen, die sich an den Protesten und Straßenschlachten gegen die faschistische Regierung beteiligt haben. Schon im Vorhinein hat Erdogan angekündigt, alle Terroristen ( gemeint sind die DemonstrantenInnen), die sich an den Protesten beteiligt haben, gnadenlos zu Verfolgen. Unter ihnen SchülerInnen , ArbeiterInnen, StudentenInnen und Journalisten. Ihnen wird vorgeworfen Mitglied in einer Illegalen Terrororganisation zu sein und können so für mindesten 6 Jahren eingesperrt werden. Schon seid Jahrzehnten benutzt der türkische Staat diese Methoden der Unterdrückung. Journalisten die kritische gegen das System schreiben, Menschen die für ihre Freiheit und Demokratie Demonstrieren, ArbeiterInnen die Streiken, werden wegen banalen Gründen für Jahre eingesperrt. Insgesamt befinden sich zur Zeit in der Türkei über Zehntausend politische Gefangenen in den Gefängnissen.


Özgür Gelecek Istanbul

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newsfeed (local time):

  • 20.12: [Istanbul] People agree to meet again at the next protest and leave the square.
  • 20.08: [Istanbul] The press conference has finished, but the people continue with their protest.
  • 20.00: [Istanbul] The press conference by Baris Uluocak of the KESK (Trade Union) has started. People stand behind banners that say 'The killers will be accounted for' and 'Strength for Labour and Democracy'
  • 19.54: [Istanbul] Thousands of people shout 'demission of government' Photo
  • 19.45: [Istanbul] The speakers within the crowed ask people to lie down in order to remember Ethem´s death. Thousands of people lie down for Ethem.
  • 19.34: [Istanbul] The whole crowed is making the victory sign. The are remembering Ethem, Abdullah and Mehmet. They shout 'The Killer Goverment will account for the deaths' Photo
  • 19.18: [Istanbul] The amount of people is growing. They shout slogans like 'Against Fascism, we are united' and continue the sit-in.
  • 19.11: [Istanbul] Thousands of people in Istiklal and at the tramway station of Siraselviler are shouting 'This is only the beginning. The movement will continue' and 'The Killer Goverment will give an account (for the dead protesters)'. The space arround the monument is surrounded by the police.
  • 19.07: [Istanbul] The sit-in is continuing. Thousands of people are shouting 'The killer is the government'. They are remembering the deceased.
  • 19.04: [Istanbul] The people on Istiklal, who are blocked at the entrance to Taksim Square are starting a sit-in. The people who come from the Diwan Hotel are standing in front of the police.
  • 18.35: [Istanbul] The police is blocking the entrance to Taksim Square.
  • 18.30: [Istanbul] The police starts to move towards the people who are making the 'Standing Protest'. A TOMA, an armored police vehicle and several buses of Special Forces are waiting. Photo
  • 18.00: [Istanbul] The Metro and Funicular were closed right before the demonstration started at 19.00.
  • 00.00:---- 25.6.2013 ----------------


  • 01.54: [Ankara] The street lights along the road are switched on and off frequently .
  • 01.50: The street lights in Dikmen have been off for while again. The crowd continues to wait at the barricades.
  • 00.46: [Ankara] Along the Dikmen Street a lot of barricades have been built. In the front of the barricades thousands of people are still protesting by playing on drums, pots and pans, and shouting slogans. The police is waiting at the junction at the police station.
  • 00.16: [Ankara] While the protestors were setting up the barricades, a resident from Dikmen came along with a car and told them that they could use the broken-down car as a barricade. The crowd applauded and cheered up and put the car on the corner of Dikmen and Sinan Street as a barricade Photo.
  • 00.00:---- 24.6.2013 ----------------


"The June Days of the massive mass mobilization in Turkey continue.

Last Saturday (22.06) hundred thousands gathered in Taksim Square for commemorating martyred comrades of the resistance, However while people were leaving the Square peacefully at 8 pm, police once again attacked over crowds and until morning, people clashed against police. On Sunday, hundred thousands met in Kadıköy to commemorate the 20th year of the Sivas Massacre in which Islamist fascist groups surrounded a hotel in Sivas city and killed 40 progressive intellectuals and artists by burning them who had been there for a festival.
In Ankara as well, ten thousands gathered to protest government and police attacked over people. In Izmir, Eskişehir, Bursa and many other cities and towns people insist on their rights and liberties.
Taksim Solidarity, a coalition compose of over 120 mass organizations including DISK, declared that struggle will continue until the fundamental demands are achieved. On Saturdays, people will gather in main squares of cities and everyday at 9 pm, there will be mass meetings in public parks in each district where people discuss and share their ideas as a democratic platform of the direct democracy. (...)"
