Aboriginal mothers are 17.5 times more likely to be victims of homicide in Western Australia than other mums


Aboriginal mothers in Western Australia are 17.5 times more likely to die from homicide than other mothers in the state, researchers at Perth's Telethon Kids Institute have found. Their study, published in BMC Public Health, also found indigenous mothers were 6.4 times more likely to die from accidents and 3.4 times more likely to die from suicide. About half of these elevated risks were explained by poorer socioeconomic circumstances and residential location.


The researchers also found the median age of death by any external cause for Aboriginal mothers was 33 compared to 36.5 for deceased non-Aboriginal mothers, and they usually left behind more and younger children.

The median age of the youngest child at the time of their mother's death from any external cause was 4.8 years.


"This is a period when children are particularly vulnerable, and where the circumstances leading to and arising from a maternal loss can have profoundly negative consequences for social and emotional wellbeing," the study read.


"Trauma in early life can also lead to onward problems with substance abuse, self-harming, suicide, anti-social behaviour, and other adversities into adult-hood."


The findings show Aboriginal mothers are a particularly at-risk group and require high levels of support.


Promoting healthy mental wellbeing, preventing and managing substance abuse, reducing domestic violence and the stresses associated with the persistent marginalisation of Aboriginal people in Australian society were central to reducing that risk, the institute's Glenn Pearson said.

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These women are the face of a heartbreaking epidemic

13 July 2016 – The Telethon Kids Institute study revealed a number of disturbing findings: Aboriginal mothers 17-and-a-half times more likely to be murdered; just over a quarter of Aboriginal mothers who died in Western Australia between 1983 and 2010 were the victims of homicide; Aboriginal mothers are almost seven times more likely to die from external factors like suicide, accidents and homicides; . Aboriginal children are more likely to experience the loss of a mother in the first five years of life.

Early death of mothers leads to life-long problems among children

The researchers analysed data from the West Australian midwife notification system, death registry, hospital morbidity data system and mental health information system. The median age of death of Aboriginal mothers was 33 years and the median age of their youngest 4.8 years. When children face maternal loss at this stage of life the evidence is quite clear that this can lead to long periods of grief, depression, anxiety and stress.