protocol #2 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin

Lagers are Jails are Human Zoos

this is our second protocol to form a "lager mobilisation"-group in berlin and maybe later on in brandenburg. again, around 18 people were there - thanks to u all.


protocol #2 – forming a ‘lager mobilisation’ group in berlin

I. introduction
II. report from our first test-action
III. idea pool
IV. weekly action
V. to do
V. next meeting

I. introduction:

- a short and quick review of our first meeting and its protocol

- protocols will be published online on
--> we dont do anything criminal plus we dont know if civil police is present during our meetings
so we do not hide our protocols to prevent the "criminalization" of our group

II. report from our first test-action at a tent-emergency-lager (notlager)

- aorund 1600 so-called refugees are put in tents
- it is an emergency-lager with a lot of population change in short time periods

- people in the lager were happy to have visitors: lots of people from syria (arabic translators needed)
- there is somehow an infrastructure to bring clothes and foods but not really a direct human relationship to people living there
- people wanted to know where to go for more information about their time, also were they can spend their free time and meet other people
- material needs: shoes, socks and jackets - its getting cold!

- management - living conditions are bad/low in tents:
--> no privacy because sometime around 10 people live in one tent
--> short medical help times: from 9am-12pm and 2pm-4pm

III. idea pool:

- we need a lager report about how the infrastructe is:
--> check out the rooms, tents and infrastructure of each lager
--> please write down some notes down

- "know your rights" workshop to empower people in the lagers about their rights:
--> right now the workshop is possible (in arabic, english and maybe kurdish)
--> build parallel working groups: workshop for people who can give workshops to make the the supporting group decenteralized and bigger

- "self-defence" courses to empower people physically against fasisct idiots:
--> room next to lagers needed, ask welcoming intiatives and schools ect. next to each lager

- more contacts:
--> take "flüchtingsrat" and "reach out" info-flyers about legal help and discrimination-preventation in the lagers
--> contact people from groups against gentrification and privatization our groups against security crime
--> mobile-action and cooking possibilty at drugstore/potse - ask everytime
--> ask universities and foundations for money to get tickets for illegalized people

- check if its interessting for u

- 26th september 2015 - a selforganized street fiesta and a football cup is gonna take place in höhenschönhausen with the so-called refugees from a new lager:

IV. weekly action:

there will be 2 actions until our next meeting, we will always report about them in the following protocol, if u are interessted to join the lager visitings, please come to our meetings.
--> we will send the review of our first lager-visit on our mailing list for the preparation of the second tour.

V. to do:

- DONE: there was a group during the occupation of oplatz in 2012 which visited some lagers in berlin but did not record any documents about the lager infrastructure

VI. next meeting:

please read our first protocol too, we dont want to repeat ourselves every time from zero. after third third or fourth protocol there will be a big summary for all ideas so everything is collected on one page. this group is an open group, so please join us, but please dont forget:  

our first protocol:

"if u are interessted to join and help us instead of talking blabla or “attend another meeting with no practical result”, please come to our next meeting and get active – PUT IT!"

next meeting: tuesday/dienstag: 22th september 2015 - at NY/beathanien


berlin, 15th september 2015 -



we are one

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dürfen nur menschen mit Englischkenntnissen mitmachen?

nee, die hauptspache des treffens ist wegen der globalen zusammenkunft der mitmachenden menschen zwar englisch, aber eine deutsche übersetzung wird natürlich zur verfügung gestellt, wenn sie gebraucht wird.

demnäxt, spätestens nach dem vierten protokoll, wird auch eine grosse zusammenfassung der bisheren ideen, aktionsmöglichkeiten usw. geben, die mindestens zweisprachig (english und deutsch) ist.

Zum ersten Mal findet in Deutschland ein Geschichtsort der anarchosyndikalistischen Bewegung als Kulturdenkmal offiziell Anerkennung - die Bakuninhütte auf der Hohen Maas.


Mit Datum 3. September 2015 wurde ihm vom zuständigen Gebietsgutachter des Thüringischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie in Erfurt mitgeteilt, dass die Bakuninhütte auf der Hohen Maas als Kulturdenkmal anerkannt wurde.


Die Sonderausstellung der Meininger Museen "Mühsam in Meiningen - Meiningen und seine Anarchisten" haben unbedingt dazu beigetragen, die Bedeutung des Objektes fundiert darzustellen und zu rezipieren.



Die Sonderausstellung "Mühsam in Meiningen - Meiningen und seine Anarchisten" ist noch bis zum 27. September 2015 zu besichtigen: