TRAVEL WARNING / EU - wide police operation "Amberlight 2015" in April

Fight Fortress Europe

In den ersten beiden Aprilwochen findet die EU-weite Polizeirazzia "Amberlight 2015" statt: Polizist/innen nationaler Polizeien sowie von Frontex suchen nach Menschen ohne Aufenthaltsstatus. Vor allem in Zügen, an Bahnhöfen, Flughäfen, auf Autobahnen und an innereuropäischen Grenzen. Sie wollen möglichst viele Menschen kontrollieren und festnehmen. Bitte warnt all Menschen ohne Papiere! KEIN MENSCH IST ILLEGAL!




Sous le nom de ‚"Amberlight 2015"‚ une opération policiére aura lieu du 1. au 15. Avril dans l´UE entiére. En coopération avec Frontex, des policiers nationales vont chasser les sans-papiers pendant ces deux semaines. Ils veulent détecter les voies de migration et aussi capturer le nombre le plus haut possible de sans-papiers. S´il vous plaít, prévenez tous les gens sans papiers! Il faut s´ôattendre  plus de contróles surtout dans les trains, les gares, les aéroports, sur les autoroutes et aux frontiéres Européennes internes. PERSONNE N´EST ILLÉGAL!



The first two weeks of April the EU-wide police operation ‚"Amberlight 2015" is taking place: national and Frontex police forces will chase people without papers. Especially in trains, at train stations, on airports, on highways and on inner-europe borders. They want to find out about migration routes and arrest as many people as possible. Please warn all people without papers! NO ONE IS ILLEGAL!


New info sent over a mailinglist:

the first spread info (see above) is half true. "Amberlight 2015" is one of these "joint police operations" (JPO) that happen under each half year EU presidency (except Greece, they did not make any JPO when running the council last year). The operation is a bit similar to "Mos Maiorum" from October, but just a bit. Now they are targeting not people without papers in general, but over stayers (people that stay with official papers in the EU and don´t leave even if their visa is not valid anymore). AFAIK the controls will NOT happen in streets, trains, public places like in "Mos Maiorum". In documents it is explained that controls will be carried out only at airports, and only departures (not arrivals). "Amberligt 2015" may be for getting statistics of people extending their visa. These data is then used by frontex for their risk analysis. As you might know the EU is setting up a large new database and control system smart borders which is against over stayers as well. One might see "Amberlight 2015" as a pilot. This is what documents explain. ofcourse there still might be a hidden agenda.






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Danke für die Info! Wieso bringt ihr die Reisewarnungen in drei Sprachen, wenn ihr sie weiter unten wieder relativiert? Würde es nicht Sinn machen die Reisewarnungen anzupassen mit den "Overstayers"?