[Vienna] Thoughts in solidarity to Barcelona


About one week ago the autonomous social center Can Vies was attacked and evicted. This happened because the building was supposed to make space for a green area. That for this purpose no bank is torn down is unfortunately logical. But Can Vies is not given up without a fight. Thousands of people flooded to the streets as a reaction to the eviction, where until today the struggle for the preservation of Can Vies continues. On Saturday for example, a thousand people took part in rebuilding the house („Reconstruim Can Vies“).


When a 17 year-old social center is being attacked and evicted, this concerns all of us. It is a clearly defined attack on self-organized and emancipatory life. We will not simply accept these developments and stand in solidarity with the resistance of our companer@s. Actions followed your words, and their is a widely supported rebuilding of Can Vies happening. Don't let the extreme violence of the police get you down!


The necessity of free spaces exists everywhere and the pressure of the capitalist logic is omni-present. Also the Pizzeria Anarchia in Vienna is threatened by eviction (planned date: July 28th!) and solidarizes with the current struggles in Barcelona. Houses are there for living in them!


One struggle, one fight!

Freedom for all prisoners!

Squat the World!