Program of the rally „G20 - Welcome to hell“

Ankündigung an der Fassade der Roten Flora

6 July 2017 | 16 – 18:30 hrs Fischmarkt Hamburg

The anti-capitalist demonstration »G20 – Welcome to hell« against the G20 summit starts on July 6th with a rally at the Hamburger Fischmarkt with international guests and live bands. During the demonstration, international activists speak of protests and current resistance experiences as well as state and social repression.



Live bands, speeches and drinks at the Fischmarkt

The Goldenen Zitronen, Neonschwarz, Johnny Mauser & Captain Gips will play live on the stage from 4 pm and accompany the prepared program with further surprises. On the edge of the rally, there will also be soli drinks and food. The concerts and contributions begin on time at 4 pm!


Activists from different countries are reporting of their struggles and self-organization, of state repression, of sexism and homophobia, of racism, of anti-semitism and of the old and new far-right movements. We are united in the struggle against capitalist conditions, which we no longer want to endure.



At 6:30 pm, the program will move to the loudspeakers and the demonstration will start in the Hafenstrasse at Park Fiction. We are expecting a broad-based demonstration with urban-political and development-political spectra, a queer-feminist and a large autonomous bloc. Start of the demonstration is at 7 pm.


The location of the opening rally is with regard to the harbor as a logistical area and the Elbphilharmonie as place of the planned official summit photograph between demonstrations, blockades and smokescents of the summit protests.


„Our message is: We are already there when the leaders of governments arrive and we will disturb the smooth running of this summit!“

Political summits from G7 to G20 have always been linked to clashes on the streets and protests. In Hamburg, the G20 has become a fierce safety joke. With the demonstration on July 6, we want to look away from the sensitivities of the local security policy and to address the global exploitation of resources, wars and the violence of the capitalist present.


The world of the G20, capitalism and patriarchal relationships mean the hell on earth for millions of people today. But not only the flows of goods and markets have become globalized, but also our resistance.



From the port of Hamburg to the resistance in Oaxaca: the logistics of exploitation

Political killings and the use of firearms against indigenous protests and social struggles are part of the repressive normal state in Mexico. Near a besieged autonomous community, the Mexican activist Bety Cariño and the Finnish activist Jyri Jaakkola were murdered seven years ago by paramilitaries, which are still covered by the government. Omar Esparza, the former companion of Bety, calls for many things to be cleared up to this day and had to go underground becaue of murder assaults.


At the international demonstration »G20 – Welcome to Hell« at the port of Hamburg, Omar Esparza reports on state repression, social struggles and land raids in indigenous communities in Oaxaca, Mexico. Other activists from Oaxaca have called for solidarity blocks against the shipment of technical facilities, which are used to expropriate indigenous communities.


The protests against the large airport in Atenco / Mexico City and state violence

The raised machete is the sympbol of the protests in Atenco. The name of this Mexican place is today famous in Mexico for state crimes, sexualized torture and impunity. At the same time, Atenco is a symbol of unyielding resistance and solidarity. After clashing around the stands of florists, the police stormed the city and two deaths, many injuries and more than 200 arrests were the result. The detainees were tortured and numerous female prisoners were raped.


Trinidad Ramírez reports of repression and the resistance of the women of Atenco against the impunity of sexualized state power. The violence has not broken the movement of Atenco. Currently there are new urban development protests against the new airport project „Future City“, planned by the architect Norman Foster. The new airport for Mexico City is used to create hotel facilities, shopping centers and industrial corridors. A map, which exemplifies the violence of big capital projects.


Systematic violence against LGBTI * in Russia

Over the last five years, the situation in Russia has deteriorated rapidly for anti-racist, civil society groups and human rights activists, as well as for members of particularly vulnerable groups (women, ethnic minorities, LGBTI). State repression against civil society combines with the promotion of „traditional values“ and homophobia. Attempts of opposition and criticism are vehemently answered with violence, often in the form of unlawful, arbitrary and inhuman actions by the police and other state institutions.


Inessa Sakhno, human rights activist from the Anti-Discrimination Center Memorial reports from the recent mass protests that had resulted in 1500 arrests of activists in Moscow and St. Petersburg on one day. Some of them were tortured by the police guards, hundreds detained up to 15 days. There were terrible tortures in Chechnya: more than a hundred gay men were captured and held in unofficial prisons, some of them beaten to death.


Another world is possible – resistance experiences in the USA

Racism, anti-semitism or hatred of queer self-organization are common in right-wing populist movements. What does the electoral victory and succession of Trump in the US, Erdogan in Turkey and the right-wing populists in Europe tell us about the times in which we live? And what strategies are there for tackling increasingly oppressive governments and growing nationalism? In the USA new forms of protest and self-organization are developing. In the first few weeks of Trumps presidency a great wave of protests went through the country.


In the context of the successes and defeats of the social movements under Trump, an activist will be speaking from the anarchist movement in the US about the importance of basic resistance movements in the present situation. Social movements face new dangers, but they also face new opportunities and resistance.


Lampedusa in Hamburg and the autonomy of migration

The protests against the G20 summit can not be thought of without the diverse struggles of refugees against the European immigration regime. The participating countries at the G20 Summit are the ones responsible for wars and poverty in much of the world. The meeting in July is not about safe escape routes or the end of capitalist exploitation, but the maintenance of these conditions and a further foreclosure against their consequences. The recent protests by students in Nuremberg have shown that deportations of Roma within Europe, or from refugees to Africa or Afghanistan can be prevented.


During the demonstration an activist from the Lampedusa group in Hamburg talks about the protests and perspectives of self-organized battles against the fortress of Europe. Several years have passed since hundreds of refugees have joined the collective „Lampedusa in Hamburg“ and fought for their rights. The Hamburg Senate still denies the demand for a collective right to stay. Neither major demonstrations, nor other protests, have so far been able to convince the politicians. It seems to have calmed down, but refugees and illegals are still here, organizing themselves and resisting.


Against the capitalist exploitation and patriarchal order of the world!

The dead refugees in the Mediterranean, killed strikers, the persecuted and assassinated LGBTI, or increasing racist and nationalist mobilisations all over the world are not acceptable to us. We therefore go into the streets to connect us and explain our intention not only to disturb the summit, but to develop completely different perceptions of society in perspective.


The fact that we are protesting against the G20 summit in Hamburg does not mean that we are going to be calm as soon as the heads of state have left. When criticizing the global situation, we do not care about the faces at the summit, but the perspective of local struggles and movements.


International Rally »Welcome to hell«

Contact: hafenbuehne [at]