Demo und Ausschreitungen in Athen

Demo in Athen - Quelle:

Gestern Abend Demonstrierten weit über 10.000 Menschen in Keratsini, einem Vorort von Athen, gegen den faschistischen Mord an Pavlos Fissas. Andere Quellen sprechen von bis zu 20.000 Menschen. Die Menschen waren sehr gereizt, und nach Polizeiprovokationen setzten heftige AUseinandersetzungen ein. Es wurde über Stunden hinweg Bullen, die Polziewache, Banken und anderer Einrichtungen angegriffen. Es gibt eine Hohe Zahl, möglicherweise mehr als 100 Gewahrsamnahmen und einige Festnahmen.

Heute findet die Beerdigung von Pavlos statt, ausserdem wird wieder zu Demonstrationen in und um Präuis aufgerufen. Bleibt auf dem Laufenen, regelmäßige updates auf diversen Blogs. Solidarisiert euch

Murder of Pavlos Fissas and its aftermath – updates: September 18, evening demonstrations

This post updates on the evening demonstrations (scheduled to start at approximately 18:00 GMT+2) in Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities across Greece – and beyond.

02:26 (GMT+2) Riot Police attacks without any reason to the solidarity gathering in front of the police headquarters (GADA) in Athens.

01:17 (GMT+2) Demonstrator at risk of losing his eye from tear gas that was shot directly at him by cops. He is operated at the Tzaneio hospital.

22:32 (GMT+2) About 20 people who found refuge in a cafeteria in Panagi Tsaldari have been detained by police. More people still remain on the roof of a nearby building.

22:04 (GMT+2) Police continue to detain people in Athens, so far the number has increased to 65.

21:47 (GMT+2) 30 people detained in Thessaloniki.

21:30 (GMT+2) 2 police water cannons in Keratsini.

21:22 (GMT+2) Police has detained more than 30 people so far in Athens. Four demonstrators injured.

21:06 (GMT+2) People, possibly demonstrators, have been trapped on a block of flats on Tsaldari and Lambraki corner. Police requested attorney permission to raid the building, while the trapped ones have called lawyers to reach them. On the same corner police attacked and detained without reason demonstrators earlier.

20:59 (GMT+2) On Grigoriou Lambraki avenue clash still goes on.

20:53 (GMT+2) On the corner of Grigoriou Lambraki and Tsaldari at least 10 demonstrators have been stabilized on the street by the police and are being detained. Police still attacks and disperse groups of demonstrators wherever they find them.  In other areas stones are thrown to the police.

20:46 (GMT=2) Clashes close to the Kerasini police station, tear gases and Molotov cocktails the last 30 minutes.

20:36 (GMT+2) Clashes on various points in Keratsini. The air is full of chemicals so a lot of rubbish bins are on fire. Thousands of people walk around after the disperse. On small streets police officers detain people who suspect as demonstrators.

20:20 (GTM+2) Small groups of ‘people’ next to riot police squads in Panagi Tsaldari in Athens are throwing stones against demonstrators.

19:58 (GTM+2) Widespread clashes with the police in Keratsini. Teargas and barricades in Grigoriou Lambraki street and Panagi Tsaldari Avenue.

19:45 (GTM+2) The antifascist/anarchist block is now clashing with the police. The people hold on.

19:40 (GTM+2) A large anarchist/antifascist block of 3000-4000 people is heading towards Golden Dawn’s offices in Nikaia. Pawn offices are being smashed. People are chanting  ‘the blood is running, it seeks revenge’.

19:22 (GTM+2) The demonstration has been attacked by police with tear gas and stun grenades.

19:13 (GMT+2) Thousans have flooded the streets of Keratsini. The demo moves towards the town hall of Keratsini. Police attacked front of the police department and demonstrators attacked to the police department in Grigori Lambraki street.

19:00 (GMT+2) Thousands in the Antifascist demo in Panagi Tsaldari street near to the point of assassination.The direction is Golden Dawns’s offices in Nikaia. Right-wing politician P. Kammenos and corporate media journalists  who attempted to approach the demo were attacked and ousted by the demonstrators.

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