[England, USA, Bolivien] Weitere Soliaktionen zum 10. Todestag von Barry Horne

Huntingdon 05

Am 5. November demonstrierten über 150 Menschen in Huntingdon (England) im Gedenken an Barry Horne gegen den Tierversuchskonzern HLS.

Am 6. November besuchten Tierbefreiungsaktivist*innen einige Mitarbeiter*innen von HLS-Kunden in Los Angeles (USA). Arthur Doi, Todd Pam und Scott Laudeman (alle arbeiten für HLS bzw. deren Konzerne) wurden besucht und deren Nachbarschaft über die Machenschaften von HLS aufgeklärt.

Am 5. November wurde in La Paz (Bolivien) ein Brandanschlag auf Pollos Copacabana verübt. Aktivist*innen der ALF übernahmen die Verantwortung für die Aktion und widmeten sie Barry Horne.

Am 4. November gab es eine Protestaktion vor einem HLS Labor in Suffolk (England). Die Aktivist*innen erinnerten mit Kerzen und Transpis an Barry Horne.


Der Tierbefreiungsaktivist Barry Horne starb am 5.November 2001 in einem britischen Gefängnis; durch das letzte ihm verbleibende Mittel zum Protest, dem Hungerstreik.


Barry Horne im Sommer 1997 nach seinem ersten Hungerstreik:
«Ja, ich war im Hungerstreik, aber nicht ich habe den Hungerstreik gewonnen und ich habe auch nicht all die positiven Dinge erreicht, die daraus entstanden sind. Das war die Bewegung, nicht ich. Die Bewegung war ausreichend stark, um für die Tiere mobil zu machen und das zu tun, was getan werden musste.
Die Bewegung, das sind einfach nur Menschen, Menschen wie du und ich, wir alle. Wir sind die Bewegung und jeder von uns ist sehr wichtig. Ohne jeden Einzelnen von uns wird die Bewegung schwächer und ärmer. Ohne uns alle hört sie auf zu existieren. Wer wird sich dann für die Tiere einsetzen? Wir können die Tiere befreien, die Welt ändern und Frieden und Gerechtigkeit für alle schaffen.» (Newsletter der Vegan Prisoner Supporters Group)


Weitere Infos zu Barry Horne und Soliaktionen zu seinem 10. Todetag: https://linksunten.indymedia.org/de/node/50470




Saturday, 5th November

To mark the tenth anniversary of Barry Horne’s death, about 150 activists from a number of different countries descended on Huntingdon to hold a remembrance march, followed by a protest outside Huntingdon Life Sciences itself.

Barry Horne was a committed and selfless activist for animal liberation who sacrificed his life to save others. On this day, all around the world hundreds of people dedicated actions and events as a mark of respect for this courageous individual.

In Huntingdon the day began with speeches about Barry’s inspiring life and discussion of the history of the SHAC campaign and about HLS. As the crowd listened, the true impact that this campaign has had upon the laboratory was highlighted, leaving nobody in doubt as to the failing business that it now is.

After the speeches the activists formed a visual procession and held a loud and passionate march through the sleepy streets of Huntingdon town centre, no doubt being watched by many of HLS’ workers. With chants of “close down HLS” it was made clear to all of them that their involvement in torture and murder will not be ignored.

With various placards and banners being displayed and many leaflets handed out, the local community was made fully aware of the hell hole that is hidden next door to their town and the horrors being committed inside it.

After the march, activists made their way to HLS itself, where a loud and angry protest was held by the main gates. Half way through the demo, silence fell upon the crowd as speeches were given again.

With the backdrop of razor wire and the grey sprawl of the expansive torture lab, the mood was sombre as thoughts focused on the 70,000 animals who were imprisoned in HLS's labs at that very moment. Turning their sadness to anger and determined to fight for the animals being abused inside HLS, activists then continued their loud protest, ensuring the lab could not ignore their presence.

After a number of hours, the demo eventually dispersed, the sight of HLS leaving everyone with a clear reminder of exactly what the campaign is fighting. Until that hell hole is closed down for good, SHAC and compassionate activists will continue to target them – until all are free.

Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv5lSpoSxf8
and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCALdgsgKa4

Barry’s sacrifice for the animals is as relevant today as it was ten years ago, as are the words he spoke – “If you don’t act then you condone. If you don’t fight then you don’t win. And if you don’t win then you are responsible for the death and suffering that will go on and on” - Barry Horne, 15/3/1952 – 5/11/2001.

Many thanks to those that donated at the protest outside HLS and thanks for all your continued support - Until all are free!

For more information on Barry Horne, see: www.barryhorne.org


6.November 2011, LA (USA):


Sunday, 6th November

In honor of Barry Horne, activists gathered on Sunday afternoon to speak up for the animals who are murdered every day inside of HLS. Horne was a dedicated activist for the animals and we commemorate him by keeping the campaign against HLS alive in Los Angeles. It is companies like BlackRock and AstraZeneca who make it possible for HLS to continue functioning. This is the very reason why activists protested against a few of their employees. We will not back down until all ties are cut and HLS is no longer your business associate.

First stop was Arthur Doi's neighborhood, Director of Finance Analysis at Aptium Oncology (a subsidiary of AstraZeneca). Aptium Oncology has the moral obligation to the animals inside of HLS to pressure their parent company to cut all ties with Huntingdon. Hundreds of companies have chosen not to deal with HLS and its not hard to follow their compassionate lead. If Aptium Oncology and AstraZeneca no longer want the negative attention they are receiving in Los Angeles (as well as around the world), all they have to do is call off all animal tests, contracts and business dealings they have with the sadistic lab. Severe your ties and we will no longer be at your offices or in your neighborhood.

Activists visited Todd Pam's neighborhood next, a Director at BlackRock - the top shareholder of AstraZeneca. Not only did activists expose BlackRock's dirty secrets and their pharmaceutical love affair, but we sent a message to Pam's neighborhood that animal abuse is never tolerated. Activists talked to curious passer-bys and sympathetic neighbors about the atrocities that continue to happen on BlackRock's dime inside of HLS. Many of these compassionate and inquisitive people were and are usually the youth. Children do not want a world where animals are tortured. They see right through profit and BlackRock's company rhetoric. It is easy, BlackRock. Create a world that is better for future generations. Sell your equity shares in AstraZeneca and finalize the formal paperwork. Only then will activists let up.

Lastly, activists visited Scott Laudeman's neighborhood, another Director at BlackRock Inc. As soon as activists began protesting outside, Scott came out to mock and goad us having himself a good laugh. But not at our expense. It is the activists who always have the last laugh, because we are the passionate, motivated people who will not give up. For the animals who cannot speak their injustices, we will fight until they are free.



05. November 2011, Bolivien:

anonymous report, from Liberacion Total (translation):

"Until the last empty cage
Attack on Pollos Copacabana, in the southern section of La Paz, Bolivia

The human face of cruelty is hypocrisy. All those who have companion animals and say they love them while eating dead animals for their enjoyment are hypocrites. All those who say they are sensitive and respectful of their rights as long as those rights fit into their comfortable lives are hypocrites. Those who claim to love freedom while living among constant domination and enslavement of nonhuman species are hypocrites.
Nonhuman animals are regarded by these hypocrites as 'property', 'products', 'food' or 'things', so it never crosses their authoritarian minds to consider them as individuals who can feel just like human animals do. Many people fill their mouths with words and speeches about sensitivity and humanitarianism, but at the same time omit the freedom that all beings deserve, do not open their minds and instead become murderers or accomplices to murder. This reveals a patriarchal society based on domination and increasingly numbed by sexist advertising, which as a public resource makes us believe that this domination is the basis of 'Happy Families'.
The laws and capitalism and power combined defend those who kill non-humans with the empty argument that they are food. The bloody slaughterhouses and farms of slavery are the objective representation of their speciesism.
Welfarist reform does not offer a real solution to speciesism, it only perpetuates animal exploitation through improved conditions on farms and in slaughterhouses. The only solution to this domination is to dissolve these ideas of superiority because they are born from power.
The lives of senseless consumption of many people in this city hides this industry of death. Breeding factories of living beings destined to live as slaves only to be later killed. Far from feeling sorry for these beings, the moment has arrived to attack this industry of domination.
Power has many faces and one of them is painted with beautiful colors and disguised as a center of family entertainment, as is the restaurant that we attacked at night with an explosive device that broke their windows. A symbol of the industry of death and the system of exploitation and domination based on differences in species today became the target of anarcho-vegan attack, a response to years of industrialized death.

We share the antispeciesist struggle that has moved into action.
For us an anarchist struggle without veganism is hypocritical, it is hypocritical in essence and in practice because it is authoritarian against other species.
Remembering the warrior Barry Horne.
Sending our solidarity to those who understand the oppression of the bars,
our comrades Zerman Elias and Luciano Pitronello
That the attack on power spreads like our fuses!
'Empty cages and jails!
FLA Bolivia"


"Hasta la última jaula vacía
Ataque a Pollos Copacabana Zona Sur La Paz Bolivia

La cara más humana de la crueldad es la hipocresía. Hipócritas todxs aquellxs que tienen animales de compañía y dicen amarlxs mientras comen gustosxs animales muertxs para su deleite. Hipócritas todxs aquellxs que se dicen sensibles y respetuosxs de los derechos pues sus derechos sirven solo para sus cómodas vidas. Hipócritas quienes dicen amar la libertad mientras viven en una constante dominación y esclavizan a las especies no humanas.
Lxs animales no humanxs son vistxs, por estos hipócritas, como 'propiedad', 'producto', 'alimento' o 'cosa', por eso jamás cruza por sus mentes autoritarias considerarlxs como individuxs que sienten tal y como sentimos los animales humanxs. Muchas personas se llenan la boca de palabras y discursos de sensibilidad y humanitarismo pero al mismo tiempo, omiten la libertad que todos los seres merecemos, no dispensan sus mentes y se convierten en verdugxs o simplemente cómplices del asesinato. Esto deja al desnudo una sociedad patriarcal basada en la dominación y cada vez más anestesiada por propagandas sexistas, que como recurso publicitario, nos hacen creer que esta dominación es la base de las 'Familias Felices'.
Las leyes y todo ese conjunto de beneficios del capitalismo y del poder defienden a aquellxs que asesinan a los no humanxs con el vacío argumento de que son alimentos. Los sangrientos mataderos y granjas de esclavitud son la representación objetiva de su especismo.
Ningún reformismo bienestarista ofrece una real solución al especismo, solo perpetúa la explotación animal, mediante mejores condiciones para ellxs en las granjas y mataderos. La única solución a esta dominación es disolver estas ideas de superioridad porque son engendros del poder.
La vida urbana de consumo insensato que muchas personas tienen en esta ciudad, esconde esta industria de muerte. Fábricas de crianza de seres vivos destinadxs a vivir como esclavxs solo para ser asesinadxs más tarde. Lejos de compadecer a estos seres, ha llegado el momento de atacar esta industria de dominación.
El poder tiene muchas caras y una de ellas está pintada con lindos colores y disfrazada de centros de diversión familiar, como es el restaurante que esta noche hemos atacado con un artefacto explosivo que quiebre sus vidrios. Espacio símbolo de la industria de muerte, del sistema de explotación y dominio basado en las diferencias de especie, que hoy se convierte en blanco de ataque anarcovegano en respuesta a sus años de muerte industrializada.

Compartimos la lucha antiespecista que pasa a la acción
Para nosotrxs es hipócrita también una lucha anarquista sin veganismo, es hipócrita en esencia y en práctica porque es autoritaria con las demás especies.
Recordando al guerrero Barry Horne.
Y enviando nuestra solidaridad a quienes entienden la opresión de las rejas,
compañerxs Zerman Elias y Luciano Pitronello
¡¡Que el ataque al poder se propague como nuestras mechas!!
'Cárceles y jaulas vacías!!
FLA Bolivia"