Victory for the Revolt of Hungry People in Algeria.

Riots in Algier

 Victory for the revolt of hungry people that shocked Algeria since two days now. After the call for a "Friday of Rage" on 7th January, Shemara's government, according to breaking news on Al Jazeera, it was decided to take back all the overpricing of the products and all the related measures that took since the last days.


REVOLT of the poor people in Algeria, the country of dollar profiting in 2010 from the exporting and  selling of petrol and natural gas. The citizens throughout almost all the cities around the country revolted against the rising up on taxation for first - need products and other wealths. In the most districts of the capital city of Algier - the protests did not take place only in the centre of the capitol - the citizens confronted to the repression forces with burning tires and by throwing stones they made it to push back the riot - cops...



 For two days, some ass - lickers of the algerian government were publishing on Internet - they know about the effectiveness of the certain Media - videos calling the citizens of the country to "demonstrate in a civilized way with a central demonstration holding banners as people do in the civilized countries". Under the video there are also comments that many of them say "when thiefs, corrupted and rich oligarchs are governing you, then you can not provide on civilized acts of resistance".!/profile.php?id=744624474




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Wie heisst es so schön? Weltweit löst der Tod eines Jugendlichen massive Unruhen aus...


Jugendlicher bei Protesten in Algerien getötet


Polizei schiesst auf Unzufriedene - Gegen hohe Lebensmittelpreise demonstriert


Bei den Protesten gegen überteuerte Lebensmittel in Algerien ist ein Jugendlicher gestorben. Der 18-Jährige wurde bei Auseinandersetzungen mit der Polizei in der Provinz M'Sila erschossen. Drei weitere Demonstranten wurden laut einem Zeitungsbericht verletzt.


(sda/afp) Eine Menge habe in der Ortschaft Ain Lahdjel versucht, gewaltsam in die Post und ein Verwaltungsgebäude einzudringen, erklärten die Behörden. Dabei sei der tödliche Schuss aus einer Polizeiwaffe gefallen. Ain Lahdjel liegt rund 300 Kilometer südöstlich der Hauptstadt Algier.

Die Proteste in Algerien dauern seit mehr als einer Woche an. Handelsminister Mustapha Benbada kündigte für Samstag Beratungen des Kabinetts über Massnahmen zur Eindämmung der Preiserhöhungen an.

Die Wut der Demonstranten entzündete sich an den stark gestiegenen Preisen für Grundnahrungsmittel. Nach Angaben der algerischen Gewerkschaft der Händler und Handwerker stiegen die Lebenshaltungskosten um 20 bis 30 Prozent. Am stärksten betroffen sind die Preise für Zucker und Öl.


Quelle: NZZ

 A man at 32 years old lost his life yesterday during the clashes with the police at the protests against increasing survival costs at  Bu - Smail, a small town 50 kilometres in the west of Algier, as today was spoken from medical sources.

 Akris Abdelfatah died after a tear - gas canister was shot on his face, according to doctors' testimonies. His body was transfered to the mortuary of Kolea's small town, which lays 20 miles from Algier, according to the same source.

 To undernote, that this death has not yet been announced from official sources.