Freiburg: Mit Gift und Genen. Wie der Biotech-Konzern Monsanto unsere Welt verändert

Monsanto ist eines der größten Biotechnik Unternehmen der Welt und verantwortlich für Schweinereien, wie Hybried Samen und andere Genveränderte Krüppelpflanzen.


Donnerstag/ 12. Februar 2009 / 20 Uhr
c.t.; HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I


Note: Ich glaub nicht das der Film gezeigt wird Die BEschreibung unten ist eher dazu gedacht einen Eindruck zu geben von der Dozentin heute. Mensch kann den Film aber auch zu Hause vorher anschaun.



Wie der Biotech-Konzern Monsanto unsere Welt verändert.
(Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt;Dokumentation zum Film läuft seit 8. Januar bundesweit in den Kinos)

Marie-Monique Robin (Französische Journalistin und Dokumentarfilmerin)


In March 2008, French journalist Marie-Monique Robin released the results of her three years of research worldwide into Monsanto. A book was published by La Découverte, a French editor, and a video documentary, Le Monde selon Monsanto (The World according to Monsanto), was released on DVD and shown on Arte TV.[83][84]

It reveals numerous controversial facts about Monsanto. Marie-Monique Robin traveled the world to meet scientists and political figures in order to investigate the consequences of several Monsanto products. Those interviewed include Shiv Chopra, a Canadian researcher who was fired by Health Canada for revealing an attempted bribe by Monsanto regarding the attempted introduction of Bovine Growth Hormone into Canada. The author of the research met several independent scientists around the world who tried to warn the political authorities about the use of GM seeds. According to the journalist, most of these scientists actually lost their jobs as a consequence of their speaking out. The "revolving door syndrome" is also pointed out in the research as a threat to the quality and independence of the scientific conclusions about the effects of Monsanto products, especially the Food and Drug Administration.

Robin travels to India, Mexico, Argentina and Paraguay to see how Monsanto's genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have affected local farmers using it for their crops. Suicide rates of farmers in India have increased as farmers are finding it harder to earn a living using more expensive Monsanto seeds that require specific pesticide and fertilizer. Mexico having banned GMOs is trying to limit contamination and crossbreeding from subsidized U.S. GMO corn imported in via North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for eating. Argentinian farmers are giving up farming and moving to urban slums because they cannot compete with GM crops and are finding their farms, livestock, and children being negatively affected by pesticide runoff. Paraguay was forced to accept GMO crops as it was being anonymously imported and grown en masse, not allowing its export would have negatively impacted the economy. In all cases genetic variation is reduced as a result of monocropping and ownership is increasingly concentrated.

At the end, Monsanto declines to participate in the documentary.

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hi Fabzgy

ist ja nett zu erfahren um wieviel Uhr der Film gezeigt wird, aber könntest du uns auch verraten WO die Filmvorführung überhaupt stattfindet?


Sorry habs verpeilt:


Donnerstag/ 12. Februar 2009 / 20 Uhr
c.t.; HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I