NO muos NO borders Benefit in Koepi, Berlin

NO muos NO borders Benefit in Koepi

Benefit gathering in the self organised rooms of Köpi 137 in Berlin for the activists collective “No Borders” in Bologna/Milano, “Associazione Askavusa” in Lampedusa and “No Muos” in Sicily fighting for the freedom of movement for migrants  and for the dismantlement of the MUOS station in Sicily.

The MUOS station is controlling and directing most of the USA military communications within the key scenario in the Mediterranean Area. Furthermore, the station is causing deaths and general health danger due to its High Frequency Emissions.

We support the activists collective who are actively fighting for the right to live in a territory free from military occupations, borders control and racism against migrants.

Many activists of No Muos and No Borders movements have dealt with strong repression, court appeals and high legal costs. We want to do more than just collect funds, we want to create awareness here in Berlin. In order to do so, we would like to invite you all for an open debate and workshop with the activists involved. It is now necessary to create a stream of informations in opposition to the wave of repression in Europe and its so called Borders.



FROM 17.00 in Köpi Sport Halle(upstairs)

Talks and open discussion with

Valeria Indovina 

activist of No Muos movement, author of essays concerning the legal battle of the No Muos association against the Muos station in Niscemi, Sicily.

Claudio Abu Sara

activist of No Muos, International Solidarity Movement(active in the occupied Palestine) and Freedom Flotilla expedition in 2015. Author of the forthcoming book about his recent travel in Turkey “Fuochi bombe prigioni, la Turchia di Erdogan”.

Alfonso Di Teresa­
activist of NoMuos/No­ Sigonella Committee ­and Rete Antirazzista­ Catanese


++ There will be intervention from activists of No Borders network active in North Italy and from the Associazione Askavusa of Lampedusa.

Some of the talks will be held in italian language and translated in english. The open discussion will be held in english and german whenever possible.


++ KüFA


++Photo Exhibition and installations by MigrAction Project Milano


FROM 21.00 in Köpi Keller:

Benefit live concerts and party with


Arkam Arcadia (live / Datacide- BLN)

Les Boucles Etranges (live / THC – FR)

Base Force One (live / Praxis – INT)

Les Enfants Sages (live / barouf – FR)

Lehu (live / HCC – PL)

Grindmaster Flesh (Kritik am Leben – BLN)

Ari Nev (oppositaer)

Chantal (cyberrise – BLN)

Aekre (concrete cosmos)



in the rooms of the autonomous social center Köpi 137 , Köpenickerstr. 137 , Berlin

Zeige Kommentare: ausgeklappt | moderiert

Info about No Muos Movement:


Info about Associazione Askavusa in Lampedusa:

Not our Party? - Gedanken zum letzten Köpi-Abend

There is a full intervention on your article page. Anyway I repeat my position in defense of Koepi.

Steckt euch aktuell eure Partys sonst wohin. Das ist hier eine politische Seite wo über Aktionen informiert und berichtet wird. Sowas hier gehört zu Facebook oder in den Stressi. Immer mehr Partyaufrufe hier und weniger Proteste. So eine Linke braucht niemand.