Monitoring of the Innenausschuss on 20.01.2017 Hamburg participated in the nationwide deportation to Afghanistan in
December and deported 7 people from Hamburg into war, terror and misery.
Other federal states like Brandenburg, Bremen, Niedersachsen,
Rheinland-Pfalz, Thüringen and Schleswig-Holstein defied the order of
the German government and did not participate in the deportations. The
city of Hamburg could have also done this but instead the SPD/Green
senate chose to realize the demands of right-wing populists like the
AfD: more deportations, at any price.
According to the senate
479 people from Hamburg are threatened with deportations to Afghanistan –
over 100 of them are still minors. The police is supposed to pick up
people in dawn raids once a month, to imprison them in detention centers
and then to deport them via charter flights to Kabul, where they are
abandoned. Afghanistan is not safe, the security situation has
deteriorated massively in the past months. According to the UN Mission
in Afghanistan there were more civilian casualties in 2016 than in any
other year since the start of the systematic counts in 2009. The senate
of Hamburg knows this, it deliberately endangers the deportees rights to
a dignified life with its actions.
The SPD/Green senate is
pushing the racist deportation policy to the limits and is thereby
openly buttering up right-wing populist forces. The deportations base on
the initiative of the senate and can also be stopped by it. What is
possible in other federal states, can also be achieved here in Hamburg.
On the upcoming meeting of Hamburgs Committee for Interior on the 20th
January the deportations to Afghanistan will be debated. The meeting is
public. We call everyone to join us at the Rathaus so that we can
contribute our share to making deportations from Hamburg impossible. We
demand a immediate stop of the deportations to Afghanistan!
Meeting of Hamburgs Committee for Interior on deportations to Afghanistan
Friday 20.01. | 5 PM | Town Hall Hamburg (Room 151)
More Information on the Rathaus: