indy deux rives 2009//02 - english

Title: indy deux rives 2009//02 - english
Info | Ticker

Indymedia linksunten will be closely following the protests and facilitate new information as it‘s being posted. During the Actiondays in Freiburg, Baden-Baden, Kehl und Strasbourg their will be an additional Live-Ticker. The indy deux rives will be released unreguarly and can be found under We hope you find a way to print and distribute them.

During the actions their will be also some alternative radio coverage. Drop-in centres for diy-media-work can be found in the CCs in Freiburg and Strasbourg, on the Camp and in all infopoints. We shortened the links in the indy deux rives. To read the articles online you have to type, when we write read more: /node/1861
Abajo y la izquierda está el corazon