In Zell am Harmersbach (Ortenau), southwest of Germany the above-named institution tried to recruite 2 new members on the 24.03.2009. It is understood in association to the NATO-Summit, that takes place in few days in this area.
One person- during his working time on a building site- has been accosted straight and offered the co-operation with the Departement of Homeland and Constitution Security. Despite the immediate refusal the State Employee had been resitent and left the building site after having left the contact phone number for the possible contacts. He/she feltto be blackmailed, as he/she supposedly had taken part on an event of NPD-event.
A little bit later an other person was visited home by the State Employee. This person was interrogated concretely about the planned actions and the persons who may take part on the protestations. He/she felt be blackmailed, as he/she supposedly had taken part on an anti-NPD-event, and his/her data were checked by the police in Rheinau.
An other attempt was done in the small town Brühl. In either case the affected persons reacted correctly. They refused the offer and made the the cases well-known. Our attitude is clear:
Down with the snoopers!
Solidariety is an weapon!
NATO-Summit has to be overthrown!