Calais - The Refugee City is still alive!

Le bidonville est vivant

Come, come many and all!
Come and show your solidarity, come and bear witness or see for yourself what the “Jungle” of Calais is all about. Come and help the world know that the “Jungle” of Calais is a meeting place, a place where things are happening, a place of interaction between many cultures, between Europeans and refugees from all over.

Come and visit the communal places, the church, the mosque, the school, the library, the restaurants and many places created and by refugees and volunteers working together, and everything which is still standing.

Come and also see what the French government does, what it has wasted and destroyed… Have a look at the 100 m no-man’s land where even sowing wild flower seeds is forbidden. See the part of the city which the government has bulldozed this week, transforming an area alive with little homes into a desolate post-war zone.

Come and see for yourself what the government wants the refugees to move into instead: the stacked-up containers which no European citizen can freely enter, thereby forbidding any of us the developing of social ties and integration with refugees…or the big blue tents, without heat or flooring, in an area prone to flooding, both of which will not house every refugee wanting to be close to their dream of the UK.

Come and pray in the church (service at 10 AM), or the mosque, share many cups of milk tea with refugees, have lunch in the great restaurants, try the flat bread being baked all day, have your hair expertly cut, or dare to have your eyebrows even more expertly plucked with an ancient thread method.

Come ready to play football and cricket with the refugees, all afternoon!

Celebrating life while the French government destroys can be a way to protest – Let us protest together.

Practical advice:

- Park in the streets perpendicular to the rue de Garennes or right along the rue des Gravelines . Make sure you have your documents in order, controls are possible at the entrance.
- Bring a football, your musical instruments, juggling balls, magic tricks, little gifts, and anything fun and festive. Say hello, shake many hands.

And what if you can stayed till Monday when the bulldozers come back?

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Gestern haben in Paris am Gare du Nord mehrere hundert Menschen (Presse spricht von 400) gegen die Teilräumung des Jungle in Calais demonstriert. Die Demo war wie schon die Demo am 1. März in Paris  von "Flüchtlingen aus Paris" organisiert wurden. Die Bullen waren mit einem grossen Aufgebot vor Ort und haben mehrmals die Demo aufgestoppt.


Video von der Demo:

Die Lage dort ist für die Minderjährigen Geflüchteten eh unerträglich. Jetzt wurde bekannt, das in dem Lager in den vergangen Monaten mindestens 7 Jungen mehrfach vergewaltigt worden sind.


Dort haben sich kriminelle Ordnungsstrukturen herausgebildet! Sagen auch meine Freunde in Frankreich. Es wäre besser, wenn die Lage wieder unter Kontrolle gebracht wird, denn Kinder sind wirklich die Schutzlosesten dort!

