Gabriel Pombo da Silva im Hungerstreik

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva

Seit Freitag (15.01.16) ist Gabriel im Hungerstreik. Der Grund dafür ist, dass er sich eine Zelle teilen soll.

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Eine Möglichkeit Gabriel zu unterstützen ist es, Faxe an die Direktion des Knastes und die Strafvollzugsverwaltung zu schicken. Telefon und Faxnummern sind:


centro penitenciario de Duenas :Teléfono 979 71 63 00

Fax979 71 63 15


Instituciones Penitenciarias: Secretario General de Instituciones Penitenciarias

Ángel Yuste Castillejo

Dirección postal C/ Alcalá, 38-40 , 28014 Madrid

Teléfono (0034) 913354700

Fax (0034) 913354052

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Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva who is held hostage by the Spanish state and has recently been ‘ghosted’ (transferred suddenly to another prison) from Topas, Salamanca, to Dueñas, Palencia, has started a hunger strike. The hunger strike is to demand a single cell, as the Spanish authorities always try to revenge Gabriel by putting him in cells with junkies, snitches and other scum, like rapists. By censoring, monitoring and interfering with his correspondence and visits in direct provocations and keeping placing him with the scum, the authorities want to make Gabriel pliant to the new incentives and privileges scheme that they are using across Spain to keep the prisoners heads down. Gabriel has already been forced to endue over 30 years of imprisonment at the hands of the Spanish State, in some of the worst conditions of annihilation. Gabriel started the hunger strike on 17th January, and he is joined by another companion, Juankar Santana Martín, also in the prison of Dueñas.


Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar!

beide, juankar und gabriel haben den hungerstreik beendet. gabriel bekam eine einzelzelle.