Flyer and posters for the RefugeesWelcomeAberAuch day of action

Aktionstag "RefugeesWelcomeAberAuch"

We placarded some of the inner city of Düsseldorf as part of the action day "RefugeesWelcomeAberAuch" on the night of Friday the 30th of October and distributed leaflets on Saturday afternoon.

The nationwide action day "RefugeesWelcomeAberAuch" attempts to unite various actions undertaken to fight the anti refugee policies in Germany and to stand for a real welcoming culture. On our leaflets and posters we picked up these topics and refuted some of the classic counterarguments to a pro-refugee standpoint. In addition to that we attempted to show the connection between neocolonialism and the causes of migration or between capitalism and racism. We want this to be an impulse for those, who, at least claim to be open to antiracist arguments and encourage them to more radical ideas.

To quote from on of our flyers:   
"To act responsible would mean to combat racism everywhere - at work, in the pub and on the streets!"

In other cities, such as Dortmund, Berlin, Magdeburg and Frankfurt, there were actions as part of the action day as well, you can read about them on the website