Call for a NO BORDER block at the demonstration on 31st of August in Vienna

No Border No Nation

It is not enough to be human – stand up to fight the murderous and racist border regime!
We appreciate that many people are coming out these days to show their solidarity with migrants and refugees. This is an important sign against an inhumane, racist and discriminatory asylum policy imposed by the state of Austria and by the whole European Union.


Still, it is not enough to be human. We have to stand up and resist against a murderous system. The system that forces asylum seekers to live under inhumane conditions in Traiskirchen and other refugee camps is the same system that is killing migrants and refugees in the sea, at the borders and on the traveling routes.
The tragical death of 71 people inside a truck on the motorway between Hungary and Austria was not an accident and was not caused by „human smugglers“. 71 people would still be alive if they would have been free to board trains from Hungary to Austria or Germany. They would still be alive if Hungarian police, supported by Austrian and German police, would not kick out people from trains and stations through „racial profiling“ controls. This means: 71 people were murdered by the EU border regime, executed by Hungarian, Austrian and German police officers. 71 people among many thousands.
Resistance means taking action against racist institutions, racist police controls and deportations. Resistance also means active solidarity with the daily struggles of migrants and refugees claiming their freedom and defending their dignity. Solidarity with those who struggle in Traiskirchen, in refugee camps, in detention centers! Solidarity with those who demand free passage to board the trains from Budapest to Germany! Solidarity with those who break the border control facilities in Macedonia or in Calais! Solidarity with those who struggle to stop their own deportation!
Resistance also means to stand up against the lies of politicians who use the death of migrants and refugees to justify only more criminalisation of migration!
And resistance means to stand up against the system of global capitalism and imperialism that destroys home countries of refugees by making profit through exploitation and war!


MEETING POINT: 6pm infront of "Hofer" Shop (Mariahilfer Straße 123, 1060 Vienna)
We call for a loud and visible No Border Block at the demonstration on 31st of August in Vienna!
We also call for solidarity with the refugees from Traiskirchen and other refugee camps and we should respect and listen to their given statements and demands regarding their situation.
Freedom of movement – abolish „Dublin“, remove the borders!
Stop all deportations!
Appartments and good living conditions for refugees and migrants wherever they chose to live!
Equal rights for everybody!
Stop global exploitation, weapons trade and wars!

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ihr habt die übersetzungsfunktion nicht genutzt und zwei sprachen in einem artikel gepostet... vielleicht will das ja ein mod noch ändern.

Danke für den Hinweis. Ich habe das mal nachträglich gemacht.