Tuesday 26/05/2015 @ Friedelstr. 54 (Neukölln)
8pm: Good food with peanut sauce, rice and dought balls.
9pm: Corasol activists will present what the life in the camps implies.
„Flüchtlingsunterkunft“, „Heim“, „Lager“: No matter what you call it, the reality is the same: stress, isolation, crammed accomodation without
privacy, permanent surveillance by the security and frequent visits from police…
Corasol activists will present their experiences and explain what life in the camp implies.
At the same time they will present initatives like Solizimmer or Flüchtlinge willkommen which offer alternatives.
As always we invite you to discuss with us. Come with your ideas and questions!
Infos: http://corasol.blogsport.de/