On the first of June the abandoned police station „Riza Paşa karakolu“ in the city district of Moda was squatted. In solidarity with different struggles people dropped a banner saying “Polis terörüne sat stop police brutality“. In the building there was an exhibition with pictures about police violence and stancils of people murdered by the police.
In response to to police brutality and the repression during the anniversary of gezi protest people squatted a abandoned police department
25.000 cops and 50 water canons blocked Istanbul city center around taksim square by dispersing every crowd with teargas and pepper balls
there have been clashes in different parts of Istanbul
On the first of June the abandoned police station „Riza Paşa karakolu“ in the city district of Moda was squatted. In solidarity with different struggles people dropped a banner saying “Polis terörüne sat stop police brutality“. In the building there was an exhibition with pictures about police violence and stancils of people murdered by the police. The announcement of the exhibition tag spread via facebook and twitter. People from the neighbourhood came to see the place. After half an hour around 200 cops attacked the crowd in front of the building. Three persons who have been inside the building at this moment have been arrested and broad to the anti terror department but were set free the same night. The building got searched by the crime scene investigation. And the walls were painted over by cops. People gathered on balconies, windows and on the street banging pots and shouting slogans to show there disapproval of cops and the government. At the same time police shot down a person in an other part of Istanbul.