Ac­tion re­gar­ding FAR­MA­KO­NI­SI – No more dead re­fu­gees in the Ae­ge­an sea.

 Frontex Griechenland

On Tu­es­day, 21st of Ja­nu­a­ry, in the ter­ri­to­ry of Far­ma­ko­ni­si Greece, a small is­land in the Ae­ge­an, 12 re­fu­gees from Af­gha­nis­tan and Syria (with nine child­ren amongst them) were drow­ned. Ac­cor­ding to the testi­mo­nies of the sur­vi­vors (which were re­s­cu­ed due to the in­ter­fe­rence of Tur­kish boats) this is a crime that was com­mit­ted from men of the Greek co­as­tal guard, under the com­mand of the Greek go­vern­ment and the sup­port of the Eu­ropean Union.


The sur­vi­vors de­scri­be hor­ri­b­le and in­ex­plica­ble pic­tu­res. Greece has been tur­ned into a huge con­cen­tra­ti­on camp and Eu­ro­pe re­fu­ses to open its gates to the victims of war and po­ver­ty, for whom is also re­s­pon­si­ble. THE ON-​GO­ING MUR­DERS OF THE RE­FU­GEES MUST STOP. The Du­blin II Re­gu­la­ti­on, which im­pri­sons thousands of peop­le in the coun­tri­es of the Eu­ropean South, must be re­con­s­i­de­red. The Greek aut­ho­ri­ties and the Eu­ropean Union MUST as­su­me re­s­pon­si­bi­li­ty. We in­vi­te ever­yo­ne to par­ti­ci­pa­te to the So­li­da­ri­ty demo we or­ga­ni­ze, on Sa­tur­day 1 Fe­bru­ary at 12.​00 at the Greek Em­bas­sy. Since the in­ci­dent has re­cei­ved very litt­le pu­bli­ci­ty, OUR VOICE mat­ters.


Re­fu­gee So­li­da­ri­ty Group