First known house raid in con­nec­tion with last sum­mer’s Ani­mal Li­be­ra­ti­on Front fur farm cam­paign.

FBI versucht mit Hausdurchsuchung Tierbefreiungsaktivist*innen einzuschüchtern!

First known house raid in con­nec­tion with last sum­mer’s Ani­mal Li­be­ra­ti­on Front fur farm cam­paign.
The fol­lowing is a re­port of a house that was rai­ded this week in San Diego, ap­pa­r­ent­ly in con­nec­tion with the re­cent wave of mink re­lea­ses.
Since July, an­ony­mous ac­tivists have rai­ded 10 fur farms in Idaho, Penn­syl­va­nia, Ohio, Iowa, Wis­con­sin, Min­neso­ta, Il­li­nois, and Mon­t­a­na. In every in­stan­ce, the raids fol­lo­wed the clas­sic Ani­mal Li­be­ra­ti­on Front model of re­leasing (wild) ani­mals from their cages di­rect­ly into their na­ti­ve ha­bi­tat. From what can be glea­ned from this re­port, the woman tar­ge­ted see­med to do the cor­rect thing and did not speak to the FBI.


The fol­lowing is a re­port of a house that was rai­ded this week in San Diego, ap­pa­r­ent­ly in con­nec­tion with the re­cent wave of mink re­lea­ses.
Since July, an­ony­mous ac­tivists have rai­ded 10 fur farms in Idaho, Penn­syl­va­nia, Ohio, Iowa, Wis­con­sin, Min­neso­ta, Il­li­nois, and Mon­t­a­na. In every in­stan­ce, the raids fol­lo­wed the clas­sic Ani­mal Li­be­ra­ti­on Front model of re­leasing (wild) ani­mals from their cages di­rect­ly into their na­ti­ve ha­bi­tat. (Read a re­cent New York Times ar­ti­cle on this cam­paign here.)

From what can be glea­ned from this re­port, the woman tar­ge­ted see­med to do the cor­rect thing and did not speak to the FBI.

Also of note: The FBI used a clas­sic “di­vi­de and con­quer” tac­tic by at­tempt­ing to en­t­i­ce co­ope­ra­ti­on through sprea­ding dis­in­for­ma­ti­on (in this in­stan­ce, tel­ling a tar­get that a per­son they have an in­vol­ve­ment with is “see­ing other women.”) While this tac­tic is al­most cli­che in the FBI’s at­tempt to crea­te di­vi­des in mo­ve­ments, they wouldn’t use it if it didn’t (oc­ca­sio­nal­ly) work.

I am pos­ting the re­port in full. Note: I took the li­ber­ty of ad­ding pa­ra­graph breaks to the ori­gi­nal post where it see­med ap­pro­pria­te.

“My name is Ni­co­le and my house was rai­ded By the FBI, JTTF, and local she­riffs.

The agents shou­ted FBI opened up we have a se­arch war­rant, as we (my mom and I) got pul­led outside they stor­med the house, we also have three com­pa­ni­on ani­mals, luck­i­ly the dogs were with us, but the cat was up­stairs. As soon as we got back in­si­de I said I want to see the war­rant, one agent told me that I would have it mo­men­ta­ri­ly.

The two main agents that I could tell, were agent Debbie Fry and agent Kyle Bre­mer­sie­meu. Those were the first two agents that tal­ked to me and said they wan­ted to talk to me. Be­fo­re we went up­stairs I again asked to see the war­rant and they again said I would have it mo­men­ta­ri­ly. They in­tro­du­ced them­sel­ves and then said that they were both from the FBI of­fices in San Fran­cis­co. I told them as soon as they star­ted tal­king that I would not an­s­wer any ques­ti­ons wi­thout my la­wy­er pre­sent.

They star­ted with Ni­co­le we’ve been fol­lowing you for a litt­le while now, show­ing me pic­tu­res of mys­elf get­ting gas. She told me that she knew I moved to Port­land with ano­ther fri­end that they have been ke­eping an eye on.

She show­ed me pic­tu­res of dif­fe­rent in­ci­dents and told me that it was me. She show­ed me a pic­tu­re from a sur­veil­lan­ce ca­me­ra of a car that look­ed like mine and said that it was mine. She said that yes these are just sur­veil­lan­ce ca­me­ra pic­tu­res but the FBI has bet­ter pic­tu­res of the in­ci­dents and can tell that its my car. Then she show­ed me ano­ther pic­tu­re of two peop­le in black and she told me that one of them was me.

I was not being re­s­pon­si­ve and kept look­ing at the ground. Than agent Debbie said you and this other per­syn have been going on a lot of trips and when you were back in Oak­land, we se­ar­ched your car. She show­ed me pic­tu­res of what she told me were bolt cut­ters, and mu­ria­tic acid found in my car. She also said she had at­tained mink hair found in my car and brought up two ani­mal ac­tivist that were re­cent­ly ar­rested in Il­li­nois. I kept look­ing outside and agent Kyle and Debbie kept brin­ging up the other per­syn.

They told me that when said per­syn was still with me that they were see­ing other womyn be­hind my back. Agent Kyle
no­ti­ced I kept look­ing outside and said why are you look­ing outside, you cant runa­way now.

Fi­nal­ly they stop­ped and we were taken back down­stairs. While down­stairs I asked to see the war­rant again and again they told me I would see it mo­men­ta­ri­ly. So we sat in the li­ving room while they con­duc­ted the se­arch.

Then they told me I also had a war­rant for my fin­ger prints and my DNA. I told them I didn’t want to do that and then one agent womyn told me that she would force me to do so be­cau­se it was or­de­red by a judge.

So they fi­nal­ly left my house around 12:45 pm and upon lea­ving I asked for the agents cards and they igno­red me and kept tal­king to my mom. I said again I wan­ted their names and they told me they would write it on the back of a card.

IN So­li­da­ri­ty with ever­yo­ne of us that they are try­ing to si­lence.

The war­rant was for any­thing re­la­ting to busi­nes­ses of ani­mal in­dus­tri­es, mink, clo­thes, books/ zines per­tai­ning to mink, bob­cat, and ani­mal rights, maps, and for my car.”





Weitere Infos:
http://​earthfirstjournal.​org/​newswire/​2013/​12/​20/​ fbi-jttf-raid-san-diego-home-accuse-activist-of-connections-to-animal-liberations/ ​