ALF pri­so­ner ex­pec­ted to serve 5 to 7.5 years for fre­eing hor­ses, set­ting fires at two go­vern­ment fa­ci­li­ties

Solidarity with Rebecca! (1)

Re­bec­ca Rubin tur­ned hers­elf in after 7 years on the run. She was wan­ted for Ani­mal Li­be­ra­ti­on Front and Earth Li­be­ra­ti­on Front ar­sons as part of what was dub­bed the “Green Scare case”, in which 13 peop­le were char­ged with ne­ar­ly 20 fires.


Re­bec­ca Rubin plead guil­ty to par­ti­ci­pa­ting in and/or pl­an­ning four ar­sons:

1997: Fre­eing 400 wild hor­ses and set­ting fire to a U.S. Bu­reau of Land ma­nage­ment cor­ral in Burns, Ore­gon. (Clai­med by the Ani­mal Li­be­ra­ti­on Front)
1998: Par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the pl­an­ning of a fire at a Vail ski re­sort in Co­lo­ra­do.
1998: Fire at the head­quar­ters of U.S. Fo­rest In­dus­tri­es in Med­ford, Ore­gon (clai­med by the Earth Li­be­ra­ti­on Front)
2001: Fre­eing hor­ses and set­ting fire to a BLM horse and burro cor­ral at Litch­field, Ca­li­for­nia. (Clai­med by the Ani­mal Li­be­ra­ti­on Front)


Rubin was a fu­gi­ti­ve for 7 years. Re­por­ted­ly, she was set to turn hers­elf in as early as 2009, howe­ver pro­se­cu­tors would not agree to any plea agree­ment that did not in­vol­ve Rubin im­pli­ca­ting her code­fen­dants, which Rubin re­fu­sed to do.


Ac­cor­ding to her plea agree­ment, the go­vern­ment will not ask the judge for a sen­tence lon­ger than 7.5 years. Her sen­ten­cing is set for Jan. 27

Of the 13 char­ged, two re­main fu­gi­ti­ves: Jo­seph Dibee and Jo­se­phi­ne Sunshi­ne Overa­ker.

