Theoretically, colonial part of Europe history, was over. But practically, not. Sources and Lands of African countries still get used by Companies, Industries and institutes. Sanctions, Wars, military intervention and millions dead, are the Facts.
The rule of Germany, as a EU master, Frontex chief and Dublins creator,
to control the Refugees from all this crimes, is really clear. And this
model continued to present here.
Silence death in Lager, Discriminated by so called law
“Residenzpflicht”, racial profiling and Terror by Deportation machine,
are just some known of that model. Horrible situation of Women and
children, can just describe by themselves.
At this moment, Sudanese Refugees in Niedersachsen, Germany, invite
Journalists and Medias to investigate their evidences and reflect it to
the German Public.
Tuesday 27.05.2014 – 10:00-11:30 in Refugee protest tent, Weissekreuzplatz, Hannover
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