(B) HANDS OFF OF OUR HOUSES! – Statement on the raid of Braunschweiger Straße

Hausdurchsuchung in der Braunschweiger Straße 1

Yesterday November 26th at 7 in the morning about 20 Cops of the 23. unit and at least 8 in civil cops of SoKo LinX/ PMS broke into the house. After they failed in getting through a metal door the cops then destroyed another wooden door and by this got into the house. They stormed a living unit to which the search warrent in no means referred to.


There they violently tore people out of their beds and demonstrated their power in a racist way: One person of color was handcuffed and violently brought out og the house saying the profile of the searched person would fit. To later admit that they are looking for a /white/ person. Another person was handcuffed in their bed!


Afterwards the cops were called off by the officer in charge to then enter in the searched living unit. There 4 civil cops under the eyes of one witness they brought themselves and of a lawyer searched one room for about 1 hour. Also they took a lot of notes in the living unit, the staircase and the yard.

They took one person with them to the police station for identification.


The raids are a further attempt of intimidation against emancipatory structures and spaces that withdraw themselves from state rule and control.


We declare ourselves in solidarity with all affected. They mean us all!

Against all raids and evictions !

R94, M99, Friedel 54 and all emancipatory projects stay!


Take care of each other and resist!

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von der soko

Erkennt jemand seinen Nachbar??

auf bild 7 die rechte person ist göbel vom staatsschutz

...die Schweinchen von der Soko haben immer mal wieder verschiedene, fantasievolle Namen bei Vernehmungen und Verhandlungen.


Offenbar haben sie sich auch sehr für die im Hof abgestellten Fahrräder interessiert - "aufräumen" sollte offensichtlich nicht im Hausflur aufhören.