Conference: Social Center do it yourself!

Flyer zur Konferenz "Social Center selber machen" DE/EN/AR - Vorderseite

We would like to create a space where people can meet, a space that is self-organized and animated together by refugees and supporters: a social center for all (SC4A). During the last year there were several attempts in cities to squat spaces in order to open up a social center. The idea which was realized succesfully in Göttingen and Lübeck should not remain as a dream of the future in Berlin. What is necessary? Therefore new ideas are needed as well as your active participation.

What is is our aim on the 5th March?

We would like to work on ideas and concepts on how such a space could look like beyond governmental regulation. Split up into five different workshops we can make our proposals and suggestions in order to realize them afterwards. The breaks and the shared meal can be used to make up contacts and discussions. In a final plenum we want to collect all the ideas, see what has been done so far: What do we consider to be our next steps for a SC4A? How can we involve all the attendant people? And: Where are you going to be during the day the social center opens up?


Sat 03/05 | from 12 am | SFE Berlin, Gneisenaustraße 2a (Subway: U6/U7 Mehringdamm)





12 am – 1.30 pm opening

break/ snacks
2.00 – 4.00 pm workshops on

Bündniss gegen Lager
FAU Bildungssektion, Freie Schule, Multitude e.V.
Initiative Rechstberartung am LAGeSo
partizipation & organisation:
Zwangsräumung verhindern, Corasol, Stadt von Unten
Moabit Hilft , MOVE_projekt

5.00 pm final plenum