// Zuerst daten aus dem Netz (z.B. als .pbf-Datei via extract.bbbike.org oder als .osm-Datei via OSM-API) und in Maperitive laden // In Maperitive dieses Ruleset (Dateiendung .mrules) laden // Grid entfernen in Maperitive: set-setting name=map.decoration.grid value=false // Export in Maperitive: export-svg file=../map.svg zoom=16 compatibility=inkscape // Danach "clip-path" im SVG-Quelltext entfernen // Tipp für langsame Computer: Nicht die exportierte SVG-Karte skalieren, sondern das eigene darüberzulegende Grid. Danach die Seitengröße an das Grid anpassen und beim Exportieren die Pixelgröße angeben. // Ruleset von mapusaurus, basierend auf einem Ruleset von quelbs // Released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) features areas forest:@isOneOf(landuse, allotments, cemetery, farm, farmland, farmyard, forest, grass, greenfield, landfill, meadow, orchard, recreation_ground, village_green, vineyard) OR amenity=grave_yard OR leisure=park OR natural=wood water:@isOneOf(water, coastline) OR @isOneOf(waterway, riverbank, stream, river, canal, drain, dock) OR @isOneOf(landuse, reservoir, basin) OR @isOneOf(water, river, canal) OR @isTrue(water) OR @isTrue(waterway) inaccessible_area:@isFalse(building) AND (@isOneOf(access, private, no) OR @isOneOf(leisure, pitch, golf_course) OR @isOneOf(landuse, brownfield, construction, landfill, military, quarry) OR boundary=protected_area OR protected_area=*) building: building OR amenity=hospital lines railway rail: railway=rail railway lightrail: @isOneOf(railway, light_rail, tram) str autobahn: @isOneOf(highway, motorway, motorway_link) str major: @isOneOf(highway, trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link) str main: @isOneOf(highway, secondary, secondary_link) str minor: @isOneOf(highway, tertiary, tertiary_link) str other: @isOneOf(highway, unclassified, residential, service, living_street) track: (highway=track AND (@isOneOf(tracktype, grade1, grade2, grade3) OR NOT tracktype)) path: @isOneOf(highway, path, footway, cycleway, pedestrian, steps) OR (highway=track AND @isOneOf(tracktype, grade4, grade5)) waterway: @isOneOf(waterway, stream, river, canal) points railwaystation: railway=station OR railway=tram_stop properties map-background-color:#efefef map-background-opacity:1 map-sea-color:#1171ff font-size:200% font-weight:normal font-family:Liberation Sans text-max-width:7 text-halo-width:30% text-halo-opacity:1 text-align-horizontal:center text-align-vertical:center font-stretch:0.9 map.rendering.lflp.min-buffer-space:1 map.rendering.lflp.max-allowed-corner-angle:65 map.rendering.lflp.max-compression:0.7 rules target : building define fill-color:#888888 line-style: none font-size: 167% text-color: black font-style : italic draw: fill draw: text // areas target:$featuretype(area) define min-zoom:9 line-style:none line-width:1 if:forest define fill-color:#a1d46a elseif:water define fill-color:#1171ff line-color:#000000 elseif:inaccessible_area define fill-color:#888888 elseif:building define fill-color:#888888 else stop draw:fill target: railway rail define line-style : dashlong line-color : white line-width : 2 border-style : solid border-color : #333 border-width : 50% draw : line target: railway lightrail define line-style : solid line-color : #000088 line-width : 1.2 draw : line target: railwaystation define shape : circle shape-size : 4 fill-color : #000088 line-style : none font-size : 200% font-weight: bold text-offset-vertical : 100% text-color : #000088 draw : text draw : shape target:str* define min-zoom:10 text:ref text-halo-width:0 font-size:200% font-weight:bold shape:square shield-resize-mode:free shield-padding-left:4 shield-padding-right:3 shield-padding-top:1 shield-padding-bottom:1 line-width:1 fill-color:#F9F9D9 line-color:#D2C087 if:str autobahn define text-color:white shape:custom shape-def:f:#6D80D2;p:#ffffff;-20,8,0,15,20,8,20,-8,0,-15,-20,-8;Z shield-resize-mode:aspect elseif:str other stop draw:shield target:str* define min-zoom:14 text:name draw:text target:str autobahn define min-zoom:13 line-width:1 border-style:none line-color:#BFAEE6 black 30% draw:line target:str autobahn define line-width:10:2;14:5;16:20 border-style:solid border-color:#BFAEE6 black 30% border-width:10% border-opacity:0.8 line-color:#BFAEE6 draw:line // Zufahrtsstraße von der Bundesstraße target:str major define min-zoom:13 line-width:1 line-color:white border-style:none draw:line // Bundesstraße target:str major define min-zoom:10 line-width:10:1;14:4;16:18 line-color:#F6D54A border-color:#570004 border-width:10% border-style:solid border-opacity:1 draw:line // Hauptstraße im Ort target:str main define min-zoom:10 line-width:10:1;14:3;16:12 line-color:white border-color:#570004 border-width:15% border-style:solid border-opacity:1 draw:line target:str minor define min-zoom:10 line-width:10:1;14:3;16:12 line-color:white border-color:#570004 border-width:15% border-style:solid border-opacity:1 draw:line target:str other define min-zoom:11 max-zoom:13 line-width:1 line-color:#BBB draw:line // kleine Straßen target:str other define min-zoom:13 line-width:13:3;15:4;16:8 line-color:white border-color:#570004 border-style:solid border-width:15% font-size:16:200% draw:line draw:text target:track define min-zoom:13 line-width:13:2;15:3;16:6 line-color:white border-color:white black 10% border-style:solid border-width:15% font-size:16:200% line-style:dash draw:line draw:text target:path define min-zoom:13 line-width:1.5 line-color:#000000 border-style:none font-size:200% line-style:dot draw:line draw:text target:waterway define line-width:10:3;14:7 line-color:#1171ff draw:line