Take [back] workshop and networking weekend

Take (back) - Workshop and networking weekend (day 1) in SfE (Schule für Erwachsenenbildung- Mehringhof Gneisenaustr.2a, 10961 Berlin)

 Start: Saturday 12:00

With the idea of making a WLTI* action day and demonstration in spring 2016 we organized this weekend to start getting connected.

There will be a variety of workshops to share our different perspectives as WLTI*. Topics are: trans*masculinity, racism in the (queer-)feminist scene, in- and exclusion of trans*women in (queer-)feminist contexts, body awareness, kurdish women's movement, sex work, (queer-)feminist critique on psychiatry, TBTN Hamburg, WTF-Bündnis...

For translation and childcare please register: takebackorga@riseup.net

Open to all genders except cis-men!


more information and the programm: http://takeback.blogsport.de/takeback/