Jagdsabotage bei Rottenburg und Moskau, Farbe gegen "Fleisch" in Tschechien


Am 27. November wurden bei Rottenburg (Baden-Württemberg) mindestens neun Hochsitze zerstört. Der Sachschaden liegt bei etwa 6000 Euro und die Jäger*innen werden erstmal damit beschäftigt sein zu basteln. Für die Tiere eine kurze Verschnaufpause. Bei Moskau wurde am 30. November die Jagd von Aktivist*innen der Animal Liberation Front (ALF) sabotiert indem ein Auto der Behörden entwendet wurde. In Tschechien wurden mehrere Großwerbetafeln für "Fleisch" mit Farbe verschönert und eine Schweinemastanlage angegriffen.


30. November:

anonymous report:


On 30/11/2011 we set out to spike forest roads in a hunting resort of Naro-fominsk district (Moscow region).
We can't find words to describe our happiness at discovering a forest service vehicle parked on a remote trail. It was a mystery for us if they were there on an ambush (they were sort of hard to spot initially), or simply taking a rest away from their bosses (as russian enforcement agents are prone to do). So we spiked about 2 kms of the road in both directions from teddies. We wish them a cold and lonely night in dark forest.
We felt emotions akin to those every anarchist with molotov in a back pack must have felt when she suddenly came upon an empty police car.
Forest service officers do not protect forests or wildlife, they are there to make it possible for hunters kill animals (for a bribe or due to dubious legislation), they rob tourists during tourist seasons, they turn a blind eye towards tree-cutter.

We salute young men and women from ALF-Moscow for their courageous acts. The struggle continues until total liberation!

ALF-Moscow region"


30. November:

received anonymously:

"We have painted a wall of a pig farm building. MASO JE VRAZDA=MEAT IS MURDER.

No compromise with butchers and animal exploitation. Fight speciesism. GO VEGAN!"


19. November:

received anonymously:

"Czech Republic. On November 19th we painted meat company ads.
Anonymous activists
Against butchers - stop killing animals for food. We will fight until our last breath."

(note: "Maso je vražda" = "Meat is murder")