People across the United States are fed up with police brutality and racial discrimination against minorities.
As systemic and racist police brutality has become newsworthy and publicized, various civil rights movements have surfaced. #BlackLivesMatter was created in 2012 after Trayvon Martin’s murderer, when police officer George Zimmerman was acquitted for his crime and the dead 17-year-old Trayvon was posthumously placed on trial for his own murder.
In Baltimore, protesters took to the street again Monday — using #BlackLivesMatter — on the day of the funeral of the young black man Freddie Gray, who died last week after receiving mysterious neck injuries while in police custody. Demonstrators have led peaceful protests all week voicing their anger and frustration about Gray's death and the larger issues of systemic racism within the police department.
The protests took a different turn April 28, 2015 as police and Baltimore residents increased provocations toward one another. Police were caught on camera throwing rocks at protesters, while some protesters also threw rocks and started fires. While demonstrators have gotten a bad reputation after the heated protests, organizations and people on the ground are urging the public to focus on why they are protesting, not how.
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