Schickt ihm Soligrüsse:
Marco Camenisch
Justizvollzugsanstalt Lenzburg
Postfach 75
5600 Lenzburg
Für eine Gesellschaft ohne Knäste
Freund/innen und Unterstützer/innen von Marco Camenisch, Januar 2001
Bitte weitersagen, weitermailen!
Versionen in Englisch, Italienisch, Französisch (Bitte korrigieren und in
weitere Sprachen übersetzen):
Marco Camenisch has been transferred again
The anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch has been transferred to another prision already a second time in half a year. This time he has been moved to Lenzburg in Aargau. We don't yet know the reason for this. But it is clear, that for prisoners each transfer means great stress: new situation, new regime, new harrassement. Marco needs our solidarity! He is doing time as a political prisoner for allmost 20 years.
Send your letters in solidarity to:
Marco Camenisch
Justizvollzugsanstalt Lenzburg
Postfach 75
5600 Lenzburg
For a society without prisons!
Friends and Supporters of Marco Camenisch, January 2011