The crisis has a name:capitalism, demonstration in Wiesbaden

Against wage labour, rat race, location competition- the crises has a name: it's called capitalism!

This spring the federal government is planing to offload the expenses for the international competitiveness of the German economy during the capitalist crises on the wage worker and the unemployed, by once more pushing financial cutbacks. Meanwhile a remarkable event takes place in the bath Wiesbaden. Tuesday October 26th 2010, the Verband hessischer Unternehmer (VhU), an   association of hessian entrepreneurs, invite to their annual “Entrepreneurs Day”.

Over 1200 entrepreneurs and politicians are expected to come and listen to “Feel good Jazz” and speeches of various “economy and politics experts” themed “With energy into Germany's future”.

Once again suggestions are offered on how to organise Hartz IV and governmental compulsory work more effectively, and how to strengthen the bond of national complicity with the “export champion” Germany against competitive forces in the rest of the world.

And as if that were not enough, the peak of the night will be the crowning of the “Hessenchampions”, those companies that despite, or even because of the economic crises were able to extend their global market share.

No matter if tuition fee,or authoritarian academic policy, airport development and atomic energy, HartzVI and subcontracted labour, capitalist urban development  and gentrification, or the racist classification of migrants as “valuable” or “useless”: the VhU's public relation is always on the forefront of pushing economic interests against the needs of the majority. And the VhU is successful doing so.

So the national capital, its nation state and its fans have reason to celebrate- and we don't want to miss that!


26.10.10, 07:00pm, Wiesbaden main station