Dosenbier- und Saftpicknick bei Klassischer Musik


Eröffnung der Chaostage Wien im Schlosspark Schöbrunn beim Nepomukbrunnen Like during all big events some people want Vienna to be neat and clean while the Eurovision Song Contest is taking place. But for a lot of people that means to be excluded from public life and for some it means, that they can't stay, where they usually spend their days and maybe even nights. On May 14th is the grand opening of the Wiener Festwochen with an Open Air Concert in Schönbrunner Schlossgarten, which will be a perfect way to open the Chaos Tage as well.


Let's show everybody, how we want the city to be! Let's get out of our four walls. Let's hang out in public spaces. Let's be out there. Let's be loud. Maybe squat a house or something.