ALERT: New grouped deportation to DRC on April 28th 2015!

We heard that a new grouped deportation to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been planned for 28th April 2015. Congolese people living in Belgium or in other European countries will be escorted by the federal police to the Melsbroek’s airport to put into a military aircraft. It would be a flight organised by Belgium or in collaboration with other European countries, possibly coordinated by FRONTEX. We call to protest, in order to prevent these deportations of shame by all possible means .

See the “Users guide for collective flights” :

We invite you to warn your Congolose friends who might be registered on these flights, they might be arrested during controls in public transports, on the street, at home or at the Foreigners Office in the coming days.


Testimony by a Congolese man. The CGRA rejected his asylum request.


‘At the (Kinshasa) airport I will be arrested and immediately… I am not an isolated case! I am calling you today to warn you that my life is in danger. If today the CGRA or the Conseil du Contencieux (Foreigners Litigation Council) persist in sending me back to my country, it is death for sure that is expecting me. I am convinced that the security services, since they regularly consult our website, even though they do not have my name, they have photos on which I’m to be seen  in the airports and everywhere! If I go back there, I’m a dead person.’


The last grouped flight to the DRC took place on November 4th 2014, with 19 ‘illegal’ people from Belgium and 3 from Romania and Finland.

Let’s also remember the top secret document published by the Guardian, highlighting the fate of the people expelled from the United Kingdom and other countries as Belgium when arriving at Kinshasa.

Each year, thousands of people are imprisoned and deported by the Office des Etrangers (Foreigners Office). We refuse repressive policies and we are opposed to the very existence of these closed centres.

We invite you to act, warn your friends, be vigilant and support the people imprisoned and deported in their fight, and to react during possible raids.


NO to deportations
NO to closed centres
YES to a world with no borders


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