Traiano (PSDB),
Douglas Fabrício (PPS), Durval Amaral (DEM), Antonio Scanavacca (PDT),
Luiz Carlos Martins (PDT), Marcelo Rangel (PPS), Plautus Miro (DEM) ,
Reni Pereira (PSB) and Valdir Rossoni (PSDB). These Members will be
responsible for the layoffs of workers from now on, is the conclusion
we have by now.
Rejected proposal to create more jobs
decision of the Legislative Assembly which rejected yesterday, by only
one vote, the PCA (Proposal of Constitutional Amendment) that link the
granting of tax incentives for companies to maintain and expand the
jobs, leave us perplexed, if it did not confirmed the unfortunate
commitments of some members of our house of laws
Paraná State (Southern Brazil) is giving up taxes to generate jobs
and the opposition doesn't like it. It is unacceptable, unbelievable.
Is it possible that a firm comes to Paraná, receives tax benefits,
keeps the money of the people and at the first bad day fires workers? I
do not doubt that in the rejection of the Employment Pact, they have
counted on the support of the car's producers political group...
The proposal had 32 votes in its favor and nine against it. Twelve
members were ABSENT of the plenary. For its approval, it was necessary
the support of three fifths of the 54 Members of Paraná's House of
Laws, that is, 33 votes.
We deeply regret that in this first round, the large economic
interests have prevailed over those of workers. The rejection of the
PCA is the envy of those who do not recognize the generation of new 630
thousand jobs in the last six years.
Those who voted against the proposal are precisely those that are
aligned to the previous government, which generated only 37 thousand
jobs in eight years of administration.
Remember, the current
government is adopting all necessary measures to ensure that workers
are not disadvantaged by the international economic crisis.
We have the tax exemptions, the tax policy of reduction of GSMT
(tax on movement of goods and services), the Good Jobs Program and
regional minimum wage, among others. But it is always good to remember
that we face powerful interests represented in the nine votes.
Against PCA of Employment voted members Ademar Traiano (PSDB),
Douglas Fabrício (PPS), Durval Amaral (DEM), Antonio Scanavacca (PDT),
Luiz Carlos Martins (PDT), Marcelo Rangel (PPS), Plautus Miro (DEM) ,
Reni Pereira (PSB) and Valdir Rossoni (PSDB). These Members will be
responsible for the layoffs of workers from now on, is the conclusion
we have by now.
ABSENT were members Antonio Anibelli (PMDB), Dr. Batista (PMN),
Edson Strapasson (PMDB), Carlos Simões (PR), Élio Rusch (DEM), Fabio
Camargo (PTB), Luiz Accorsi (PSDB), Luiz Eduardo Cheida ( PMDB), Mauro
Moraes (PMDB), Ney Leprevost (PP), Pedro Ivo (PT). The chairman of the
Legislative Assembly, Mr. Nelson Justus (DEM), will not vote.
I must remember that the Government of Paraná is adopting all
necessary measures to ensure that workers are the minimum affected by
international economic crisis. We have the tax exemptions, the tax
policy of reduction of GSMT (tax on movement of goods and services),
the Good Jobs Program and regional minimum wage, among others. But it
is always good to remember that we face powerful interests represented
in the nine votes.
WORKERS - The president of the New Trade Union of Workers of
Paraná, Epitácio Santos, also criticized the rejection of the
Employment Pact for the difference of only one vote. "Our organization
keep in contact with members of the house of laws so that the proposal
enters it again, he said.