Call to Hambacher Forest by Cologne

Plakat für das "Build-Resistance" Skillsharing Camp Vol. 2

Hands off trees! Time for Ac­tion!
-​-​Cut­ting se­a­son starts in oc­to­ber! We won‘t just stand and watch! ---

Every au­tumn the fo­rest pre­pa­res for the slee­py win­ter­ti­me. The lea­ves fall off the trees, the squir­rels hide the last nuts and the ac­tivists in­so­la­te their tree hou­ses. Every being is look­ing for­ward to a cold but quiet and peace­ful time. But with the be­gin­ning of oc­to­ber, the ma­chi­nes in­tru­de the Ham­bach Fo­rest again.
Hu­mans and so-​cal­led “Har­vester” (big ma­chi­nes for cut­ting trees) will not grant any rest to the fo­rest and for­ward the cut­ting bar­ri­er for ano­ther 200m towards the camp, to kill more of the al­re­a­dy woun­ded Ham­bach Fo­rest.
But if they won‘t let the fo­rest sleep, we don‘t want to rest eit­her.


There’s in­nu­me­ra­ble pos­si­bi­li­ties to in­ter­fe­re, let it be by di­rect ac­tion, con­fu­si­on or the ex­pan­si­on of the oc­cupa­ti­on.
So for all those, who don‘t have the time or en­er­gy to spend a long time in the fo­rest, there is en­ough ways to sup­port the strugg­le: Get your af­fi­ni­ty group (peop­le you trust), sit to­ge­ther, be crea­ti­ve and think of an ac­tion you would like to do in the fo­rest – on the ac­tion weekends, but also on any other day.
If you want to come on your own, you can join in on the big­ger month­ly ac­tion days or come whe­ne­ver you want and sup­port us in ma­king a dif­fe­rence!
 Other in­for­ma­ti­on will fol­low on this post or you can send us your ques­ti­ons via mail or phone or per­so­nal­ly with the ac­tivists in the fo­rest.

The motto for the cold days:

Ad­re­na­li­ne in­s­tead of Hi­ber­na­ti­on and what is wet and cold will, if put next to the oven, with tea and com­pa­ny, be warm and dry again in no time !



26.9. – 6.​10.Build Re­sis­tan­ce Skills­ha­ring Camp

Ac­tion weekends:

30.​10. – 2.​11.
28.​11. – 30.​11.
30.​12. – 1.1.
30.1. – 1.2.
27.2. – 1.3.
27.3. – 29.3.

More informations :