KA: 15.10. Demonstration call_ "It’s not a crisis! It is the system!" - Trainmeetingpoints


It’s not a crisis! It is the system!
Boundless solidarity instead of Capitalistic survival

In the Greek population anger grows: Demonstrations, Strikes, Occupations. Since the announcement of frugality thru the Grecian government and the EU, thousands of people repeatedly went to the streets to show their displeasure to this matter.
Compared to the protest in 2008, which subjected the murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, is now the expansion of the financial- and national crisis clearly recognized. The centre of participants on these protests unites no longer only the income-weak population of Greece, but is already spread over all social classes.


In Athens and Thessaloniki 20.000 people demonstrated in the 24-hour lasting general strikes on Mai 11, 2011, against the planned increase of working hours which is directed by the governments frugality. Three weeks later even 500.000 people assembled in centre of Athens to demonstrate their resistance against cuts to their Salaries and Pensions.

The crisis was not indebted by single states, it is a cycled behaviour of capitalism:


economic crisis describe strong disturbance of the economic reproduction of a society. In an capitalistic economy, that means, that large parts of already produced merchandise cannot be sold. Not because of lack of needs, but because there is no solvent need. The merchandise cannot completely transform into cash-capital. So that the alleged capital cannot turn to account and therefore the accumulation decreases. Because of this the inquiry to capitalistic employers diminish with elements of productive capitals such as means of product and manpower (workmanship). Masses of unemployment and retrogression of purchase of the employees is in sequence. This again, reduces the need of products and sharpens the situation-crisis. Capitalism is not the only way of producing, where wealth and poverty exist alongside, but it’s the only way by which the abundance of goods creates a problem. No sellable goods lead to ruin their owner where at the same time there are people who do not have the daily needs and who are not able to offer the only thing they have – their workmanship (Nach Heinrich; “Kritik der politischen Ökonomie – Eine Einführung”,  theorie.org 2005).

The Greek state is, since the proclamation of the indebtedness in October 2009 the punching ball of the financial sector. Rating agencies graded the credit-worthiness of the state down. Consequently Greece has no possibility of affordable credits for economic programs. Meanwhile betting on Greece’s State Insolvent, looses trust of Greece solvency, increasingly. The global, capitalistic financial crisis 2009 takes impact on the consisting crisis of the Greek’s economy. Rising unemployment and further climbing state indebtedness increase the trust-unworthiness on the market.


This “Down-Spiral” leads to the fact that Greece can only get further credits from the states of the EU to more than high rates of interest. Against, that the EU-States demand drastic savings programs from the Greek government. While in the past, only the wealthy and rich of Greeks population profited from the state’s Tax politics yet, the same time taxes in big stile evaded – and in doing so they gave the foundation (basis) to the great Greek deficit – it’s mostly the lower income population having a hard time with the frugality. Higher taxes, wage reductions, pension cuts and no protection against unlawful dismissal thus bring casualisation to the population. On top of this provision with basic supplies such as water, electricity and so on, supposed to get privatised. More cost increases threaten the Greek people. The Greek cost cutting measures mean in fact an redistribution of national debt at expense of employees, migrants students and the unemployed.


In place of the former idea of a liberal-democratic consolidation of Europe, comes a national economic system of single member states. Deprived of its sovereignty Greece is being forced thru economic strong EU-member-states, to accept inhuman and democratic unenforceable savings packages of the Troik (EU-Commission, International Currency Fond, European Central Bank) to effectuate.


Greece is not an individual case when it comes to state budget deficits and debts charged at expense of the less wealthy population. In other EU-States such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, Great Britain, Ireland and Germany the government has also decided to bring drastic unsocial and radical savings packages. A differentiated controversy with the subject matter can not develop with the majority of populations since most of the media bound to rather publish more lucrative headlines. Poked are racist resentments and distinct accusations. The strong interference of the German government is therefore opposite the population legitimated and as protective mechanism for the stabilisation of the own markets claimed.


The overall happening competition, again clearly shows, thru the lasting crisis, its principal component of capitalism. It is daily experienced thru all human beings in an existential struggle for education and work.
Small- and large businesses compete constantly among themselves over competitiveness.


Induced thru the neo-liberalism this conflict is no longer only a matter of regional and national level but worldwide. We will, visibly antagonize to this “Bite-Reflex”!! As human beings, who beyond national ´boundaries will come together, we feel committed to humanism and principles of Freedom, Self-Determination, Equality and Solidarity.


For this reason we call a Protest- and Solidarity-Demonstration on October 15th, 20011 in Karlsruhe. Let us come together like in many other European cities on this decentralized European day of action and let us show our displeasure over this current system-crisis.

Let us set a symbol together, for the disempowerment of the financial markets, for a great solidarity between the European population for a new social system who cares for the needs of all human beings.


Prelude- Demo
October 15th, 2011, 16:00 hr
Karlsruhe – Werderplatz

Anarchistic Network Southwest
http://a-netz.org & http://esistdassystem.blogsport.de





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Bahnhof | 13:30 | Gleis 2 (Abfahrt: 13:42, Ankünft: 14:48)

Bahnhof | 13:45 | Gleis 6 (Abfahrt: 14:02, Ankünft: 14:48)

HBF | 11:30 Uhr | Gleis 5 (Abfahrt: 12:01, Ankunft: 14:54)

HBF Stuttgart | 13:00 Uhr | Gleis 6 (Abfahrt: 13:18, Ankunft: 14:38)

Bahnhof Ludwigsburg: 13:15 Uhr | Gleis 1 (Abfahrt: 13:28, Ankunft 14:38)

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HBF | 13:45 Uhr | Gleis 5 (Abfahrt 14:09, Ankunft 14:54)